Khlong Samre

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    • Day 4


      April 1 in Thailand ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Dem Tag heute mangelt es an Highlights, das schonmal vorweg.😉

      Nach langem Ausschlafen, Reiseführer lesen und einem ausgiebigen Frühstück mit noch mehr Reiseführer und Buchungen, hab ich es erst gegen 16 Uhr aus der Unterkunft geschafft. Aber hey, dafür weiß ich, was ich morgen mache.😁 Statt in den Norden nach Chiang Mai und Chiang Rai wird es mich eher in den Osten des Landes verschlagen. Im Norden ist die Luftqualität aufgrund des Abbrennens von Feldern wohl so schlecht, dass man kaum etwas sieht, das macht dann auch keinen Spaß. Und gesund ist das auch nicht.

      Nachdem nun also klar ist, was ich morgen mache zurück zu heute. Ich will mir die großen Bangkok Highlight aufheben, wenn ich vor dem Rückflug wieder hier bin und gehe daher in den Süden der Stadt in ein Hipster-Viertel. (Mehr Straßen-) Kunst, kleine Boutiquen und eine Kaffe-Rösterei habe ich gefunden. Dann wollte ich mit dem Boot noch ein Stück weiter südlich - während ich (erfolglos) darauf wartete, gab es etwas Sonnenuntergang und eine Mini Thai-Lektion für mich, ehe ich dann doch zu Fuß weiter bin zum Nachtmarkt, da der Bootstransfer gen Süden schon Feierabend gemacht hat.

      Der Nachtmarkt war ganz nett - Geschäfte mit allen Dingen, die man sich so vorstellen kann, Restaurants, (nostalgische) Livemusik, ein kleiner Vergnügungspark, Wasserbecken mit Fischis die an den Füßen knabbern, Touris über Touris und viel mehr - aber eben auch wenig authentisch. Wer mich gut kennt ahnt vielleicht, dass ich das nur so semi fand.😁

      Zurück ging es dann geschwind mit dem TulTuk, das hat die Laune ein wenig gehoben, ebenso wie ein Telefonat nach Hause.

      Nun geht’s gleich ins Bett. Während ich hier auf meiner Schaukel vor dem Zimmer sitze, bekrabbeln mich die Mücken - wünscht mir Glück dass sie nur krabbeln und nicht stechen.😉

      Today lacks highlights, that's for sure.😉

      After sleeping in, reading travel guides and a long breakfast with even more travel guides and bookings, I didn't manage to leave the accommodation until around 4 p.m. But hey, at least I know what I'm doing tomorrow.😁 Instead of going north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, I'm going to head to the east of the country. In the north, the air quality is so bad due to fields being burned that you can hardly see anything, which is no fun. And it's not healthy either.

      Now that it's clear what I'm doing tomorrow, back to today. I want to save the big Bangkok highlights for when I'm back here before my return flight, so I'm going to a hipster district in the south of the city. I found (more street) art, small boutiques and a coffee roastery. Then I wanted to take the boat a little further south - while I was waiting (unsuccessfully) for it, I had a bit of sunset and a mini Thai lesson before I continued on foot to the night market, as the boat transfer to the south had already finished for the day.

      The night market was quite nice - shops with all the things you can imagine, restaurants, (nostalgic) live music, a small amusement park, pools with fish nibbling on your feet, tourists upon tourists and much more - but also not very authentic. Anyone who knows me well might suspect that I only found it semi-authentic.😁

      I chose a TukTuk for my way back to the accommodation, which lifted my mood a little, as did a phone call home.

      Now it's time to go to bed. While I'm sitting here on my swing in front of the room, the mosquitoes are crawling on me - wish me luck that they only crawl and don't bite.😉
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    • Day 4

      Day 318: Chinatown & Calypso Cabaret

      November 23 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 91 °F

      Began our day with breakfast inside a local’s home; the mother and daughter cooked in the back while the husband took orders and delivered them on his motorbike. The “restaurants out of houses” have been our most cherished experiences through Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. There is something precious and loving about families who turn their living rooms into tables/chairs and serve the communities out of their home. Children run up to pick up food for their parents or neighbors stop by for coffee. The food is also amazing. We order fried morning glories, coconut chicken soup, and pad ew see with crispy pork.

      Inspired by yesterday’s museum, we go for a Thai massage today. Thai massages are different than other techniques because they focus on stretching and assisted yoga positions to relax and strengthen the body. Our two ladies were very sweet because they recognized how tight we were and our limitations (ticklish feet and sports injuries). What should have been quiet and serene turned into a giggling session between us and the ladies, and it was perfect. The massage lasted an hour and you are served tea afterword.

