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    • Day 11

      Milford Haven

      April 13, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Milford Haven about a 50 mile hop. In clear visibility and medium light easterlies. We arrived as it got dark and fumbled around the un familiar Angle bay, looking for a secure swell free spot for the night. One out of 2 isn’t bad, secure but not swell free. The following morning we up anchored and headed up river. Through the most industrial landscape I have ever seen. We put in 1 reef and used the the new furling stay sail to tack up river. In about 25 knots. Fun sailing dodging in and out of the shallows and the paths of the mighty Gas and Oil Tankers. The river eventually narrowed to a point where we could tack no more, the wind had become so flukey. On with the engine we motored to Lawrence where there were mooring and a great pub. It turnout we would need 2 nights in the pub as the welcome was good and the weather was bad. Angus had done his time and was great company I’m looking forward to sailing with him again. Rob and I headed down river to Milford marina to hide from the storm that was looming. Over the next 36 hours there was up to 45knt in the marina. We tied up with a lot of extra ropes and even helped some others sort there’s. We met an older couple also in an Ovni They were Italians in a french boat who now live in Spain. They were, I’m guessing in there mid sixties. And made us feel like we were trying hard enough when they told us of ther eadventure, Including 14 Atlantic crossings I have posted a link to there blog. They were an inspiration. We would meet them again in Ireland.
      Luckily for us while the storm was raging we were making friend in some of the local pubs. And when the storm passed we had a few days before Rob left and Mark Healy arrived. So we headed on a short trip to Skoma.
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    • Day 134

      Peel To Milford haven

      August 14, 2023 in Wales

      The tide height and direction led to a night departure. We slipped our moorings and headed to the fuel pontoon to fill up beer this 150mile leg. We could have been thinking we were tough adventurers at this point. But a young french couple with a boat half our size and 2 kids had left a bit earlier than us and were going straight to the Scilly isle another 100 miles further on.

      Good wind for the first night and good progress too. Perfect little sail right down the middle of the Irish Sea. As the second night approached some tidal calcs were require to shimmy between the islands of Skoma and Grassholme in the dark. The confidants of a chart plotter making it a doddle.
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