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    • Day 57

      46. Uganda: Jinja - on the Nile

      July 3, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      Jinja is the last overnight location of our 56 day overlander tour, before heading to Nairobi Kenya to catch our flight to Ethiopia.

      Jinja is considered the source of the White Nile, which combines with the Blue Nile in Sudan, therefter being referred to as just "the Nile". My group went for a sunset cruise on the river, and I did a little kayaking as well.

      We sampled chipati while we were here, which is a local food that combines fried egg with a tortilla, and uses that as a wrap, with other miscellaneous food inside.
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    • Day 1–4


      September 1, 2024 in Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      After I made it to John's place, I rested for a bit and we had the night talking about my experience and Uganda life. He was really nice by giving me his bed and he slept on the couch.
      The next day we went out exploring the city and I got a Sim card, we also tried some local food in a restaurant and he recommends me a Rolex place where I had a really delicious one. The day after, I planned to leave him and go to another hosts place, when I woke up, my left eye was swollen as I was bitten by something. It didn't hurt, but not nice. So I said goodbye to him and went to the city to buy some medicine. I spent the night near Nile river in a club where I had a breathtaking view over the river.Read more

    • Day 15

      Jinja - A Fight For Survival

      October 28, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Three days ago, we made our first border crossing, leaving Kenya and heading into Uganda - the pearl of Africa. Our first stop was the action town of Jinja, which sits right at the source of the Nile and Lake Victoria.

      The thing to do here is water sports on the Nile and I decided to try white water tandem kayaking on grade IV and V rapids. Some in our group did rafting, but I never did white water kayaking, and so thought, yeap, let's try something new. It was one hell of a ride.

      At the start, the guide asks how we should tackle the rapids (easy, medium and hardcore) and of course, we went full on, which a chance of flipping over at 95%. The first few rapids were already challenging, but the kayak did not flip. Then came a grade V rapid, called "A Bad Place" (every rapid has a name).

      Finding ourselves in the middle of the rapid after making a solid start, we flipped upside down with the guide and me under water. We received a safety briefing before, but when flipping in a grade V rapid, survival instintict kicked in first. The guide was supposed to flip the kayak back up, but my position did not allow him to do just that. After being under water for what felt like an eternity (it was in fact 'just' about 15 seconds), my brain started to go through the safety process of how to get out of a kayak via the 'ejection handle' that we were taught before. Once I felt it, I immediately pulled it. By the time I was out of the kayak and floating above water with fresh air in my lungs, I was surrounded by 5-6 safety kayaks that would have flipped our kayak back up or gotten us out of there within the next few seconds. I guess the key learning is, do not panic, stay rational, go through the process step-by-step and you'll be fine. Easier said than done in a grade V rapid.

      After that little adventure, there was still a few grade IV rapid, called 'Vengence', to tackle and we went again full on straight through the middle - not flipping this time!
      What a crazy, adrenaline-fuelled, fun, and great experience - what do again in a heartbeat.

      Anyway, the following day, we explored the local village for a bit and ended our three days in Jinja with a sunset booze cruise on the Nile river, before falling asleep in our tents to the sound of the African rain.
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    • Day 7

