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    • Day 100

      Durch die Dardanellen nach Europa

      September 2, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Unser letztes Wochenende in der Türkei ist angebrochen.
      Wir genießen die Ufer der Meerenge der „Dardanellen“. In der größten Stadt an der nördlichen Ägäis liegt Çanakkale, wie Istanbul auf zwei Kontinenten. Hier gehen wir an Bord der Fähre nach Eceabad, von der asiatischen auf die europäische Seite.
      Es ist echt schön, auf dieser wichtigen und geschichtsträchtigen Wasserstraße unterwegs zu sein. Gleichbedeutend mit dem Suezkanal und dem Panamalkanal, verbinden die Dardanellen das Marmarameer ( nach Norden durch den Bosporus mit dem Schwarzen Meer verbunden) mit der Ägäis.
      Die Dardanellen - an der engsten Stelle 1,25 km und an der weitesten 8 km breit - waren über die Jahrtausende ein strategisch wichtiger Stützpunkt und damit ein heiß umkämpfter Platz.
      Zwei große Schlachten haben hier stattgefunden: die Schlacht während der Trojanischen Kriege, die in Homers Ilias erwähnt wird, und die Schlacht an den Dardanellen im Ersten Weltkrieg (1915). Dabei erwarb sich Oberstleutnant Mustafa Kemal, der erste Präsident der Türkei, seinen legendären Ruhm.
      Seit 2022 gibt es auch eine gigantische Brücke, die „Çanakkale-1915-Brücke“, ein treffender Name, über diese bedeutende Wasserstraße. Wir haben auf unserem Weg zum letzten Übernachtungsplatz am Strand einen tollen Blick auf diese längste Hängebrücke der Welt.
      Sie erinnert uns stark an die „Golden Gate Bridge“ in San Francisco.
      Unser Fazit zur zweimonatigen Rundreise durch die Türkei erfolgt später auf unserer Webseite: www.dream-team-on-tour.de
      Und wie schon mitgeteilt, gibt es demnächst einen neuen Roadtrip mit dem Titel:
      „Im Frühling durch den Süden der Türkei“.

      Jetzt freuen wir uns auf Griechenland und hoffen, dass die Feuer, die in Nordgriechenland große Teile des Nationalparks vernichtet haben, erloschen sind.
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    • Day 21

      Tschüss Europa

      September 19, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute nahmen wir die Fähre über die Dardanellen nach Asien. Zuerst überlegten wir noch, ob wir uns in der Schlange der LKW einreihen sollten, doch es war gut, dass wir noch daran vorbeifuhren. Die Fähre war bereits voll beladen (die LKW standen bereits für die nächste Fähre bereit), doch wir wurden noch draufgeleitet und fanden im hintersten Winkelchen noch Platz, gerade so, dass die Auffahrrampe der Fähre hinter uns gerade noch geschlossen werden konnte. So schippern wir nun für einen Preis von 14, 40 Euro auf den asiatischen Teil der Türkei.Read more

    • Day 114

      Tag 112.2: Back to Europe

      December 9, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Weiter ging die Fahrt über die „1915 Canakkale Köprüsü“ - eine imposante Brücke über die Dardanellen - und schwups waren wir wieder zurück auf dem europäischen Kontinent.
      Mit circa 5 Grad war es ziemlich frisch hier in Europa. Wir sind noch bis „Gelibolu“ gefahren und haben uns dort oben auf einem Hügel bei einem Leuchtturm in einem Parkbereich hingestellt. Mit noch etwas Wind war es draußen super frisch. Fritz wollte gleich mit Papa in den warmen Homie und ich bin mit Otto noch eine Runde hier oben alles abgelaufen und wir haben noch ein paar Blicke aufs Wasser geworfen.
      Nachdem ich noch kurz was einkaufen war, sind wir trotz der Kälte nochmal raus und sind was Abendessen gegangen. Nach sehr gutem türkischen Essen haben wir uns im Homie eingekuschelt und einen gemütlichen Abend verbracht.
      Das einzige was hier oben auf dem Parkplatz super ätzend war, waren die Türken, die hier an diesem Samstagabend ständig kamen, um zu essen und zu trinken (wäre ja nicht schlimm) und infernalisch laut Musik zu hören, um alle daran Teilhaben zu lassen. Gegen 23 Uhr dachten wir dann, wir hätten unsere Ruhe. Aber wir wurden diese Nacht noch eines besseren belehrt.
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    • Day 49

      Gelibolu "ferry"

      November 3, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      70 km depuis kesan jusqu'à Gelibolu où il y a un ferry pour passer à Lapseki en Asie.

