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Afon Teifi

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    • Day 5

      A boppin blog

      October 22, 2024 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing in.

      So today we woke up probably way too early, probably. That is, before nine. But we heard the rain on the roof and thought “well there goes the body boarding” but soon enough the rain stopped and we got up joyously and walked to the house across the garden.

      However, my outfit did not slay so I did run back across to change. But I stole Terry’s hat again so all was well. We walked to the 1176 castle for a breakfast of tea cakes and hot chocolate. We were the only people who have ever gone in this Tuesday breakfast outing of Granny and Terry’s so we felt très lucky and très privileged.

      It was fun because we had a good view (and could judge people parking), and I also learned that Terry was a photographer, a policeman, he worked for the BBC, and many other jobs.

      So that was interesting!

      And then we walked back, stopping in a few shops to buy parsnips and to drop off some flyers, and then back home to change into wetsuits! (Which was considerably easier when they are the right size) and then we were off!

      I was actually freezing in the car and worried that we would die of cold however never fear, the wetsuits pulled through and we were quite warm.

      But I digress.

      So we got out the car and everyone was judging us like “fools are gonna freeze in that sea” and we were walking around in wetsuits with bodyboards and too big shoes and generally looking foolish. And so, I did what I do best, channelled my inner Richard™️, and strutted the whole way, and went on and on about being confident and being sure of yourself and that what other people think doesn’t matter anyway.

      Of course, being me, I did not think that at all. Twas but an act, a front to reassure others, and inside I was like “nooooo people are looking at me, oh no this is the end of my life” but since Granny laughed at me a few times, I consider the front a success.

      The Strut™️ lasted until I was in the ocean, where I could finally ignore others’ gaze and jump on waves like there was no tomorrow. It was cold but not that bad, and we quickly caught some good waves.

      Andrea didn’t quite have the timing down but she had the spirit so that was the important part and it was good fun!

      After some boppin waves, we drove home and I finally had a shower which was very nice and mum will be happy.

      We then had a lunch of pumpkin soup (yummmm) and crumpets (even more yummmm). Seriously, not a word of a joke, if a crumpet asked me to marry it, I would, so strong is my love for those delicious whatever they ares. It was amazing and I love them.

      After lunch, Granny and Terry had a lie down and Andrea cut my fringe, finally! And then we strolled around the garden, and when that was done, Andrea and I (well, more I, but Andrea was forced to) sat down and figured out the telly and pulled up youtube to watch Taylor Swift videos. It was good fun!

      But then they woke up and we drove to Mwnt to go on a small walk. We strolled up (after stopping in a small chapel (Chappell Roan haha) and seeing the world’s biggest spider (not really beeteebubbleyous)) and sat on a rock to contemplate the ocean.

      That done, we walked up to the ridge of the hill, and Terry took some schmackin pics, and Andrea fell and “hurt her knee” haha. We then walked down and got stabbed with brambles like a hundred times. But we didn’t die!

      We drove home and chilled for a while, I finished my beret for Izzy, and then we watched Pointless again! They were terrible. Again.

      But thennn we had dinner and if ever you are looking for me, you should look first in Yorkshire because their puddings are divine. The way I would kill for one of those! (Good thing you can buy them in supermarkets then).

      As you may have guessed from context clues, we had typical roast dinner (without meat obviii) which Andrea said was scrumptious, I do believe.

      Afterwards we watches an episode of the Hit List, no Taylor Swift songs again, which is really a scam because there were at least two categories where she could have had songs. So I’m going on strike starting from next week…

      And finally, we played Canasta. Terry was entirely too mean and we understand now why he made Ali cry. We literally had to subtract hundreds of points from our score because of him.

      So I stole a cardigan from him, to go with his hat and gloves (which I forgot to mention).

      In the end, they won, but really I feel like I won because the Moroccan music got switched out for Taylor Swift’s seventh studio album, aka Lover.

      We then retired to the summer house and immediately went crazy, I can never remember what we would laugh about but we did. Oh! We did vacuum up a spider, and very wittily I named the henry vacuum “Henry the Ate” because he eats spiders. This happened on the call to my parents, on which I was reminded of why dad is my favourite parents (he refs Taylor Swift) and so that is why the blog name was inspired by him (he said it in the phone so…).