      Eventful Journey to Kampala

      December 1, 2019 in Uganda ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      After a relaxed morning in Nile Adventure campsite, I bought what is known locally as a 'Rolex' which is a capatti filled with various ingredients of your choice - I had egg, green pepper, onion and tomato filling and it was delicious. I took it down to the river to eat and saw two big river otters tracking across the river about fifty metres from the jetty. There were also river birds such as the large black and white, hovering, pied kingfisher and the tiny iridescent blue malachite kingfishers and a smaller reed cormorant (that swims very low in the water with only its head above the water) spreading its coat-hanger shaped wings to dry. There were also lots of 'tiamata?' fish by the shore coming to the surface for insects which look like piranha but without the bite and are a staple for the local fishermen. I recorded the tropical sounds of insects and birds in the trees surrounding the campsite where vervet monkeys played, bounced across tents and roofs and occasionally squabbled angrily, chasing each other through the trees. The heavens opened about midday and a big, lightning flashing, thunderstorm soaked everything. As we left the campsite on our truck the drama began - we bumped about a quarter mile down a slippery and muddy track when we slid off the road into a deep ditch, throwing us and various objects across the truck and leaving the truck at a worryingly steep listing angle. As we exited the truck and slipped through the mud to take up various positions at the side of the road, many local men came running up the road to try and help free the truck. After several failed attempts, a digger was summoned from a nearby garage where it was being repaired to try and extricate the forlorn, entrenched yellow truck. After several unsuccessful attempts to tow the truck out from both ends, brute force was the final desperate solution as the digger lifted and shoved the truck backwards where our truck could then be towed out and we were free at last after about two hours. (In the meantime a young boy from the next door house came and said 'hello' - he said that he had been to school but that his mother could no longer afford the fees. He wants to be a mechanic when he grows up - he asked about my trail running shoes and said he had no shoes of his own - this put our temporary difficulty in stark perspective!) Often, our driver, then accelerated forwards in a brave and successful bid to set the truck free, continuing on to the main road. We all slipped and staggered in the mud to catch up with the truck. Then further drama ensued as the locals asked for payment from Often who remained remarkably calm amidst the melee. I also became embroiled in it as I was trying to wash my muddy feet from a water tap on the truck - a local helped, unbidden, to wash my feet - but I had to then extricate myself from the jostling crowd of locals with the help of Often. We headed for our next stop in Kampala with a story of our stranding to tell our fellow travellers who were taking alternative transport from the campsite after their whitewater rafting trip.Read more

    • Day 299

      Tag 9 - 11: Jinja

      May 29, 2019 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Mer sind 4 Nächt uf ehm Campingplatz in Jinja diräkt über ehm Nil blobe. De ersti Tag hämmer alli bruucht zum chli nüt mache. Mer sind im Restaurant ghocked, händ Smoothies trunke und gredt. Zum Zmittag simmer vor de Campingplatz go Chapatis ässe 😋 ich ha freud gha mol lokals Ässe chönne z probiere. Am spötere Nomittag händs für üs d Wasserrutschbahn ih Nil uf do und mer händ es zimlichs Fäst gha die steili Rutschi derab z düüse. Wos die de weder zue do händ han ich mer no es SUP gmieted und bi chli uf ehm Nil ume paddled.

      För de zwoiti Tag hämmer üs alli (inklusiv üsem 61 jährige Indonesier) ahs river rafting häre gwogt. Ich ha zimlich schiss gha, vorallem wo mer uf ehm Boot ghocked sind und d usseghei Üebige gmacht händ. Üse Guide heds aber au huerre lustig gfonde üs meh Angst z mache als nötig esch 🙄. S rafte ah sich esch denn mega lustig gsii 😂 scho krass und mer sind au mol use gheit aber es hed au Spass gmacht.

      Am nöchste Tag simmer go ehn Schuel bsueche - das esch sehr ihdrücklich gsi. Am Obig hämmer alli zäme ehn Sunneuntergangs Bootstour gmacht. Znacht und Getränk sind inklusiv gsii - so hämmer ehn super lustige Abschluss vo üsne 3 Täg in Jinja gha ☺️
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    • Day 14

      Tubing auf dem Nil (Fotos folgen)

      August 9, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Am Morgen ausgeschlafen. Eine ganze Stunde auf das Frühstück gewartet... Dann etwas auf dem Camping (mit Blick auf den Nil) gechillt und am Nachmittag mit Ringen den Nil runter treiben lassen. 😊 Am Abend nochmals 2 Stunden auf einen Smoothie gewartet (Ausrede: die Frauen in der Küche seien müde) 😂Read more

    • Day 13

      Fahrt nach Jinja

      August 8, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Morgens um 6 los Richtung Jinja, wieder Umweg gemacht wegen gesperrter Brücke. Reifenpanne, weil Spannsethaken in Pneu hineinstach. Ankunft um 16 Uhr im coolen Camping in Jinja mit Blick auf den Nil. Sunset-Cruise, wo wir nochmals Affen und Vögel sowie eine Höhle sahen.Read more