      Ce matin je dis au revoir à Lukas qui prend la route en direction de Istanbul.

      De mon côté je prendre l'autoroute vers Çanakkale en suivant la côte.

      Je croise Tom un cycliste Allemand que j'avais rencontré en Grèce. On décide de rouler ensemble.
      À la pause de midi Oskar un cycliste de Pologne que j'avais rencontré aussi en Grèce nous rejoint par hasard.

      On trouve un camping laissé à l'abandon qui est au bord de la mer pas loin du ferry pour demain matin.
      Il y a une dizaine de chiens qui montent la garde et qui se balade sur le terrain. Apparemment pas de problème avec notre présence "pas d'aboiment"! ...
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    • Day 26

      A terrible beauty

      October 16, 2018 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After yesterday's taste of Istanbul traffic I had psyched myself up ready for today's drive to Gallipoli. We woke early and crammed in a fast hotel breakfast before riding the 7am hotel shuttle back to the airport and the Avis counter. I had pre-booked a Toyota CHR, so naturally I was given a Renault Kadjar. Does anyone ever get the rental car model they specify? Is it a giant giggle the rental companies are having at our expense? "I see you have booked a BMW 5 series sir. Please enjoy your Dacia Duster (look it up)." Mild disappointment forgotten we set the sat-nav for Eceabat, the closest city to Anzac Cove, and hit the road. All went well for the first 5ks, until I missed one lane change and we got to enjoy the charming but very narrow side-streets of central Istanbul, for about 15 minutes. Luckily I managed to get us back on the motorway and our journey resumed for about the next 4 and a half hours. Along the way we noticed a few interesting things about Turkey. Firstly the driving. The phrase 'drive it like you stole it' may have been invented here. The drivers aren't rude, they are determined and they are going where they are going, whether there is a lane there or not. Secondly speed limits. These are mere numbers to give people something to look at. At times I was doing 130 on the 120k stretch of motorway when multiple vehicles sailed by as though I were parked and if you aren't going fast enough, or move over promptly the flashy lights you shall get. Finally the wildlife. Wherever we pulled over there were what seemed to be stray dogs laying in the sun, on the motorway and at rest stops. They all seemed fairly chilled out, except for the lanky fella who chased our SUV down the road. I think he was a sheep dog though and he may have been near-sighted, so I'll forgive him.

      Eventually we arrived at Anzac Cove and looked upon the beach and landscape where so much of our Kiwi identity was forged. It was definitely lump in the throat time. I had two conflicting thoughts battling for attention as I looked around, what a beautiful tranquil place and at the same time what a horrible, impossible landscape to try and stage a landing on, against a foe with command of the heights. It hits you like a punch to the gut how tough it must have been for the men clinging to cover and trying to scale the hillsides while bullets and bombs rained down.

      After Anzac Cove we continued on down the peninsula, headed for a memorial that holds very special meaning for me and my family, the Hill 60 cemetery. Last night I was checking the internet to make sure of the location and directions when I had some very upsetting news. It seems that the road to the Hill 60 cemetery has been undergoing work since late July and is not due to be completed until the end of October. This meant that it was closed. As I read this I wasn't sure how to react. The whole reason for travelling to Turkey was so I could visit my Great-uncle's grave at Hill 60 and pay homage to the men of the Otago Mounted Rifles and the other New Zealanders who died in this especially difficult battle.

      After soaking in this news I decided that I would not be stopped. I owed it to these men to visit their graves and let them know that New Zealand still remembers and we still honour them. However, until we arrived at Gallipoli we wouldn't know just how closed the road was, so I set off hoping that the work might have been finished ahead of schedule. When we had travelled just a further 5k along the peninsula from Anzac Cove it was apparent that the work was very much still underway. The road had been completely dug up and was bare earth, ready for gravel and tarmac. It was also blocked off. I was ready to ditch the vehicle and walk whatever distance remained to the memorial, through fields, scrub and gorse. Luckily I noticed a gravel road just before the main blocked route. It looked like a farm access road, so we pointed the Kadjar down it and after half an hour, some off-roading and a few bewildered stares from farmers we arrived just 500 metres from the memorial. At this point I knew there were 76 named headstones and my Great-uncle Malachi was not one of these. What I was clinging on to though was that the names of the other 400 or so soldiers killed in this battle would be inscribed on the memorial. Approaching the quiet glade which houses the Hill 60 cemetery I don't think I breathed the whole way over to the memorial, until I located the section for the Otago Mounted Rifles. Scanning the names I finally found Malachi's and just instantly started sobbing uncontrollably. Of course I never met my Great-uncle, nor did my father, but we share the same family name and the same bloodline and I think what got me so emotional was how very far away from Southland this little piece of Turkey is and how the immediate families must have felt, never to see their loved ones again, alive or dead.