      And here we are now, listening to Gracie Abrams, nepo baby extraordinaire. But it slaps a little so that’s ok. (As I am editing this I feel I must add that Gracie slaps a LOT not a little and that she is the soundtrack to Crimson Rivers. I will take no questions.) Oh! It is worth noting that I played Andrea my favourite song, the best of all Dad Songs, and she was not a fan.

      So that’s why our friendship is over now! Jkjk.

      Honorary mention today goes to Mr Brightside by The Killers, a 10/10 bop, no complaints, and better than Howzat, by Sherbet, even Andrea agrees, so suck that twins.

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing out!!
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    • Day 5

      Day 5

      October 22, 2024 in Wales ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Je ne prends pas de retard cette fois ci et voilà le récap de la journée.

      Nous nous sommes levées vers 9h15 et nous avons rejoint Rose et Terry pour aller petit déjeuner et nous avons mangé un tea cake et un chocolat chaud (celui là était meilleur que le premier qu'on avait pris au café).
      Une chose à dire MIAM (Yes another one Paul and certainly not the last one 😂😂).

      Ensuite nous sommes rentrés et sommes allées mettre nos combinaisons de surf pour aller faire du body boarding dans la mer. Et c'était tellement cool, j'ai sur kiffé c'était génial. Mais nous ne sommes pas restés longtemps car il était déjà midi passé et Rose ne voulais pas qu'on attrape froid.

      Quand nous sommes rentrés, nous avons mangé (encore et toujours miam miam) des crumpets et de la soupe, toujours aussi bon. (Je ne sais pas pourquoi je m'extasie autant sur la nourriture, je crois que j'ai un problème ...).

      Après ça c'était l'heure de la sieste habituelle pour les grands-parents et pendant ce temps, j'ai récupéré mon blog d'hier parce que j’etais en retard et Ruby a regardé les clips vidéos de certaines des musiques de Taylor Swift hehe.

      Quand le chill time a pris fin, nous sommes tous partis pour une mini randonnée, nous avons été au Mwnt, une petite montagne sur les côtes du Pays de Galles et c'était magique, très paisible et apaisant, une fois arrivé au sommet, Terry et Ruby ont pris des photos (et j'ai aussi glissé et me suis fait légèrement mal au genou, j'ai un bleu mais Ruby dirait le contraire 🙄😂), on est ensuite redescendu par un chemin très très très très petit et glissant mais nous en sommes sortis vivant !!!

      On est rentrés et Rose était toujours fatiguée de sa matinée et est donc retournée faire une petite sieste et Ruby a terminé le béret pour l'anniversaire d'Izzy et j'ai juste terminé et publié le blog d'hier.

      Et ensuite c'était l'heure de pointless, le tvshow du soir hehe on a été pile à l'heure pour l'émission et ensuite nous avons encore mangé, Yorkshire pudding (that was amazing, delicious I would say even scrumptious miam miam miam)

      Et pour finir, nous avons regardé un épisode de Hit List et avons joué à mon nouveau jeu de carte préféré, Canasta. (On a perdu évidement!!! Mais j'apprends vite, j'attends ma revanche) .

      Nous sommes maintenant dans le lit en train de vous écrire et je termine par vous dire à demain !!!!!!
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    • Day 5

      Day 4

      October 22, 2024 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Il est 8h22 et nous sommes au jour 5 mais comme vous pouvez le voir j'essaie de rattraper mon retard.

      Donc voici le récap du jour d'hier heheh

      Nous nous sommes levées à 8h50 à cause d'un réveil et c'était tout simplement horrible pour plusieurs raisons. La première parce que j'étais trop fatiguée pour me réveiller et la deuxième parce que cette sonnerie m'a fait penser à l'école et pour seulement 2 sec j'ai cru que j'allais être en retard en cours..... 🙄

      Mais nous avons réussi à nous lever et nous habiller pour rejoindre Rose et Terry et manger un petit déjeuner assez étrange pour ma part. Je me servirai un peu moins la prochaine fois 😂.

      Ensuite nous avons brossé nos dents et avons attendu qu'une amie à Rose vienne nous récupérer pour aller au cours de danse de Rose, qui est l'enseignante.

