Tunis capital

Visiting the city center and several mosques, the souk, the Jewish area.
Walking tour.
Staying at hotel Dar El Medina.
Visiting the city center and several mosques, the souk, the Jewish area.
Walking tour.
Staying at hotel Dar El Medina.
You are in NYC, US of A,
I am in Tunis. The capital of Tunisia.
We married 20 years ago in Tampa, Florida.
And I would do it again.
Love you,
Thank you,
And mis you!
Tagesausflug nach Tunis
Basar besuchen ist Pflicht. Ich finde es immer wieder wunderschön. All die bunten Farben und die tollen Sachen. Einheimische Leckereien kosten und durch die Altstadt bummeln
You might also know this place by the following names:
Délégation de la Médina, Delegation de la Medina, La Medina, ةنيدملا