    • Day 23


      August 13, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Jipppiejeeej vandaag uitslapen in een safaritent met dubbelbed (eindelijk)!! Twee activiteiten op de planning: 's middags een duo massage, 's avonds een sunset boat cruise. Met twee heel hard genoten van de welverdiende massage na deze druk volgeplande trip. In de namiddag nog wat geluierd en een rolex gaan halen in de dichtstbijzijnde village. 'S avonds boat cruise.. hiervoor moesten we minsten met 3 zijn. Dus hadden we Ken maar meegenomen haha.. Een grote boot voor ons gedrieën, inclusief 2 obers, nen veeuuul eten met alcohol à volonté hahaha. Ken had dit nog nooit gezien, wij evenmin. Samen de laatste 3 weken overlopen, zoals de beste ervaring, de leukste gids, etc. Tot de ober begon over politieke kwesties... toch was het de ideale laatste avond! Slaapzacht... ZZZRead more

    • Day 16


      October 25, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We had an early morning to ensure we could get to the border as soon as possible to give us the best chance of avoiding a crowd. The long drive and long process to get across the border ate up a lot of time during the day. Even once we got across the border, we had a lot of driving still to go. The drive was interesting and confronting as we drove through some of the poorest towns we had seen so far. Mud huts, tin rooves, rubbish everywhere, wild animals in the streets, dirt roads, muddy water, it was quite a sad sight. So we did worry about the standard of the campsite. But the new campsite was incredible. The views from the bar were incredible, and they organised SUP boarding, kayaking, white water rafting, tubing, bungee jumping, horse riding, hiking, and much more. So we were keen to be able to park up for a few nights and spend our days either relaxing or doing some cool activities. I wasn't sure what I was going to do yet, but I had time to decide.Read more

    • Day 18


      October 27, 2023 in Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      I gave myself some time chill this morning, as I had the tent to myself because Jack had upgraded. This made a sleep in a bit easier. I then resurfaced, with not too bad of a hangover, because I had slowed down the drinking by the time it was evening. I recovered, called friends, did some journals, and had a big breakfast before I tried to figure out what to do. I had originally planned to do nothing today, but because we missed tubing yesterday afternoon, I felt obliged to do something. As a result, Jack, Lisa, Vic, and I thought we would try SUP boarding. I had never done it, so I was quite nervous about it, but I figured it couldn't be that bad, even if I'm shit at it. One thing we didn't consider was the strong current that is flowing down river. As such, it got us in a bit of strife. Jack and I started with the kayak before swapping with the girls quite shortly after starting. Swapping wasn't too difficult, but battling the current was very hard. I was struggling at first but just decided I would get close to the islands to avoid the stiffest part of the current. Eventually, I started making progress, but Jack had much less luck and couldn't stay balanced. Constantly falling in meant that he was flowing downstream. Given that I had never tried SUP boarding, I left it to the girls to rescue him since they had the kayak. But things did not get easier for them. I ended up cruising around the islands looking at different wildlife, while the other three were battling the current the whole time instead of adopting a similar strategy to me. I still felt kind of helpless as if I went back, I would also then be stuck struggling against the current. To get themselves out of the situation, the girls had to swap one of their paddles with Jack so he could double paddle out. But it meant they were stuck with a double paddle and a single paddle in the kayak. It's not helpful when trying to go straight. I almost went to shore to get someone to go save them. In a funny turn of events, they were apparently worried about me because I had gone off course, but they didn't know I was just avoiding the heavy currents. While they struggled, I kept going upstream as I was actually having a lot of fun. Eventually, they went back to shore, and I thought that may have meant that we were out of time. Turns out they were all just tired as fuck from the constant paddling, but given I didn't have my phone I couldn't know the time. We then did the slide again because Vic wanted to do it but not alone. That was really fun again.

      This was some good physical activity before our final event. A sunset cruise of the Nile, which was once again a bottomless drinks event. This was really cool as we got to see parts of the Nile we would never have been able to see, with another guide who loved to explain the history of the Nile. We then saw the dam that controls the flow of water as well as Otters. Something I did not know existed in the river, but I was very happy to see as they were very cute and not something I had ever seen before. Nick and Laura had decided to bail on the cruise and instead do paddleboarding. It was funny to see them on the river and let Nick punch three beers while he sat on his paddle board attached to the boat. We obviously wanted to make the most of bottomless drinks during the 2 hours, but I was very drunk by the time we got back. I remembered the cruise and dinner, but everything after that was a blackout. People asked me what the score of the rugby game was before I went to bed. I was embarrassed when I couldn't even remember the game they were talking about. One good note was that I had decided to upgrade to a big tent with a bed for the last night. It was looking like rain, and we were not keen to deal with that. It was a God sent and a needed good sleep.
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