      Ceux qui me connaissent savent que mon cerveau n'est pas relié avec les autres parties de mon corps, ce qui fait que ma danse était complètement aléatoire 😇
      Mais c'était vraiment très fun !!!

      Avec Ruby nous sommes parties nous balader dans la ville, avons regardé quelques magasins et sommes allées jusqu'à un pont puis avons fait demi tour pour rejoindre le groupe de danse dans un café, où j'ai pu prendre un bon chocolat chaud et un mince pie et c'était trop bon. MIAM MIAM.

      Après ça nous sommes rentrées à la maison et avons passé un temps calme pendant que Rose et Terry faisaient une sieste.

      Ensuite, nous sommes allés nous promener le long d'un chemin où on pouvait s'arrêter dans des cabanes pour voir différents animaux qui vivent dans ces champs, cours d'eau (surtout des oiseaux), c'était très paisible et relaxant, j'adore les randonnées heheh.

      Quand nous sommes rentrés, Ruby voulait absolument regarder Pointless et a donc vite raccroché l'appel qu'elle avait avec sa mère.

      Ensuite nous avons dîné. Première fois que je mange indien et c'est vraiment délicieux!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Je pensais que ça allait être beaucoup plus piquant mais en fait pas du tout c'était parfait !!


      (Je parle beaucoup de nourriture j'ai l'impression heheh 😂)

      Et on a finit la journée par regarder un épisode de Hit List et ils m'ont fait découvrir un jeu de carte dont je suis tombée amoureuse malgré le fait que je n'y arrive toujours pas et qu'il le faut du temps pour comprendre ce qu'il faut faire. Quand je rentre attendez vous à ce que je vous apprenne le Canasta. (Vous avez pas le choix).

      Après ça nous avons essayé des combinaisons pour la mer, ce qui a été difficile pour Ruby 😂😂.

      Et pour finir DODO HEHEHE.
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    • Day 4

      And when I felt like I was an old _____

      October 21, 2024 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing in.

      So today began by a rude awakening by alarm, 9 o’clock was too early to be alive let alone awake. But we are brave souls, and so managed to use our super strength to get out of the warm bed into the cold air.

      We know we are the best role models for everyone and are open to meet and greets.

      But after getting dressed we strolled across the garden to have breakfast with Granny and Terry (I also destroyed my elbow on the kitchen counter, twas crazy). But alas, they had already finished, but Andrea and I had muesli with red fruits and it was really good. However, the kafeer (is that how you spell it? Maybe it should be ka-Fear haha) yoghurt not so much.

      Afterwards we brushed teeth and hair, and chilled for a bit. We played Three Men’s Morris, which I hadn’t played for years but still I remembered my tactics and wanted to make sure they work.

      Spoiler alert, they do!

      I played at the very least ten times and only lost once against Terry, when I was not playing my tactics. Poor Andrea, losing continuously the first time she ever played!

      But then one of Granny’s belly dancing friends arrived to give us a lift, so we got in her car and drove off!

      Belly dancing was fun, but ultimately tiring. Andrea and I thought it was a good idea for me to punch her as hard as I could to see if it would hurt and now she has a bruise. So anyway, halfway through, Andrea and I left to stroll around the high street of Cardigan (which is found, of course, under someone’s bed) and we discussed the pros and cons of jumping in to the Teifi river if one dropped one’s phone. Andrea will disagree, but there are only cons.

      We walked back to the cafe where we were planning on meeting the dancers, and I got hot chocolate and a rocky road which I couldn’t finish. Andrea got a hot chocolate and a mince pie, which she could finish.

      Also, surprisingly, I saw Cara and chatted with her for a bit which was really strange and kinda cool.

      But Granny Andrea and I then walked home and we chilled out for a while before heading to do the Wildlife Center walk. It was very peaceful and we saw some cool geese but sadly no kingfishers.

      However, Terry promised me buffaloes but Granny said we couldn’t go and see them 😔. But I did have Terry’s hat so all was well.

      Upon our return from the wildlife center we headed out to Tesco to buy some supplies including Yorkshire pudding, crumpets, and chocolate orange. A fun time was had by all. Well as fun a time as can be had in Tesco.

