Nkuruba Forest Reserve part 1

Vooraleer we vertrekken uit Queen, zijn we snel nog een kijkje gaan nemen bij Kyambura Gorge. Dit is een kloof van 16km lang... Wij waren zeker onder de indruk.
Wannes zijn eerste keer local lunchRead more
Vooraleer we vertrekken uit Queen, zijn we snel nog een kijkje gaan nemen bij Kyambura Gorge. Dit is een kloof van 16km lang... Wij waren zeker onder de indruk.
Wannes zijn eerste keer local lunch onderweg & ineens de laatste keer dat hij geit eet. Emely genoot met volle teugen, maar Wannes zijn gezicht spreekt voor zich.
Verder zijn we aangekomen bij de Crater lakes vandaag. Het eerste wat we zien: aapjes. Écht overal! Tent opgezet en onze campsite eens gaan ontdekken, want het is gelegen aan een kratermeer. Beetje gerelaxed, mensen tegengekomen van de chimp trekking. Even een praatje gedaan tot er plots een aapje de volledige tros bananen van tafel kwam pikken en dat voor onze ogen in de boom op at. Wannes ging een filmpje maken en zat heel dichtbij. Hij dacht zelfs dat hij het kon aanraken, maar besefte al snel dat de aap het er niet mee eens was. 😜
Emely wou heel graag een plonsje nemen in het meer... tot ze een kindje hoorde wenen door een bloedzuiger...
We hebben zelf eten gemaakt deze avond en het was een hele uitdaging om de bbq aan te krijgen, maar het is ons gelukt! Tijdens het koken moesten we onze pot verdedigen tegen de velvet monkeys, want die waren genadeloos. Heel veel gelachen voor de rest!
(De velvet monkeys hebben trouwens felblauwe ballen #blueballs)Read more
Opgestaan, ontbeten & vertrokken op een wandeling rond 4 crater lakes met een gids. Eerst liepen we door de bananenplantages waar we verschillende hagedissen hebben gespot & veel hebben bijgeleerd over de bananenteelt... zo weten we eindelijk het verschil tussen de matoké bananen en de kleine bananen. Onderweg zijn we gestopt bij een vanilleboer. Hij was heel vriendelijk en heeft ons alles uitgelegd over zijn werk. Hij bevrucht elke bloem van de vanilleplanten manueel, waarna het 8 maanden duurt tot de vanilleboon rijp is. De plant zelf bloemt pas na 4 jaar, dus hij moet héél veel geduld hebben... We hebben een heel bosje gekocht voor een (goedkoop) prijsje 😀.
We hebben bij lake Nynambuka (=mother lake) zeker genoten van het uitzicht. De plaats waar we stonden, staat ook afgebeeld op de Oegandese shilling van 20 000. Aan de overkant ligt lake Kifuruka (migrated), samen vormen zij de twin lakes. Een beetje verderop ligt lake Lyantonde (drop). In de buurt spotten we er 3 blauwe dieren op nog geen 30m: hagedis, vlinder en flycatcher. Onderweg hebben we nog wat koffieboontjes & verse kruiden mogen plukken. Op het einde hebben we nog lokale bananen-kasava pannenkoekjes geproefd, goe ze! Kortom een rustig dagje.Read more
Leaving Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary behind, we start a long drive across Uganda to the mountains. Specifically, we're heading to the Crater Lakes, which sit in the shadows of the Rwenzori Mountains. We predict a 5 hour drive, but it ends up being around 8. It turns out that, once the nice road from Kampala ends, we have to drive on a dirt road. Which has massive potholes. And has just been washed away by the huge rain storms. And we'll be on it for 100km. It's hard going, and mostly it's a case of just picking which pothole is the smallest and heading for that one, praying that it won't pop a tyre.
At one point, we pass a group of guys trying to fix a particularly bad bit of road, clearing a path for a massive lorry. They're up to their knees in red mud, hacking away at the road with pickaxes and ferrying mud into the deep rivulets carved out by the heavy rains. As we pass, they gesture to us for money, for fixing the road. Chris feebly shrugs as we awkwardly drive through the group.
