United Kingdom

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    • Day 2–3


      February 1, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our first day in London was full of walking and coffee (trying to fight off the jet lag).
      British Museum ✔️
      Buckingham Pallace ✔️
      Hyde Park ✔️
      Cat on Lead ✔️
      We ticked off a few sights and were in bed by 6:30 pm.Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 1: london

      June 23, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After being awake for almost 48 hours, we awoke from a good night sleep and found our way to the hop on and off buses!!

      London has knocked our socks of with the most amazing architecture of the buildings and the rich history! Still trying to pick our jaws up from the ground🤣🤣🤣
      Started our way with a stroll to Buckingham Palace, and were lucky enough to be in time to witness the changing of the guard 💂‍♂️ by chance we even managed a good spot right in front of the action!!
      From there, it was back on the bus for more sightseeing. Stopped at Hard Rock Cafe for drink and some lunch.
      Then, off to experience Harrod's !! Blown away by the opulence and size! Spent most of the time in the Chocolate hall and the Bakery Hall! No guesses what we bought.... definitely not the expensive handbags🤣🤣
      Next stop was Kensington Palace, and for a monarchy fan, it was all I have hoped for! We had the privilege of doing a tour of the residences of Queen Mary, King George II and my all time favourite royal. Queen Victoria! Still pinching myself tbh. We also visited the sunken Garden at Kensington and saw the statue of Princess Diana, unveiled in 2021 by Princes' William and Harry. Apparently, Diana often took a walk down to the sunken garden, her favourite part of the garden, where she would chat to the gardeners! Look out for some shenanigans of Carol and me "wearing" a dress from Queen Victoria😂
      With aching feet but full hearts, we returned to the hotel for a little rest before dinner.
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    • Day 6–7

      Hoffentlich wird es besser..

      February 10, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Es waren keine einfachen 48 Stunden. Nach dem Abschied von Anna am Flughafen alleine mit den 31kg durch London. Immerhin noch Bier mit englischen Rentnern getrunken, die mir Tipps für Dublin gegeben haben und die Nervosität etwas genommen haben (Bier). Ewig durch den Dschungel der U-Bahnen die auch noch gestreikt haben.
      Die Busfahrt war dann prinzipiell sehr entspannt nur hab ich erstmal kein Auge zu bekommen auf den britischen Stolperstraßen und das brennende Auto am Straßenrand lässt den Puls dann auch nochmal ansteigen.
      Die luxuriöse Fährfahrt habe ich dann mit Schlafen auf dem Sofa verbracht.
      In Dublin erstmal die 2000€ Miete in bar holen, während überall Sonntagfrüh um 6 noch Besoffene rumbrüllen und sich halb schlagen. Ich war nur noch froh in der Wohnung und besonders der schönen Gegend anzukommen.
      Aber kaum ist die Reiseanspannung weg ging es weiter mit Heimweh und den Gedanken was ich hier eigentlich verloren habe; alleine macht es einfach nicht so viel Spaß und die zweite Person gibt bei egal was Sicherheit und immer ein bisschen Humor.
      Abgelenkt durch Anmelden bei Sportvereinen habe ich dann über Bumble Friends noch jmd gefunden, mit dem ich in einem Pub noch ein Rugby Spiel geschaut habe. Etwas abgelenkt hat es, aber die negativen Gedanken lassen einen nicht so einfach los. Da hilft dann nur Telefonieren ein bisschen.
      Ich hoffe ich komm dann später in das Wohnheim von meiner Uni, dass ich da dann wenigstens den Superbowl in einer Gruppe schauen kann.
      Immerhin war das Wetter bombastisch, so konnte ich wenigstens durch die Parks und Gassen spazieren.
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    • Day 246

      London, England

      June 9, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      After landing at Gatwick, we took the express train into London, where we stayed at our friend Greg’s house. He was so generous to host us! (LOL, he didn’t have a choice, I think we just said, “We’re coming.”) His boys are the same age as Everett, so they had a great time at the park, rough housing, playing games, and chasing each other. Seeing friends after so long on the road felt really good.

      Hearing English again after all these months made us feel like we were already back home. We had visited a few years ago, so Greg’s neighborhood felt oddly familiar – Nando’s, Gail’s, Sainsbury’s, and the tube.

      An afternoon was spent at Westminster Abbey. I thought it was “just another church” (every city has their famous church/mosque/synagogue/temple), but it really was spectacular. We hadn’t read anything prior to visiting, not knowing it was the coronation site for British monarchs and royal weddings. Every famous UK person seemed to be buried there – monarchs, poets, scientists, politicians.

      We also had a chance to meet up at a traditional pub with two of Hillary’s old friends who have lived in London for the past ten years (Busby and Susan). The place had a warm and welcoming character on a Friday night (Euro 2024 football on the TV’s) and we had a great time catching up. Old friends are the best friends!

      When we were in Vietnam, we met a British family (they were on holiday at the same hotel and the boys hit it off). They rode the train several hours from their home to visit us in London. We were all having a wonderful time at The Regents Park, until the boys wandered off for an “adventure” and didn’t tell us. The parents spent hours searching for them, until… Yes, the police were called. The boys were eventually found as they had wandered about three miles away. They were happily enjoying the lake, unaware of their “missing” status. Luckily, it ended well and it was a big learning lesson for all. LOL, we have jokingly decided our next meet up will be in Central Park to up the ante.