      Then I was knackered when I got home, but we sat down to watch Pointless and the contestants were not very good and they did not win the prize. And also the second guy who sits in the chair was not there!! He left!!! What am I supposed to do with that?

      But after, Granny Andrea and I went to get Indian food takeaway! It was really good except for the naan which was not properly cooked, so we were having naan of that. Hahahaha! Classic Ruby joke!!! So that was really good, and we were all full so we played some Canasta.

      Andrea and I were on a team, and had to play some open hand first, but we soon got the hang of it and started to wipe the floor with them. However Granny and Terry did not appreciate this mop status that they had and so after Granny had some whiskey, there was no chance for us. They had nary a qualm as they left us weeping.

      Side note, Terry’s eyes really are tiny without his glasses.

      After we officially lost, we watched an episode of the Hit List, and all the contestants were absolutely terrible, so none of them got any money! How bad is that!

      Andrea and I then retired to our cabin, armed with our new best friend Henry, the vacuum cleaner, and tried on the wetsuits for tomorrow. The first ones fit us near-perfectly but we decided to try on others just in case.

      This was a bad idea.

      Andrea, the smart one, stopped trying quite early in. I, however, was determined to fit into this wetsuit (which I am lucky I didn’t break, since it belonged to Jill). It took about twenty minutes of jumping, tugging, sucking it in, and generally suffering, before the wetsuit was on.

      During that time, Andrea had thrown my clothes all around the room all around the room because “the bed was not my cupboard” and I “shouldn’t be so messy”. I mean wtf? I’ve never heard the concept of cleanliness before but that is not a crime?

      And the came the twenty minutes of wetsuit removal. I was finally able to breathe again, however some help was necessary as it was impossible to do alone.

      We were pretty worn out and so went to bed and wrote these blogs. We also just realised that we don’t know when to wake up tomorrow for breakfast out! Probably like 8 or something, but who knows.

      No spiders were killed today, for the concerned commenter wondering.

      Today the honorary mention goes to Terry’s flat-cap which has served me faithfully and has hidden my hair (unwashed for three days 😬).

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing out!
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    • Day 3

      Day 3

      October 20, 2024 in Wales ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Désolé pour le retard occasionné, c'est ma faute j'étais trop fatiguée hier soir pour que mon cerveau fonctionne correctement.

      Mais me voilà maintenant!!

      Donc, après une bonne nuit de sommeil nous voilà levés de bonne heure (9h si je me souviens bien), nous avons pris le petit déjeuner, de délicieux toasts assez classiques pour moi parce que j'ai mis du beurre de cacahuète et de la confiture, mais j'ai goûté celui de Ruby au marmite MIAM.

      Ensuite nous nous sommes préparés pour déposer Dex à son cours de théâtre, mais Ali avait oublié le goûter de sa fille alors nous sommes allés dans un magasin pour s'approvisionner en eau et en snacks puis on les a rapportés a Dex.

      Après nous sommes partis à la gare pour prendre notre train. Quand nous fûmes arrivâmes dans cette magnifique petite gare, nous avons dit au revoir à Ali et Dann et avons passé les barrières et comme indiqué sur les billets, nous sommes allées à la plateforme 9. Une fois là-bas, le panneau nous informe que notre train est à la plateforme 3.
      Après une marche de plateforme en plateforme, nous sommes retournés au point de départ parce que la plateforme 3 était juste à l'entrée ....


      “NOUS AVONS TROUVÉ”, c'est ce qu'on s'est dit juste avant que notre train soit en retard de plus d'1h !!!! On a commencé à paniquer, Ruby a appelé sa mère et nous avons pu trouver quelqu'un à qui demander de l'aide.

      On a frauder.....

      Nan pas vraiment, le monsieur nous a seulement dit que c'était ok et que nous pouvions prendre un train sans avoir les tickets. Nous voilà donc dans un train direction Swansea où Rose sera là pour nous récupérer. Ouf.

      Sur le chemin nous avons mangé et goûté pour ma part les snacks que Ali nous avait préparés. Je suis toujours là quand il faut manger hehehe.

      Le trajet s'est bien passé, nous avons pu retrouver un peu de consistance après ce manque de chance constant avec les transports.

