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    • Day 6–7


      May 2, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Took the train from London to Southampton today. It took around 1.5 hours and was lovely to see some of the countryside. Hotel is above our expectations and is gorgeous. Porter collected our bags from taxi and brought them up to our room, all very fancy. Then we were off to the Westquay shopping complex, you could get lost in there! We needed another suitcase but decided to do two carry-on cases and see how we go. Then we brought our very tired feet back to the hotel, so a nap before our dinner reservations. The couple next to us in the dinning room were having trouble with their phone when I spotted the cruise app... conversation was started and we had a lovely meal while finding out all about cruising from our new American acquaintances. She is 70 in July and honestly doesn't look a day over 50 - must be due to the 21 cruises they have done, maybe the new fountain of youth 🤷‍♀️ Tomorrow, we embark on our 12 night cruise of the British Isles.Read more

    • Day 87

      Southampton: A Pre-Embarkation Stroll

      December 3, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 37 °F

      This being our third time in Southampton, we had no real sightseeing plans today. Having spent the majority of yesterday sitting, however, we felt that a stroll around town would not go amiss. After breakfast at the hotel, we headed out toward the old city walls and followed them to Bargate … built as part of the city defenses back in 1180.

      Though the sun was out, it wasn’t doing much to temper the morning chill … the temperature was just above freezing, so no surprise I guess. Nonetheless, we persevered. Believe you me, the room never felt more welcoming than when we returned to the Holiday Inn nearly an hour later.

      Peeking out the window, we caught a glimpse of our ship at the Horizon Terminal. Time to meet up with Deniz and embark the ship!
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    • Day 1

      Endlich auf dem Schiff!

      October 6, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach einer fast endlosen Busfahrt sind wir endlich auf dem Schiff angekommen. Den langen Weg vom CheckIn bis zur Sicherheit auf dem Schiff wurde die Mensch gerollt, so dass es dann doch etwas schneller ging. Emma, Betti, GG und Jollita studieren das Programm des Abends und lernen die Kabine kennen. Nicky und ich streunen schon mal über das Schiff und genehmigen uns einen Begrüßungs Tonic. 😜Read more

    • Day 86

      To Southampton … via London

      December 2, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      Our travel luck held! We are now settled into our room at the Southampton Holiday Inn … 90 minutes earlier than expected!

      The first bus ride — from Stansted Airport to the Victoria Coach Station in London — was uneventful. We even got a surprise ‘free’ panoramic tour of London that gave us glimpses of some of the city’s iconic landmarks … Big Ben and Parliament; London Bridge; the Thames and the London Eye … amongst others.

      Once we reached the coach station, we were able to switch from our 7:00p ticketed departure to an earlier bus at 5:30p. We had just enough time to grab some yummy meat pies for a quick dinner before it was time to board the bus.

      Getting out of London was the worst part of our travel day. It took about 45 minutes to do so in stop-and-go rush hour traffic. It was a bit chilly on the bus … even with the extra layers National Express had strongly suggested we bring with us. Once on the motorway, however, it was smooth going. Nightfall hid from our eyes what was outside the windows, so I whiled away the time by reading my book; Mui napped.

      A short Uber ride from the Harbor Parade Coach Station in Southampton brought us to our hotel; Deniz took a cab to his hotel. We will meet up at the cruise terminal tomorrow.

      Time to get some shuteye now.

      (I’m not one for ‘through-dirty-windows-photography’ but I could not resist snapping a few memory shots … attached to this footprint in lieu of a boring photo of our hotel room at the Holiday Inn.)
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    • Day 11

      A day out in Southampton UK

      May 12, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We decided to get off the ship in Southampton for a few hours. We checked out a historic Tudor home/museum/garden, walked thru the old village a bit, popped into a bookstore (because we can’t resist one) and we had a great fish and chip lunch. And we got in a nice walk on a very beautiful day.Read more

    • Day 6


      February 6 in England ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Heute kam ein bisschen Titanic Feeling auf. Zum Glück nicht aufgrund einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg 😅 sondern wir legten heute im Starthafen dieser an. Da wir uns das Titanic Museum bereits letztes Jahr angeschaut haben, schlenderten wir etwas durch die Stadt. Da das Schiff bei unserer Rückkehr relativ leer war, nutzten wir die Gunst der Stunde und waren im Spa.
      Nur noch morgen und dann heißt es auch schon wieder „Moin Hamburg“.
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    • Day 4

