United States
Back Bay

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    • Day 6

      Freedom Trail

      August 28, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Hot day today - 31°C and very humid. Walked the Freedom Trail from Boston Common through the town; a beautiful city, steeped in history and character. Needing to stop frequently to refresh ourselves, we went to Quincy Maket for beer, shade and ice-creams. In Little Italy we found Mikes Pastry shop - renowned for the best canolli in Boston. They were delicious!! Found "Cheers" bar and then had to escape the heat into O J O'connors (another recommended Irish bar). Supper at O'Keeffe's closed off the trio on Mike's list.Read more

    • Day 2

      Four Seasons

      August 31, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nachdem wir unser gebuchtes Hotel dank EXPEDIA nicht bekommen haben und wir 3 Stunden herum diskutiert haben mit der Hotline wurden wir nun in das Four Seasons umgebucht.
      Zumindest ist es ganz schön.
      Mal schauen ob uns Boston morgen ein wenig besser gefällt bzw. etwas gnädiger zu uns ist.
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    • Boston

      January 24, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Ich konnte wieder einmal mit Anja auf eine Rotation mit.
      Diesmal stand Boston auf dem Flugplan.
      Das Wetter war entgegen dem Wetterbericht trocken. Trotzdem fegte ein unamgenehmer Wind durch die Häuserschluchten.
      Wir hatten "nur" 1 Tag um die Stadt unsicher zu machen, deshalb haben wir uns für einen langen Spaziergang durch Boston entschieden.
      Dabei sind wir duch den Boston Public Garden gelaufen und haben dabei ganz viele Eichhörnchen gesehen und gepetet😊
      Fürs Morgenessen haben wir uns das "the Friendly Toast" entschieden. 80er Sound und Filmplakate aus den 50er machen dieses Lokal zu einem speziellen Hingucker. Das Essen war gut und reichhaltig 😅
      Danach ging es weiter zum Hafen, wo wir die Zeit beim Aquarium vertrieben haben. Hinein sind wir aber nicht, da uns 32$ pro Person zuviel war.
      Für mich war das Highlight der Quency Market. Ein Gebäude vollgestopft mit Essensständen😍 Süsses, salziges oder fettiges... Hier kommt jeder auf seine kosten!
      Gegönnt haben wir uns frische Mac n'Cheese und 2 Cupcakes.
      Nach gut 21000 Schritten heisst es nun wieder: Zusammen packen und ab zum Flughafen Richtung Zürich...
      Es war schön, aber ich denke im Herbst ist es hier deutlich schöner, vorallem im Park. Kommen tu ich auf alle Fälle wider, denn Boston ist im Vergleich zu anderen US Grossstädten deutlich ruhiger und "freundlicher" 😁
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    • Day 9

      Welcome to Boston

      April 14, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Frühstück gabs in der "Stammbeiz" der Yale-Sportmannschaften 🍳
      Dann ab zum Bahnhof, wo wir unseren Zug nach Boston bestiegen.

      Nach gut 3h sind wir im neuen Hotel eingecheckt ✔️
      Via Converse-Store & Hockeystadion sind wir zum Marathon-Fanfest, wo gerade noch der Zielbereich fertig aufgestellt wird.
      Am Abend die Aussicht von der Rooftopbar nur kurz genossen, denn heute windete es mittlerweile ziemlich heftig und die Temperaturen kühlten ab...
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    • Day 50–51

      boston again

      November 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      we went back to boston one day before my flight back, because as chance would have it, russ had a work meeting to attend there. the drive back to boston was even more stunning than the other way. this time wrigley (who, i forgot to mention earlier, brought me a lot of joy in the 5 days prior) was with us, hanging out the car window.

      on the way to the hotel, i noticed a sign with a certain 7-point leaf. only then i realized that weed was legal in massachusetts, which led to me and flavien setting out on a quest to find a dispensary a couple of hours later, but first, we went to a wendy's and ordered an american sized menu. it turned out that wendy's > mcd.

      we then spent 30$ (half the amount i spent in the us in total) on a 100mg chocolate bar and got to work back at the hotel. we were just coming out of the pool about an hour later when they kicked in. and kick in they did. (last pic is us, high as kites, trying to get a shot of flavien touching the top of the building). all i can say is that i've never slept deeper than that night.

      and the next morning, it was time to say thank you and goodbye.
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    • Day 34


      June 25, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wow, was für eine tolle Stadt!
      Auch Downtown sauber und, verglichen mit New York, sehr leise. Darüber hinaus viel Grün und viel Wasser. Fast ein bisschen wie Hamburg, nur eben am Meer.
      Zum Abschluss noch ein Bierchen mit Ross und unsere erste selbst gebuchte Fahrt mit Uber. Fantastisch! Für 5 USD durch die halbe Stadt!Read more

    • Day 4

      Boston Public Library

      November 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      This is an amazing library and the oldest tax payer funded library in America. Beautiful old building but so modern (and busy) inside. Loved the children's library which was probably the same size as all of Capalaba Library. The flying books were my favourite.Read more

    • Day 2

      Nach South-Boston, Waterfront

      August 13, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Unterkunft im Oasis Guesthouse in Back Bay 🏡

      Das Frühstück im Guesthouse war überraschend abwechslungsreich!

