Catbells and Friar's Crag hikes

Gorgeous hikes around Lake Derwentwater! I'll admit hiking up Catbells was pretty challenging, though, with a lot of steep rock scrambling. But I successfully did not fall off the fell! You can seeRead more
Gorgeous hikes around Lake Derwentwater! I'll admit hiking up Catbells was pretty challenging, though, with a lot of steep rock scrambling. But I successfully did not fall off the fell! You can seeRead more
Drove to Keswick and parked by lake, took launch to Hawse End and walked up Catbells and down to the caravan park, along road to footpath to lake and along lake back to Hawse End, took launch aroundRead more
Wir kommen erst um 19:30 auf unserer Borrowdale Campsite im Süden vom Derwentwater an, werden aber super herzlich begrüßt, sogleich eingewiesen, der Pitch liegt etwas abgelegen mit sehr nahemRead more
Auch der zweite Tag im Norden Englands ist regnerisch. Wir starten deshalb unser Frühstück im Hotel. Schließlich erklärt uns die Bedienung, dass das kein Pech sondern der Normalfall hier ist. KeinRead more
Breakfast at Idan Guesthouse in Llanberis Wales then purchased a thermal top each at a outdoor shop. Drove to Cumbria and the Lake District with a stop for coffee at a service centre near Lancaster.Read more
Yesterday’s rain finished during the night so woke up to a nice day. Breakfast at 8am and met the other guests from Anglesea taking the proprietor’s training course before settling up their ownRead more
WOW! Standing at only 379m on the OS map you wouldn't expect that much from such a small peak in the Lake District.
An ascent from the lively town of KeswickRead more
Great swim in Derwent Water on one of the hottest days of the year! 27c at 12:00 hrs (inside). Wonderfully quiet but cool. Water temperature was ok for 25 min, refreshing. Watch old lady with herRead more
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Traveler If only you could have beautiful scenery while you're hiking.
Traveler If only...