Besuch in der church to Kyre Park
March 24, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 11 °CJeden Freitag um 16 Uhr ist Gebetszeit in der Stille.
Jeden Freitag um 16 Uhr ist Gebetszeit in der Stille.
17.9 miles 377.9miles. Penkridge
Last morning at Tenbury with Ged and George and last lift from Ollie for a while. The dogs were trying to be invisible so they could rest. Thank you all very much.Read more
So the flight crew just woke us up for breakfast. Early, way too early, but a new day and we saw bright sunshine outside the plane's window. I believe the absolute worst part of international travelRead more
Meeting mit Julia, die über ihre Arbeit in den Kleinstgemeinden berichtet.
Final stop for today.
We stay over at a friends place, had a barbecue and met some lovely people.
Look mum went to church today!
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Malvern Hills District
Traveler Ich bin dabei!!!
Traveler Wie jetzt… Er soll Eva lieben!
Traveler will er Eva zum Nachmachen zeigen. 😀