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    • Day 22


      July 29, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      In Hull erwartete uns ein enger und überfüllter Parkplatz, auf dem die Parkgebühren zu allem Überfluss wieder in Münzen bezahlt werden mussten. Etwas mehr als 1£ reichte zunächst für die erste halbe Stunde, danach mussten wir improvisieren.
      Anschauen wollten wir uns im wesentlichen die Old Town.
      Die Stadt war aber überfüllt von Teilnehmern einer Pride-Veranstaltung (LGBTQ+).
      Doris versuchte zwar mit einer 20£-Note durch den Kauf von Teilchen genügend Wechselgeld für den Parkautomaten zu bekommen. Das wurde ihr aber verweigert, mit dem Hinweis, nicht mehr Kleingeld zu haben. Dann sprach ich zwei nette Polizistinnen an, ob sie vielleicht 5£ wechseln könnten. Leider hatten die beiden kein Geld dabei und fanden es auch unmöglich und old-fashioned, dass Hull seine Parkautomaten nicht wie andere Städte auf Kartenzahlung umgerüstet hätte.
      Daraufhin kaufte diesmal ich einen Apfelsaft bei selbigem Bäcker und hatte dann 3,50£ in Münzen, um den Automaten dann nochmal zu füttern.
      Schließlich konnten wir die im Vergleich zum Rest schöne Old Town aufsuchen und uns das Münster dort ansehen.
      Wie scheinbar in Uk üblich, gab es direkt neben dem Münster ein vom Kirchenvolk betriebenes Café mit leckeren Kuchen aber auch sehr gesunden Angeboten, die Doris direkt für unser Abendessen sicherte.
      Leider stellten wir bei der Rückkehr zum Wagen fest, dass die Tür rechts hinten durch die Tür eines unbekannten benachbarten Wagens eine Macke bekommen hatte 🙉
      So ein Souvenir hätte ich gerne nicht bekommen.
      Wieder „Zuhause“ konnten wir ein leckeres Dinner genießen und Foxi seinen großen Garten 😎
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    • Day 3

      Ankunft in Kingston upon Hull

      January 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Die Fährfahrt von Rotterdam nach Kingston upon Hull verlief ohne Sturm und dementsprechend auch ohne großem Seegang 😪

      Als wir in K. Upon Hull angekommen sind war es noch komplett dunkel, wir sind von der Fähre runter und erst mal in ein ruhigeren Teil der Stadt gefahren um uns zu sortieren.
      Zur Belohnung gab es einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang und danach das erste originale English Breakfast.
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    • Day 21

      Überfahrt Hull - Rotterdam

      June 30, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Von New Abbey verabschiedeten wir uns und machten uns auf den Weg Richtung Fähre. Die Autobahn war ziemlich voll und es ging etwas schleppend voran. Kurz vor Hull gönnten wir uns noch eine Kaffepause in Drewton's Farm-Shop. Fährterminal schnell gefunden und
      das Einchecken lief ganz problemlos. Kabine 10295 war es diesmal.
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    • Day 2


      January 29, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 34 °F

      I'm here! What a day. They collected me in a group from the airport and the four of us got to know each other over the next few hours and then when they handed out keys one of them was my roommate! Yeah! Together we found some food and toilet paper. Today is orientation and stuff, it was dark when we got to Hull so I'm excited to see it during the day.Read more

    • Day 4

      Exploring Hull

      January 31, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 37 °F

      A German, an American and a Frenchman walk into a pub.....

      and eat some lunch. sounds like the beginnings of a good joke but this is pretty much my daily life so far. I'll let you know when I come up with a good punchline.

      Went exploring Hull with some of my flatmates, including lunch at the 'smallest pub room in Britain'.
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    • Day 95

      Liberty Cafe - American Diner

      May 2, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 45 °F

      Oh yes! Also ate at an American Diner today! xD They gave me a boat of gravy with my burger? They also had to ask permission and made a really big fuss because I wanted I rootbeer float.(instead of the coke float they had on the menu) P.S. The rootbeer was AustralianRead more

    • Day 45


      May 30, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      I’m sat on the Pride of Hull nursing a Leffe. All around is the sound of Dutch. There’s an empty stage in front of me with an electric drum kit and a sunburst Stratocaster. It all looks ominous. I really hope there isn’t a band on, at least not any time soon. No one has ever heard of a group that made it big after gigging on a ferry (especially not P&O’s Pride of Hull!). And for good reason; they are notoriously un-tuneful.

      It was just over three and a half hours ago when I left Wigan; which is really not bad going all things considered. All in all, it was a particularly uneventful journey. There was traffic on the M60 (is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods?), but apart from that, it was plain sailing the whole way.

      I did, however, need a wee. And it was precisely at the point that I got stuck in the infamous M60 traffic that Nature started to make its voice heard. Sods law! I did, it must be said, drink two cups of tea in quick succession before leaving. But, on any other motorway at any other point, I could’ve pulled over and relieved myself. Not on M60 whilst sat in traffic! There was nothing I could do, I just had to grin and bear it. Torture, it was.

      But, after about 20 minutes of crawling, I’d cleared the M60 and I had Yorkshire within my sights. For that reason, I didn’t stop. I kept going and going and going. 70 miles, 60 miles, 50. I still needed a wee -- really badly needed a wee -- but, inexplicably, I kept going. I passed countless service stations and just carried on, Hull bound. In fact, I nearly made it all the way. I was just seven miles off Hull and nine off the port, when,as if from nowhere, the Humber Bridge revealed itself upon the horizon. Well, I had to stop and take a picture. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

      I pulled off the carriageway and meandered about an industrial estate, searching for a place where I could stop for a minute and take a picture of the suspension bridge. Well, about half the mile up the road the industrial units gave way to a clearing of trees. Lo and behold, there was a car park too. I stopped, found a bush, did my thing, then made my way through the woods down to the shoreline.

      Wow, what an impressive bridge. Not quite the Forth Bridges, but impressive nonetheless. It’s a shame, though, they painted it brown. There is a lot to be said about being understated, but a bridge of that calibre deserves to be, at least, a deep red or something.

      Anyway, I got my picture and made my way back to the car. Thankfully, it was still there. Should it not have been, the thief would have got more than he bargained for - a car full of life's basic essentials plus a 50Kg bag of apples and a life's supply of toilet roll (thanks Mum!). Feeling lighter and significantly more nimble than I had done just two minutes earlier, I climbed back in the Up and travelled the last few miles to the port.

      I got to the port and the heavens opened. I wanted to get out and take a picture of the Pride of Hull, but the rain prevented me from doing so. And, besides, there was a burly looking man in high-vis directing me through the gates-of-no-return. Before I knew it, I was on board, the whole thing taking just 15 minutes.

      Now I’m on board and feeling a bit sea sick. So much in life is psychological: we haven’t even set sail. Just the act of sitting on a boat is enough to make me feel a bit dizzy. Then again, this Belgian beer is strong stuff. And that reminds me, I must got and buy another before this knock-off pub band turn up.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hull, Kingston upon Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, האל, Кингстон-апон-Халл, 赫爾河畔京士頓

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