      Früh via Newbury Street (Läden öffnen erst um 11), vorbei an der Finisher line vom Boston Marathon in Richtung Zentrum und weiter nach South-Boston. Boston ist übersäht mit wunderbaren Blumen 🤩

      Auf dem Rückweg zufällig am Feuerwehrmuseum vorbeigekommen und am Boston Tea Party House.

      Jetzt, am Nachmittag, wo die Läden endlich offen sind, mal einen Blick rein werfen 😉

      Am Aben noch mal 50min Spatziergang zum Hafen und 30min Anstehen zum ins Restaurant kommen. Das Clam chowder was wirklich gut! Der Rest war ok 😅

      Totah fast 35'000 Schritte gemacht 😎
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    • Day 7

      Boston to New York, train day!

      August 23, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C


      As it was a travel day today and we left Boston to head to New York I just wanted to mention how laid back and pretty Boston city is, so much history. We were also very close to the airport, some people would especially love it, Mum and Dad 😉

      Had a bit of a lie in today, got up and packed. Met in the hotel lobby and went to Starbucks in the hotel for breakfast, think the guy doing the drinks was so excited that someone had actually ordered an English breakfast tea that in his excitement he lifted the coffee cup up and spilt some of it on my hand, I was absolutely fine but he ran over to check on me, was probably worried I was going to sue him!?!

      I was appropriately dressed today for the train, full length jeans and hoodie, just in case with air conditioning. We spent an hour or so sat on a bench in the Boston public park which is close by the hotel just people watching and soaking up the atmosphere before checking out of the hotel and getting a taxi to the Amtrak train station at Back Bay, although none of the taxi's really wanted to take us as they all wanted the big $50 fares to the airport so we did get told no by 1 guy, rude. Anyway while we were sat waiting for the train we had a slight panic as a guy asked a girl waiting for the train if this track was the 1 where the New York train came in and she said no and gave him different directions, then the train to New York (final destination Washington, Acela Express 2165) turned up and he missed it!?! 😮 She felt awful as she thought only commuter trains went through that side. Luckily we hadn't listened to her. However it was odd, there were no announcements to say which train was coming or anything so it was confusing.

      We were sat in business class, ohh get us!!! The train had wi-fi but I was right, it was cold ❄️ At times the train was also very bumpy and I was particularly concerned when I went to the toilet and thought the door might fling open at any moment as the latch certainly didn't appear secure. I did however see the back of a few Office Depots and Walmarts on the way out of Boston, beautiful views 😜 but as you went further out it was good to see outside of the big cities (although I love them) and see some of the countryside, New England really is beautiful. The houses are so pretty and quaint, all different looks and shapes but very 'white picket fence'. Picturesque lakes and rivers, things we wouldn't of got to see if we hadn't taken the train.

      I was really excited as the train stopped in Rhode Island and Connecticut which although I've done over 40 states of the USA are x2 states I've never been to before! 😀 So I could add them to my list, Rhode Island especially as it's the smallest state in the USA.

      I'll be honest I've never knowingly been on a train with 3 lanes being used before, where there is 1 going the same way as you and is next to you and 1 on other side going the opposite direction to you so when you look out of the windows on both sides you can just see trains 😂 The train wasn't exactly Some Like It Hot and the snack cart wasn't exactly White Christmas but I really enjoyed the experience, although it did briefly break down for maybe 15 minutes, of course it's me, something to do with an overhead cable so they had to check it. However we still pulled into Penn Station, New York City within 4 hours.

      Part 2 to follow...

      Love & big hugs
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    • Day 26

      Impressionen 10.9.

      September 10, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      - Regen? Echt jetzt?
      - die Skyline aus einer anderen Blickrichtung
      - sooo groß bin ich :)
      - am Eingang zu einer Subway Station (die ist hier mal so anders im Vergleich zu New York oder auch München...)
      - wie soll man sich bei der Auswahl an Cheesecakes entscheiden??
      - White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake with whipped cream on the side :D
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