After hours of the deepest "African massage" we've ever come across, we reach the crater lakes. Unfortunately, Google Maps is not on our side today, and it takes us through some tea plantations, with red dirt paths barely cutting through the rows of green tea bushes. A small child waves at us as we start a particularly hair-raising descent. Rather than the ubiquitous shout of "MZUNGU!", he says simply "bye-bye". It is quite ominous.
Finally, after navigating the tea fields, we reach our campsite. And it is worth it. Three species of monkey bound around the trees and scamper across the ground. On one side of the campsite is a beautiful serene lake, surrounded by colonies of black-and-white colobus monkeys. To the other side, the hills drop away to reveal the Rwenzori mountains stretching across the entire horizon.
We get talking to the only other people there- a Dutch couple called Bas and Vera. They've also hired a car, and have almost the exact same route as us. We would end up following them across most of Uganda.
The next day, we head out on a walk with our guide from the lodge- Good. And I'm not describing the walk there: his name is Good. Which, I'm sure we can all agree, is a great name.
We head to a waterfall, with Good telling us about everything and anything. We ask him about the chimpanzees. He tells us that when he was small, the chimps would be all around this area. He would be outside in the garden when a chimp would chase him, crying, back inside. Now, though, the apes are confined to a small national park just north of here. It's quite sad to hear. He does also tell us a story about a mother chimpanzee stealing a human baby when her offspring had died. The villagers had to hush the (human) parents' tears, or else the chimp would get so aggravated that she might tear the baby in two. On second thoughts, I'm glad that there are no chimps around.Read more
After loosing precious time in Fort Portal because I am blended by unmet expectations and apart from that I fill up my tank without having enough cash, I find a wonderful community campsite at Lake Nkuruba Nature Reserve in the Kyatwa Volcanic Field. Wah! Just in time for sunset. What a pretty, clean, grassy place surrounded by tall trees with black-and-white and red colobus monkeys and vervets. I am warmly welcomed by Good (later I will also meet a girl named Fortunate and a soldier called Innocent) who works here for several years and park the car under one of these trees next to the ridge which steeply descends into the crater lake. There is a path down to the water with a boat, bathing possibility and many places to hang my hammock. The trees are full with colourful birds and I can spot Ross's and Great Blue turacos for the first time. Yeah! Until now most of all my visited camps were run-down due to the lack of tourists but not this one even though I am the only foreign guest. Locals like to hang out here for a swim or dinner. The staff is young, fresh, friendly, passionate and the whole place looks very alive but calm and cozy. The campsite has been established more than 30 years ago by a European couple and is now in religious hands. Wonderful climate to hang out for at least a whole day which I need to work up on all the mapping I have done during the previous days of exploration. Hence, a nice day with the laptop in my hammock down at the lakeside. The colobus monkeys harvest only leaves and basically stay in the trees for all the time without interfering with me even tough they are not afraid to sit on the branches next to me. The vervet monkeys prefer a human’s diet and are very clever in trying to steal from my rations. They go totally crazy for bananas! They sit down next to me and patiently take single pieces from my hand. It is more funny than annoying because they never stay longer than for an hour in the mornings and continue their neighbourhood route in search of food. In the evening they come back and play in the trees. Outside of this tiny nature reserve monkeys are generally non-existent because people hunt them down for meat and for protection of their crops and fruits in the fields. The campsite managers established a banana plantation dedicated only to the vervet monkeys in order to keep their population stable in this area. They also had many avocado trees but unfortunately the colobus monkeys did not only eat their leaves but also the bark which killed all trees. This experiment emphasizes what happens when you try to introduce plants into an ecosystem where they are not necessarily native ;-)
The first night I wake up at 0500 in the morning because somebody is throwing “things” at my car. Later on at 0630 “things” get really tricky because they also get wet and sticky. Apparently two football teams of colobus monkeys decided to have their morning toilet just above my car. And sleeping with open windows results in being shitted and pissed all over from the outside and the inside. My car quickly starts to stink like a festival toilet. The first time during these two months I feel like having reached my final destination, yet another home! It’s the first place where I really think that I will be coming back another day. Good helps me with cleaning the car the next day :-pRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Traveler Ja het aapje was blijkbaar geïnteresseerd 😂
Traveler Hahaha
Mmmm, bonen in tomatensaus 😋
Traveler Ja, Wannes zijn lievelingseten hé 😜
Traveler Emely je hebt heel speciaal gezelschap een lief aapje 🤗