
On a pas mal roulé en profitant de nos dernières petites routes écossaises. Nous avons fait un arrêt sur un point de vue avec de magnifiques Highlands.
Nous avons passé la nuit en bord de mer,Read more
On a pas mal roulé en profitant de nos dernières petites routes écossaises. Nous avons fait un arrêt sur un point de vue avec de magnifiques Highlands.
Nous avons passé la nuit en bord de mer,Read more
Was für ein Tag! Geweckt von der Sonne breitet sich um uns ein völlig ruhiges Meer aus. Erst einmal frühstücken. Gegen 9 Uhr legt die Princess Seaways in Newcastle an und wir kommen schnell vomRead more
It is simply not possible to capture the beauty of this house with 6 photos (which is all I can load with the free version of this travel blog site), but I recently discovered how to do collages! HillRead more
Heute stehen die Highland Games im Fokus. Vorher noch einkaufen gehen, wollen ja nicht verhungern. Schöne Häuser, achtet besonders auf das was ihr in dem Fenster seht.
All set to leave. Just waiting for the driver and we're away on a long weekend adventure to John O'Groats, 192 miles away.
I made a video lol. Not as good as the One Take Wonder that is David, but IRead more
Well, we arrived back home to find all of my snails and some of my tropical fish dead. I must have turned the heater off by mistake. Sad to be home now because we always have such a brilliantRead more
Day 1 - 36km warm up ride from Balloch to Helensburgh. First BCQ was easy, 5 min from the car park in the Balloch country Park where there is an old castle from the 13th century. Unfortunately it hasRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Helensburgh, Elenesburh, Горад Хеленсбург, Хелънсбърг, Baile Eilidh, ヘレンズバラ, Helensburgas, Хеленсборо, Геленсбург, 海倫斯堡
Traveler Trop beau 👍🏻
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