      Radtour "Das Beste von Southampton" 1

      September 11, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Laut Wikipedia ist Southampton eine bedeutende Hafenstadt im Vereinigten Königreich. Sehr bekannt geworden aber auch als der Startpunkt der Titanic im Jahre 1912. Wir sind gespannt auf „Das Beste von Southampton“, das wir nun mit dem Fahrrad erkunden wollen.
      Murdin kennt sich aus und bringt uns sicher durch das Städtchen, zeigt uns wichtige alte und neue Gebäude, Gedenkstätten, einen uralten und wunderschönen Friedhof, riesige Parkanlagen, die Arbeiterviertel im Vorort ...
      Wir sind alle drei begeistert und Angelika jauchzt bei jedem Hügel und freut sich über ihre Elektromobilität 😆!
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    • Day 4

      Radtour "Das Beste von Southampton" 2

      September 11, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Auch die fleißigsten Radler brauchen mal eine Pause. Also stellen wir unsere Drahtesel an der Stadtmauer ab und machen Sightseeing zu Fuß. Im urigen Pub essen wir ganz traditionell Fish and Chips, dazu gibts Cidre und Ale - lecker 😋. Noch 10 Minuten shoppen und schon müssen wir zurück zu den Rädern. Und was sehen wir da? Eins 🚲 ist weg 😱! Geklaut, mitten in unserem schönen Ausflug, nicht zu fassen. Murdin will nun neben uns herlaufen und uns so zum Schiff bringen, nebenbei noch das Tudor Haus zeigen und den Pub, in dem die Ingenieure der Titanic immer ihr Bierchen tranken. Nach kurzer Schockminute finden wir eine bessere Lösung: ich nehm den Shuttlebus zurück zum Schiff und Murdin beendet die Radtour mit meinem Fahrrad.Read more

    • Day 6

      All aboard!

      July 22, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      So today we got up at 7am, grabbed a local pastry, and took a rental van from our hotel in London down to the docks in Southampton. It was about a 2 hour drive. I got car sick riding backward in the van..... Boarding the ship was very easy and we were in our rooms by 1pm. It rained almost all day and was about 58 degrees. It gave up plenty of time to explore the ship and get a board game in. We headed out at 4:30pm and made it into the dining room for supper. Tomorrow we have a relaxing day at sea which our feet appreciate.Read more

    • Day 69

      Southampton Sojourn

      August 15, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We started the day with a progression run, as part of our training for the half marathon on the Faroe Islands. It was definitely turning out to be a nice day, and quite hot with the sun shining.

      Remember the windmill we toured in the Netherlands? They mill flour these days for bakers. So today was the day to bake up my fruit&nut bread mix! It was a delicious success and a wonderful way to extend the memories; the best souvenirs of all 🧠 🥸

      Decided an afternoon trip to explore Southampton was in order. We weaved our way south in the rental car, and into the old town. The fresh sea air smelled fantastic! Meandering our way along the southwestern section of the old city wall brought us by Tudor House, built in 1491 and became a museum in 1912.

      Eventually we found ourselves at the Bargate, built in 1180, predating the fortified city walls build after the French raid in 1338.

      This area of Southampton High Street opened up in to a pedestrian only outdoor mall. We found a much larger sporting goods store to find a few items for the Faroe Islands.

      As we were expecting G & S to join us for dinner, we beetled back to Whitchurch to get dinner on the go. The beef brisket A had been slowly cooking was fantastic! We didn't need to order pizza after all 🤣
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Southampton, ساوثهامبتون, Sauthempton, Горад Саўтгемптан, Саутхамптън, Σαουθάμπτον, ساوت‌همپتون, סאות'המפטון, SOU, サウサンプトン, Саутгемптон, 사우샘프턴, Hantonia, Sautamptonas, Sauthemptona, ဆောက်သမ္ပတန်မြို့, Hantonne, ساؤتھمپٹن, Саутхемптон, เซาแทมป์ตัน, 南安普敦

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