
Took the train from London to Southampton today. It took around 1.5 hours and was lovely to see some of the countryside. Hotel is above our expectations and is gorgeous. Porter collected our bags fromRead more
Took the train from London to Southampton today. It took around 1.5 hours and was lovely to see some of the countryside. Hotel is above our expectations and is gorgeous. Porter collected our bags fromRead more
This being our third time in Southampton, we had no real sightseeing plans today. Having spent the majority of yesterday sitting, however, we felt that a stroll around town would not go amiss. AfterRead more
Nach einer fast endlosen Busfahrt sind wir endlich auf dem Schiff angekommen. Den langen Weg vom CheckIn bis zur Sicherheit auf dem Schiff wurde die Mensch gerollt, so dass es dann doch etwasRead more
Our travel luck held! We are now settled into our room at the Southampton Holiday Inn … 90 minutes earlier than expected!
The first bus ride — from Stansted Airport to the Victoria Coach StationRead more
We decided to get off the ship in Southampton for a few hours. We checked out a historic Tudor home/museum/garden, walked thru the old village a bit, popped into a bookstore (because we can’t resistRead more
Heute kam ein bisschen Titanic Feeling auf. Zum Glück nicht aufgrund einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg 😅 sondern wir legten heute im Starthafen dieser an. Da wir uns das Titanic Museum bereitsRead more
Laut Wikipedia ist Southampton eine bedeutende Hafenstadt im Vereinigten Königreich. Sehr bekannt geworden aber auch als der Startpunkt der Titanic im Jahre 1912. Wir sind gespannt auf „Das BesteRead more
Auch die fleißigsten Radler brauchen mal eine Pause. Also stellen wir unsere Drahtesel an der Stadtmauer ab und machen Sightseeing zu Fuß. Im urigen Pub essen wir ganz traditionell Fish and Chips,Read more
So today we got up at 7am, grabbed a local pastry, and took a rental van from our hotel in London down to the docks in Southampton. It was about a 2 hour drive. I got car sick riding backward in theRead more
We started the day with a progression run, as part of our training for the half marathon on the Faroe Islands. It was definitely turning out to be a nice day, and quite hot with the sun shining.Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Southampton, ساوثهامبتون, Sauthempton, Горад Саўтгемптан, Саутхамптън, Σαουθάμπτον, ساوتهمپتون, סאות'המפטון, SOU, サウサンプトン, Саутгемптон, 사우샘프턴, Hantonia, Sautamptonas, Sauthemptona, ဆောက်သမ္ပတန်မြို့, Hantonne, ساؤتھمپٹن, Саутхемптон, เซาแทมป์ตัน, 南安普敦
Traveler Looks like you are settling into being tourists well.😊♥️
Traveler It looks amazing!! I’m so happy you are having a great time!
THE PINK FLORADORA Beefeater Pink Strawberry Gin, Funkin Rhubarb Syrup, Franklin and Sons Ginger Beer, Lime Juice, Fresh Raspberries, Mint Spring
Looks so good Brian a little questionable. Xx [Sarah]