      Next on the docket, Bangkok Chinatown! Motivated by KPOP group Blackpink’s Lisa who is from Thailand, we visited the famous Yaowarat Road. She paid an entire block of vendors to shut down for her music video celebrating Thai culture and her new label (freedom from YG Entertainments strict rules).

      Bangkok Chinatown is probably our favorite street food night beyond Taiwan! So many stalls, colors, smells, food, and diversity jam packed in this area. Highlights include crispy friend pork belly in hand rolled noodles, Mary surviving Thai spicy salsa on octopus, and delicious oysters from Tung Chae oyster bar, who yells at customers and creates a fun environment. He even gave us free mangos for sitting down in front. Other food included stir fried noodles, Thai mini pancakes, and dumplings. Love love love this Chinatown.

      Final celebration of Thai culture for the evening, we located Calypso Cabaret which is a Thai transgender cabaret with kathoey, ladyboy, and drag performers. The cabaret opened in 1988 in defiance of perceptions that the Thai ladyboy culture was “seedy”. This would be Kieran’s first official live drag show and he was a bit nervous. We discussed it a bit beforehand because straight men at drag shows in America are occasionally singled out and heckled a bit. We also talked about sexuality and how it’s okay to find performers attractive.

      We pregamed the show with 3 bottles of soju and a lovely call with friends tailgating back home in 30 Fahrenheit degree weather. Thank you Steph and Tommy for setting up the call and we are sorry the phone died towards the end. It was amazing (stole a screenshot of Dan because he looked like the terminator).

      The Cabaret group performed 12-13 acts in 60 minutes; songs included a mix of modern pop songs with Taylor Swift and Rihanna, big jazz cabaret numbers, and a few traditional Thai dances and costumes. We had so much fun; the performers and costume changes were amazing, they included humor in the pieces, and the Thai numbers were immaculate.

      Kieran loved the show and even got a “big sexy man” compliment during pictures. We didn’t drink enough water so pretty toasted after 1.5 soju bottles each. Either way, great night of food an entertainment!

      Fried morning glories
      Pad ew see with crispy pork
      Coconut chicken soup
      Hand rolled spicy soup
      Grilled octopus
      Fried noodles
      Thai salty and sweet pancakes

      Asiatique on the River
      Calypso Cabaret
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    • Day 85

      1st Day in Bangkok

      January 28, 2020 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today was a much needed day of rest. We pigged out at the buffet breakfast & spent the rest of the day organizing/deleting pictures. At last count we had well over 4000 pics spread over our 2 phones & my camera. We’ve been falling behind in getting them organized. We walked to the major outdoor market area for dinner & a bit of shopping. Lots of merchants, including waiters/waitresses were wearing surgical masks. During dinner, we heard what we thought was a karaoke singer butchering an English song. Turns out the entire band, including the lead singer were wearing masks! Unreal!! Thailand has thousands of these convenience stores.... What are 7-11s Alex? You’re right! We walked about 1.5 kms to the market & passed eight 7/11s. I kid you not... Chiangmai had plenty of them too. Lots of night life & temples. 10 million citizens & tons of tourists here. A very poorly designed city, without adequate infrastructure. The best way to get around the waterfront area is by boat, for sure. Lots of traffic 24/7.Read more

    • Day 4

      Neujahr in Bangkok

      January 1, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Let’s started ins neue Jahr.
      Ausschlafen Frühstücken, dann chilli Milli, essen und ab aufs Boot und durch Bangkok fahren. Auf dem Markt Pathai essen und mit dem Tuck tuck zurück zum Hotel. Danach auch noch Waffeln im Bett.Read more

    • Day 8

      Khlong Lad Mayom Floating Market

      July 15, 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Zum Frühstück aßen wir Obst und Kokosnusspudding.
      Eine Baby-Ananas ist die süßeste Ananas, die wir je gegessen haben 😍
      Auf dem ersten Foto sieht man Jackfruit.  Der Geschmack des dunkelgelben Fruchtfleisches ist nur schwer zu beschreiben, es gibt keine vergleichbare europäische Frucht. Das Fruchtfleisch hat eine feste fleischige Konsistenz und ist in keinster Weise saftig, jedoch wiederum auch nicht trocken. Auf dem letzten Bild seht ihr Mindes Lieblingsobst Mangosteen. Erinnert an Litchi, aber tausendmal leckerer.
      Die aufgereihten sind von links nach rechts:
      - Cherimoya (Zimtapfel) schmeckt wie eine Mischnung aus Birne und Kaki
      - Mandarine
      - Mangosteen
      - dazu finde ich den Namen nicht..
      - Javaapfel oder auch Rosenapfel genannt
      Grüne Mango war nicht so unser Fall. Sie ist leicht sauer und man isst sie mit Chili Dip.

      Es gibt noch so viele, die wir noch nicht probiert haben..
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