      Finally, we spent an afternoon at the Science Museum and an amazing playground at Holland Park. We were sad to leave London but it was the perfect location to end our trip.

      Thank you to our family and friends for following our journey. And even more thanks to those of you who hosted us along the way, managed our house in Seattle, collected our snail mail, watched our dog, drove our cars so the batteries wouldn’t die, and overall did any favor we asked without question.

      After eight months, we are nearing the end of these travels. It’s time to return to the regularly scheduled program. Everett is desperate for his friends and our old way of life in Seattle – regular school, Teddy (our dog), and the stability of home. After 245 days on the road, we stayed at 90 accommodations, moving every 2.7 days. To everything, turn, turn, turn. To everything there is a season. It’s time to go home. We’ll post one more time, after our return to the States -- in just a few days.
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    • Day 3


      October 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      London 😍 da war ich wieder in dieser aufregenden Stadt 😇

      Angekommen mit leichtem Regen aber bester Laune starteten wir unseren Spaziergang durch die Stadt. Es ging vorbei am London Eye, am Big Ben bishin zum Trafalgar Square. Anschließend besuchten wir die 4-stöckige M&M World... sehr faszinierend.

      Zum Schluss sind wir noch in Chinatown gelandet bevor wir zurück zum Bus schlenderten.

      Ein kurzer aber sehr aufregender Tag in London ging rasch zu Ende.
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    • Day 1

      London the beginning

      October 19, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Zum Abschluss für dieses Jahr, geht es nochmal auf einen Kurztrip nach London.
      Es ging heute morgen schon bei Zeiten los, da der Flug schon um 7 Uhr ging. 🥱
      Nach einem wunderbar kurzen Flug sind wir in London Gatwick gelandet.

      Dann hieß es erstmal was frühstücken, ein bisschen die City erkunden und um 12 Uhr das Zimmer beziehen, das ein bisschen außerhalb vom Zentrum liegt.
      Die Stadt hat mir aber auf Anhieb gefallen.
      Nach einer kleinen Siesta ging es auch nochmal los in die City für eine kleine Tour zum Tower of London und zur Tower Bridge 🌉 und dann war es Zeit für das erste zünftige britische Abendessen. 🤤🐟🍟
      Das war es dann auch erstmal für heute, morgen geht es dann wieder weiter. 😊
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    • Day 3

      London Day trip

      December 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We took the subway to downtown London to do some sight seeing. First I wanted to find the place we catch our bus tommorow (Victoria coach station) after that task was accomplished we took a step on/step off bus to see some of the sights and capped the morning/afternoon off with fish and chips at fishcotech. The deep fried cod was Awsome and the chips were excellent.Read more

    • Day 2

      Posh, posher – Chelsea

      January 10, 2018 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Das in diesem Viertel ein Jaguar, ein Porsche und ein Maserati hintereinander parken ist völlig normal. Chelsea ist das Viertel der Reichen und der Shopping-Fans. Hier gibt es zahlreiche Shops von Tiffany bis zum traditionellen Marks & Spencer Laden.
      Mein Tipp: Wenn ihr shoppen wollt, folgt der Kings Road.
      Mehr Infos im Blogpost: http://www.lilies-diary.com/die-5x5-insider-tip…
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    • Day 3


      June 2, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We have now traveled 7,800km.

      I think we avoided jetlag mostly because we flew overnight. Surprisingly, what was just helpful for combating my nerves on the plane was juggling kids and a beer. Demi stayed up all night until we landed and waited for the plane to taxi, of course. Adalynn stayed up until 4:30am Texas time, while Old Lady Mabel fell asleep at 11:30pm. The flight was thankfully very smooth! Once we landed, kids began to melt - big surprise. Adalynn was crying and said "I just don't know why I crying or what is the matter." We made it to our hotel and just chilled. Mabel fell asleep finding Waldo.

      Already, we have encountered cultural differences that are fun. Such as, specific trash bins for all the things, so I tried to throw my food trash into a hand sanitizer station and looked like a goober. The toilets flushes differently, lack of public restrooms (but really clean ones when you find them), great tap water access for drinking, elevators are called lifts, someone told us to get on the 490 and I tried to get on the 419 (they anunciate much more than us) and farms right by the airport. I almost forgot.... Demi broke out in a face to hips itchy rash, so we had to hunt down some Benadryl. That was on our list while in London as well. Poor kid! She is doing much better now.

      The next day we ended up taking the tube into London also referred to as "Lindin" by our two blondies. Turns out lots of things were closed for the celebration, so seeing the city was our best bet. We went knowing we had half melted children and lots of crowds, so we would just get a taste of London.

      As we stood on the London Bridge seeing the sights, planes and jets flew overhead in formation with streams of red, white and blue in honor of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. What a privilege to be on this adventure at this time! So MANY people, but so memorable. We managed to see the London Bridge, Big Ben, The Eye of London and a cathedral that was just beautiful. We meandered through the market and ate a Cornish meat pie with fresh strawberries.

      My favorite was sitting along the streets of London while eating at The Fish and Chips Shack. Tiny cobblestone streets, English taxis, and tasty battered fish just made the evening.

      The next day we are ready to head out with our two backpacks into the countryside, but first hit Houndlow's Little Urban Farm.
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    Belgravia, Belqravia, בלגרביה, बेलग्रेविया, 벨그라비아, Белграви, Белгрейвия, Белгравія, بیلگرویا

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