Freedom Trail

Hot day today - 31°C and very humid. Walked the Freedom Trail from Boston Common through the town; a beautiful city, steeped in history and character. Needing to stop frequently to refresh ourselves,Read more
Hot day today - 31°C and very humid. Walked the Freedom Trail from Boston Common through the town; a beautiful city, steeped in history and character. Needing to stop frequently to refresh ourselves,Read more
Nachdem wir unser gebuchtes Hotel dank EXPEDIA nicht bekommen haben und wir 3 Stunden herum diskutiert haben mit der Hotline wurden wir nun in das Four Seasons umgebucht.
Zumindest ist es ganzRead more
Frühstück gabs in der "Stammbeiz" der Yale-Sportmannschaften 🍳
Dann ab zum Bahnhof, wo wir unseren Zug nach Boston bestiegen.
Nach gut 3h sind wir im neuen Hotel eingecheckt ✔️
ViaRead more
we went back to boston one day before my flight back, because as chance would have it, russ had a work meeting to attend there. the drive back to boston was even more stunning than the other way. thisRead more
This is an amazing library and the oldest tax payer funded library in America. Beautiful old building but so modern (and busy) inside. Loved the children's library which was probably the same size asRead more
Unterkunft im Oasis Guesthouse in Back Bay 🏡
Das Frühstück im Guesthouse war überraschend abwechslungsreich!
Früh via Newbury Street (Läden öffnen erst um 11), vorbei an der Finisher lineRead more
As it was a travel day today and we left Boston to head to New York I just wanted to mention how laid back and pretty Boston city is, so much history. We were also very close to the airport, someRead more
- Regen? Echt jetzt?
- die Skyline aus einer anderen Blickrichtung
- sooo groß bin ich :)
- am Eingang zu einer Subway Station (die ist hier mal so anders im Vergleich zu New York oder auchRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Back Bay
Traveler Hot 🥵. The city looks stunning. This Penguin thing is brilliant 👍 and your photos are amazing. Enjoy xx
Traveler 🥰 Thanks Debs, it's good that I'm restricted to 10 photos as there is so much I could put on it would be overwhelming. Feel very lucky xxx
Traveler It’s like film set, there is so much I’ve seen on tv and movies. 🎥 xx
Traveler It's so lovely Sue, there is something around every corner 😍