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    • Day 6

      Für einen Stopover wars cool

      November 4, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌩️ 22 °C

      Letzter Tag in Istanbul - eigentlich gedacht als Stopover, aber überraschend interessant. Eine kleine Zusammenfassung..
      1. Es gibt überall Katzen. Jeder mag die und die dürfen auch Alles. Es kommt schonmal vor, dass die beim Essen auf den Schoß springen-stört aber irgendwie keinen, mich auch nicht mehr.
      2. Es ist riesig...17 mio gemeldete Einwohner 24 tatsächlich geschätzt. Durch die Trennung durch den Bosporus und dem schlechten öffentlichen Verkehr ist das noch viel mehr spürbar. Man nähert sich eigentlich nur im zickzack einem Ziel: Laufen, Tram, Metro, Fähre, Metro tram, Laufen...
      3. Es ist laut und es stinkt und es ist dreckig.
      4. Die Leute sind sehr offen, nett und gastfreundlich. Man schreit sich hier ständig an, scheint aber nicht böse gemeint zu sein.
      5. Es gibt hier mehrere Möglichkeiten ums Leben zu kommen. Kriminalität ist sicher keine davon. Es ist eher der kranke Verkehr oder die Muscheln aus dem Bauchladen.
      6. Es gibt genug Moscheen und nur wenige Menschen gehen tatsächlich hin. Die Muezzine legen auch noch alle gleichzeitig los. Hat was von Loriot.
      7. Das Nachtleben konzentriert sich auf ein paar "meilen", macht aber Spass und ist überraschend uneingeschränkt...während ich das hier schreibe, sitze ich in einem Pub in dem ein ganz offensichtlich "Anderer" Lieder von Boy Gearge trällert. Mein Hotel liegt Zwischen zwei clubs und einer Rotlicht-Strasse. Das steht in krassem Widerspruch zu dem, was politisch so angesagt ist. Das wird noch klappern...
      8. das Essen ist mega..
      ein paar Bildchen in Reihenfolge noch unten...
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    • Day 120

      Chic Airbnb in Historic Instabul

      August 2, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We arrived in Istanbul at around 1am after a few flight delays. We were excited to be coming into a new culture and language and also interested in finding out about the Turkish side is the story. The Greeks and Cypriots are not big fans of the Turks.

      We got picked up from the airport in a disco taxi and dropped off on a random corner that the driver believed was our Airbnb.

      The truth is we went way over budget on our accommodation in Greece so we had booked into a cheaper Airbnb in Istanbul which seemed quirky and cool in the pictures and descriptions. We got dropped off by our disco taxi in a super sketchy neighbourhood full of graffiti, random cats, broken walls and doors.

      Our internet wasn’t working so Dale’s walked up and down the street looking for our apartment. He was convinced the address we’d been given was for an abandoned building without electricity so kept looking.

      Nope. The abandoned building was our ‘Chic Airbnb in historic building in the heart of Istanbul’. The hallway was filthy, full of cats, paint peeling off walls and electrical wires hanging off the roof. There was a smell of smoke and dampness. Inside the apartment it was steaming. The place smelt mouldy and the couch and bathroom were full of mildew. The ‘spacious bedrooms’ were like closets and Ariah was too scared to sleep alone so jumped into our tiny bed.

      It was quirky inside but there was no ventilation and the recent heatwave obviously had some bad affects on the apartment.

      Next morning we moved out to another hotel with breakfast, a pool, sauna and day spa. So much for our budget.
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    • Day 2

      Breakfast & Karaköy Stroll

      October 22, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Our second day in İstanbul didn’t start as early as we thought it would. No surprise I guess. It was well past midnight when we finally got to bed after settling into the cabin last night. Anyway, by 8:30a, we were off the ship to make the most of what time we had remaining in İstanbul.

      The plan was to have breakfast on the waterfront in Karaköy before doing a bit of museum-seeing.

      As we did yesterday, we took the metro from the station near Galataport to the Galata Bridge … just one stop. From there we walked to the waterfront where locals had mentioned that we could find a couple of places to have breakfast. We did. But not the kind of breakfast we were hoping for. In hindsight, grabbing breakfast at Galataport might have been a better idea. On the other hand, a quick breakfast saved us from dallying over our food and gave us time for a stroll.

      We ate our our simple morning repast as we watched anglers fishing from the Galata Bridge … ferries flitting here and there across the Bosphorus … seagulls looking for handouts. At that early hour on a Sunday morning, it was rather peaceful … which we enjoyed after the hubbub of İstanbul yesterday.