      Arrivés à Swansea, nous avons attendu Rose qui n'a pas été très longue. Ensuite, nous avons fait un long trajet en voiture jusqu'à la maison où Rose nous a parlé de son obsession pour la politique américaine et du culte de Trump. Très drôle et très intéressant.

      Quand nous sommes parvenues à notre destination finale, nous avons déposé nos sacs dans le cabanon au fond du jardin et avons rejoint la maison principale et Terry m'a accueillie les bras ouverts.

      Ensuite, nous nous sommes installés sur le canapé et avons regardé Bakeoff (très intéressant mais un peu embêtant avec Ruby qui faisait que commenter 😂) et nous avons mangé un des plats préférés a Ruby: de flageolets, des frites et de fish fingers, l'équivalent de poissons panés. MIAM TOUJOURS!!

      Après ça nous avons regardé Hit List et sommes allés au lit.
      Sauf qu'il faut sachez qu'en arrivant dans le cabanon, il y avait une araignée, j'ai soufflé et elle est partie se cacher. Après je voulais aller aux toilettes mais il y avait aussi une araignée encore plus grosse que l'autre (sans déconner elle était énorme), Ruby voulait que je la tue mais elle était sur le mur vers le bas entre les toilettes, c'était mission impossible. Ruby m'avait laissée seule et d'un coup elle a commencé à pas être contente et je suis sortie des toilettes avec la chaussure à la main et elle m'a dit qu'il y avait une autre araignée dans la couette qu'elle voulait mettre sur le lit. J'ai alors retourné la couette et tué celle ci mais il y en avait une autre encore !!!!!!!!!¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

      Bref un carnage sans fin......

      Nous avons pu réussir à dormir et à nous réveiller le lendemain donc c'est le principal!
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    • Day 3

      Trains and bakeoffs and spiders, oh my!

      October 20, 2024 in Wales ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing in.

      On yesterday’s blog, one Pául Simpsôn commented, “I imagine it will all be […] plain sailing from here on in”. Perhaps he jinxed us. Perhaps (and more likely) he knew already what were to face, since the blog was posted one day late, and was attempting sarcasm.

      Who knows?

      Whatever the case may be, let’s begin at the beginning. Le sacre de Napoleon! (Little joke that my sisters will get. And maybe French people).

      But no. Today, we awoke to the bopping tunes of Dann who was ukelele playing to Dex, a fun song that was like “everything everything will be alright” and it was very reassuring, despite it ultimately being incorrect. Andrea and I got out of bread to enjoy some toast for breakfast, I of course drowned mine in Marmite, because when in Rome, and sent a picture to my friend group, because I live to annoy. I was then promptly informed that words could not describe how disgusting it was that I was eating Marmite.

      That was probably aboidable.

      But during this breakfast we also listened to the 1000 fart song. I questioned every choice I had ever made that lead me to that minute in time. Ultimately, I blame Andrea.

      We then had little time before we had to hop in the car and take Dexie to Drama, which was promptly done, not without some sightseeing, of a suspension bridge and a flooding river.

      But alas! Problem number one. We had forgotten Dex’s snacks! So we dropped her off then made a quick trip to Waitrose to pick up some yummables.

      A snack pack was made and dropped off, and then Ali made Dede and I our own Snack pack! We also learned about the colourful Bristol houses and the city’s role in olden day slave trade. And Isembard Kin- whatever, a short man with a tall hat, a celebrated architect. And we also learned about Boaty Mc Boatface.

      Upon drop off-all at the station, we walked through the barriers to Platform 9 (and 3/4 haha), said goodbye to Dann and Ali of course, before realising that we were supposed to be on Platform 3. Once we arrived there, we waited for a while, but our train was delayed.

      Oh no!

      We would obviously miss our connecting train, so after a decidedly panicked phone call to my mama j, we asked a platform guy, who basically said to get a train to Swansea. But this came with it’s own troubles, since to get this train, we had to switch platforms, not once, but twice! And also, it was pouring with rain.

      However, all was eventually well, and embarked upon the train with courage in our hearts and glory in our minds.

      Not really.

      And then we wrote our blogs for the previous day, which lends credit to my previous theory of Pául Simpsôn’s comment, and also snacked on our packs.

      It is also worth mentioning that I bopped out to the Eras Tour Megamix. Like five times. In a row.