      I had brought with me a little bit of home to leave with Malachi, a sliver of paua shell from the beach at Fortrose in Southland, near where he grew up. I felt a little better in making this offering but I still found it really hard to leave the cemetery and these New Zealanders lying in a place so many miles from home. From the uttermost ends of the earth.

      Retracing our steps back to the paved and permitted roads we continued touring the battlefields, stopping at Chunuk Bair and the Ataturk memorial before reluctantly turning the car towards Istanbul and travelling back to our hotel. This was a quiet, reflective journey, except when we struck Istanbul city traffic and I had to reprise my Stig impression, bouncing between lanes like a slalom skier.

      The final challenge was to locate the rental car returns yard. I had had a heads up on how tricky this was to find, so had made a pin on a Google map to assist. Thank goodness I had, otherwise I would have had to circle Istanbul for eternity, like some 21st century Flying Dutchman, but in a Renault. Now we are comfortably back in our hotel room, decompressing and processing the day's events. Tomorrow the Istanbul city sights await.

      Click the link for Hill 60 video
      Click the link for Chunuk Bair trenches video
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    • Day 7

      Camping with a view - Gelibolu

      September 4, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      This campsite sure has the views. It’s a very basic campground - 2 squatting toilets with manual flushing and 2 outdoor cold water showers. The ground itself was filled with all sorts of small (and larger) pieces of garbage. However the view made up for most of it and we were, after all, only staying for one night.

      We pitched the tent and went for a walk.
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    • Day 27

      Letztes türkisches Abendessen

      May 25, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Das war es so langsam, gerade haben wir unser letztes türkisches Abendessen genossen, auch das war wieder sehr lecker, wir werden es vermissen…..

      Ab morgen gibt es die griechische Küche 😋

    • Day 7

      Evening walk through Gelibolu

      September 4, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      This was our first stop in Türkyie and we were still very spongy - absorbing everything and taking it all in. One thing you immediately notice is the contrast between the nicer (more touristy?) areas, like the promenade area close to the sea, and the inner part of the city. There’s also some sort of military everywhere - a training camp, an urban settlement, the military seems to have a strong presence here.Read more

    • Day 29


      June 15, 2016 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Like I said, this is huge for the the Australians and New Zealanders of the group. We visited the memorials for them, as well as the Turks... We're in Turkey, so, as you'd expect, their memorial is quite extensive, but the Australian memorial is also quite large (signs mention that the Turkish government gifted the acres of land used to Australia). However, the New Zealand memorial is quite small.

      The campground was a short distance away on the Gallipoli Peninsula, which was nice because it was incredibly hot out and the group was definitely ready for a rest. It extended all the way to the beach, but it was about a kilometer walk to get there (or at least it felt like it) because it was so spread out. Most of us went for a swim in the ocean to cool off and it was terrific! Afterwards, I decided to wash off the salt with a shower, but unfortunately the shower facility was less than fantastic - I ended up enjoying a speedy drip of cool water from a showerhead. A decent shower is definitely something I'm looking forward to for the few nights we stay in hotels!

      Early start tomorrow to catch the ferry across the Dardanelles to Troy!
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    • Day 6

      Tag 5

      July 19, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Tag 5
      334 Kilometer
      Kurze Fahrtzeit dafür aber einen Top 😎 Nachplatz in einem Pinienwald am Meer gefunden.
      Die Türkei startet gut …….. 😃

      Nachtlager in Gelibolu Türkei 🇹🇷.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gelibolu, گلی بولو, Галиполи, Gal·lípoli, Gallipoli, Γκελίμπολου, Galipolo, Galípoli, گلیبولو, ゲリボル, 겔리볼루, Гелиболу, Геліболу, 蓋利博盧

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