      From the Karaköy ferry landing, from where we walked to Galataport last night, we retraced our steps. After all, we had time before the art museum we planned to visit opened for the day. And, as it was a comfortably warm morning, getting some extra steps logged in did not go amiss. We meandered on to a few side streets to check them out along the way. Mui, of course, had to peek into the baklava shops along the way. But this time his wallet stayed in his pocket.
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    • Day 3

      Istanbul und seine Katzen

      October 2, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Katzen sind in Istanbul allgegenwärtig - als Stofftiere, auf T-Shirts, auf Taschen und selbstverständlich in Natura. Katzen gelten hier als heilig, ist doch die Geschichte um den Propheten Mohammed mit Geschichten um seine Katze Muezza verbunden. In der bekanntesten Geschichte rettete sie ihn vor dem Schlangenbiss einer giftigen Natter.

      Die Nachteile mit dem man rechnen muss sind Flohbisse 😁. Hab mir in den 3 Tagen bisher 4 zugezogen 🙄.
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    • Day 38

      İstanbul Boğazı, Türkiye

      May 12, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      The Bosporus or Bosphorus Strait is a natural strait and an internationally significant waterway located in Istanbul in northwestern Turkey that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. It forms part of the continental boundary between Asia and Europe and divides Turkey by separating Anatolia from Thrace. It is the world's narrowest strait used for international navigation.Read more

    • Day 1

      Arrived in Istanbul

      March 23 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Finally Traveling again...😃 We are so Happy to travel again and now even more Happy to have a new traveller with us ❣️Arrived late in Istanbul. Did Not saw much yet but will Explore tomorrow. Looks very promising...Read more

    • Day 2

      Arrived in Istanbul

      July 3, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Arrived safely bewdifull meals on Emerites flight

      Had a scary ride to our Hotel called the Haze

      Busy city horns blaring no speed limits by the look of it

      Any way have the tour meeting tonite then off after breaky tomorrow on the tour

      Went out to a wonderfull Turkish Restaurant
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    • Day 133

      Some stuff

      September 17, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      I got a haircut the other day and am now officially a brunette again! We've gotten in a bit of a routine lately: grab some menemen for breakfast(last photo), go for an explore, and then try find a good place for dinner. The other day we saw the galata tower, we stumbled upon it while we were going for lunch. I was too hungry to be bothered reading why it's a noteworthy place but there were people everywhere so it must be. I still cant get over how cool everything looks here, istanbul has the most amazing streets to walk through, very picturesque. I found a nice park near our house the other day, it was a perfect spot for reading. Ive finished shuggie now so I need to find a new book! We've been playing it a little too fast and loose with our dining choices and unfortunely have both become a bit sick :/ we're fine tho. Last night we went to another dj event to see Boris brejcha. It was awesome but my phone went all weird so no photos. Spencer and Baśak disagreed on how to get to the venue and were being so petty about it which was pretty funny.Read more

    • Istanbul

      April 6, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Mit 2 Stunden verspätung kommen wir morgens um 7.30 in Halkali am Bahnhof in Istanbul mit dem Nachtzug/Schlafwagen an. Wir wurden an der türkischen Grenze geweckt, mussten aussteigen mit allem Gepäck dieses wurde gescannt und wir mussten durch eine Passkontrolle. Das alles hat ca.1 Stunde gedauert bis wir wieder in den Zug einsteigen konnten und weiterschlafen. In Istanbul angekommen gehen wir erst mal frühstücken und dann ins Airbnb. Bummeln am Mittag rund um die Galatabrücke. Essen unser erstes Fischbrötchen und trinken unseren ersten Çay. Ich bekomme ein Kopftuch in Bazar, damit ich jetzt auch in die Moschee gehen kann und nicht immer gebraucht Kopftücher leihen muss.Read more

    • 15 Mio. Stadt Istanbul

      April 7, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Wau wau wau, eine so große Stadt . Wir sind beeindruckt von Istanbul. Am Vormittag wollen wir die Hagia Sofia anschauen aber da ist gerade das Freitagsgebet und somit für Besuchen gesperrt. Mit dem Schiff fahren wir auf die asiatische Seite. Gehen Mittagessen und schauen uns die größte Moschee des Landes an. Die Çamlıca-Moschee, sie hat Platz für 63.000 Gläubige, wurde 2019 erst fertiggestellt und eröffnet. Abends sehen wir noch ein einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang über Istanbul.Read more

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