      When we finally arrived in Swansea, we waited a little for Granny to arrive, and when she did, we drove off, navigating the complicated routes of this new city.

      Some bopping yacks were had in the car, including ones about cheap dentists leading to Moroccan holidays, planned activities, and the American elections.

      We did stop by at IzFiz’s house, but alas she was not there, and we picked up the wetsuits that we were to borrow from Jill. And also we had a little trip down memory lane, when we drove past my old primary school.

      Finally, we arrived. Andrea and I deposited our bags in the summer house, before heading in to see Terry! (Getting ever balder hehe no jk it is growing back). I wanted to watch Pointless, but it is Sunday! And so not possible! So instead, we watched the Great British Bakeoff.

      I am fully invested and an extremely harsh judge on these contestants, who of course have a higher level than I ever will.

      We also ate delicious dinner of fish fingers, beans, and chips, which remains among my favourite meals ever. However, on pudding week in the Bakeoff, they made some pretty bad puddings, and Granny was inspired to make better ones in much less time. And so she, Andrea, and I made a pudding with lemon and golden syrup, which was really good but very filling.

      However, we ran out of Bakeoff episodes! And so we will never know the fate of the final four. But instead, we watched the Hit List, which I was not the best at however I did get some songs. And we ended it when two (frankly terrible) women won, thanks to Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, which I got before them despite her proclaiming herself a Swiftie. Hah.

      Finally, we called it a night, and headed off with Granny to the summer house (so she could turn on the heating). However, a chonky spider was spotted, and Granny asked if she should get the vacuum cleaner.

      Flashbacks befell me, mere hours ago, when Granny had said that she once had to bring the vacuum cleaner to the summer house for someone, and that it was “ridiculous”. So I immediately declined, not wanting to be deemed ridiculous, and regretted it later.

      Indeed, when Granny left, we scared the one spider behind a frame and thought all was well. But danger struck when Andrea opened the toilet door and yet another chonky spider was there! I told her to kill it but the angle was all wrong, and how I wished for a vacuum cleaner in that moment.

      But I decided to leave her to it and unfold the blankets, so as not to deal with spiders. However, I saw some speedy dark movement, shrieked, and dropped the blankets on the bed. Andrea emerged, shoe in hand, and like an avenging angel, whacked the spider with force and grace. Well, maybe more force than grace, but details, details. We thought ourselves perhaps safe but no! Yet another spider hid in the folds of the blanket!

      Once again, Andrea to the rescue, all whack whack whack as I filmed. The cameraman never dies people!

      Eventually, the bed was spider free (or so we hope, as we are lying in it right- WHAT WAS THAT ON MY FOOT haha jkjk), but we were both freaked out because the wind was howling and the chimes were chiming and there is no key for the door and I still hadn’t gone to the toilet and never would, so we just got into bed, fearful for our lives and minds.

      I believe, in fact, that my exact words to Andrea were, “If someone breaks in, you die first and I live. Scarred for life perhaps, aware of my own mediocrity yes, but not dead nonetheless”. So really, am I a terrible person? Probably.

      But in bed, we wrote our blogs (or one of us did), vaguely delirious and terrified of every movement. Andrea then asked to turn off the light, so she had to do it. I also made her switch off my lamp because I couldn’t see the switch and what if there were spiders on it? This lead to more screams. Did I mention the previous screaming? Moving on.

      With the light out, spooky shadows are being cast across the curtains. I am this close to pulling a guinea pig and dying of fear.

      But now I will go to sleep because I don’t want to see my murderer approaching. Or a spooky ghost. Or a spider.

      Writing this down I am realising just how weak and cowardly I am.

      Honorary mention today goes to peppermint tea. I consumed three today, and now my tongue hurts so much that I think I haven’t got one left. I just keep burning burns on top of burns. Oh also the pudding gets a second mention because we really beat those Bakeoffers.

      Sali Mali and Le Petit Prince, signing out!
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    • Day 7

      Day 7

      October 24, 2024 in Wales ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Voici la suite du rattrapage du blog du jour et maintenant c'est le récap d'hier :

      Je me suis réveillée chez Izzy et bb est venue me faire des câlins et est repartie alors je me suis rendormi et après Izzy et Ruby se sont réveillées et moi aussi mais cette fois bb a été voir les filles 🥲😂

      On a chill quelques minutes et après nous nous sommes levées et sommes descendues petit déjeuner et j'ai pris un pain burger aux graines avec des tranches de bacon dedans avec un peu de ketchup miam miam très bon petit déjeuner.

