Kajaking day trip

What a wonderful day , paddling along the "River Wye" with perfect weather .
Everyone did so well and some even went down the rapids.
What a wonderful day , paddling along the "River Wye" with perfect weather .
Everyone did so well and some even went down the rapids.
Camping trip over Hans 13th Birthday with our and Hans friends at the River.
Second time we returned to the "youth campsite "
#open fire # kajaking # bbq# star gazing # long walk to the toilet 🥴
Mile long climb up to the Naval Temple at Kymin was next. Thought to be the country's only monument to Brittania's Naval victories. Then down into Monmouth, walk along the high street and over theRead more
Am Vormittag fuhren wir gemuetlich ab und bummelten durch die Gegend, um Steve und Hillary in Cardigan zu besuchen. Steve ist ein Cousin von Barry, den er mindestens 20 Jahre nicht gesehen hat. DieRead more
A well earned pit stop
You might also know this place by the following names:
Monmouth, Gwent, Mynwy