      Après nous avons brossé nos dents, (il faut savoir qu'on se brosse les dents tous les jours et non pas seulement aujourd'hui 😂), nous nous sommes habillés et après nous avons dit au-revoir à Izzy, et Jill nous a conduit chez Rose et Terry grace aux instructions de Ruby.

      Une fois arrivées, nous avons chillé devant la télé et regardé les clips vidéos de Taylor Swift (Ruby essaie de convertir Terry en swiftie hehe) et après nous sommes partis dans un restaurant plutôt chic, il y avait un spa à côté et pleins d'autre chose et nous avons eu le droit à pleins de sandwichs et gâteaux différents, on en avait tellement qu'on en a ramené à la maison !!

      Et après ça Jill est venue nous chercher directement là où on était avec en sa compagnie Izzy et Alice et nous sommes retournées au snowboard pour un deuxième cours.

      J'ai trouvé ce deuxième cours plus compliqué que le premier mais c'était toujours aussi fun et amusant (j'ai passé presque toute l'heure sur mes fesses 😂)

      Après la snowboard, Jill nous a ramené a la maison et elle m’a fait un gros câlin pour me dire au revoir et Izzy aussi et après nous sommes rentrées et avons regardé Hit List encore une fois hehe (j'adore cette émission) et après nous avons rejoué à Canasta mais cette partie ne doit pas être mentionée, nous nous sommes complètement fait laminés. Terry nous a laissé aucune chance.

      Et puis nous sommes finalement allées dans la summer house en pensant commencer nos bagages mais nous étions trop fatiguée et avons juste dormi.

      Je tiens à préciser que Ruby a failli causer ma mort parce qu’elle a crié dans la nuit me faisant paniquer 😱😂
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    • Day 3

      Nach eines lange. tages Ritt

      May 13, 2019 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute war es relativ langer Tag. Nach einem schönen Abend mit Freunden aus Wales, die uns in Bristol besuchten, startete der Morgen mit einem guten Frühstück und einem Besuch beim freundlichen Mercedes Händler. Das benötigte Ersatzteil war leider nicht auf Lager und soll aber morgen in Liverpool zur Abholung bereit sein. Eine Spezialsicherung im Wert von 1,50 € hat den Dienst quittiert und dadurch das Verdeck schachmatt gesetzt. Dank der Mechaniker vom SAC ist ein Provisorium eingebaut und das Verdeck arbeitet wieder.

      Von Bristol ging es über den Severen nach Wales in die Black Montains. Nach einer Fahrt über schmale Straße ging es zu einer Ruine eines Augustiner Klosters aus dem 12.. Jahrhundert, sehr beeindruckend. Die Aussicht nach einem weiteren Stück Fahrt atemberaubend.

      Am Ende des heutigen Tages gab es dann ein erstes Event aller Teams in Cardigan in einem Naturschutzgebiet. Es war ein schöner Abend mit vielen neuen Kontakten zu Mitstreitern unserer Ralley.

      Nun schnell in die Falle, damit wir morgen wieder fit sind. Gute Nacht!
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    • Day 54

      Geschafft ... !!!

      May 24, 2022 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Es ist geschafft!
      Nach 14 Tagen, viel Schweiß, ein paar Tränen, 2 Blasen, vielen interessanten Menschen und Tieren, über 8.000 schwer erkämpften Höhenmetern ( davon 1.030 hm allein heute) und knapp 300 km bin ich hier durch! Ich bin stolz und müde 😀
      Nur durch den unermüdlichen Einsatz von Gunnar konnte das heute zu einem glücklichen Ende gebracht werden.
      Er hat mich jeden Tag zum Startpunkt kutschiert und Nachmittags wieder aufgepflückt. Dadurch sind für ihn bis zu 3 Stunden Fahrzeit am Tag entstanden.
      Liebsten Dank, Schnippi! ❤️🧡💛💚💙
      Jetzt erstmal die Füße für ein paar Tage hochlegen und dann sehen, wie es weitergeht 😀
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