United States
Chicago O'Hare International Airport

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    • Day 1

      Touchdown in Windy City

      July 31, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Na een hectische overstap in Dublin, waar we in een adembenemende 50 minuten door de luchthaven sprinten, talloze controles doorstaan en zelfs de Amerikaanse douane trotseren, landen we eindelijk in Chicago - de stad met vele bijnamen: Windy City, De Second City, Chi-Town, City, Big Shoulders, Paris of the prairies.

      Vanuit O'Hare International Airport rijden we in onze gehuurde auto door de stad richting onze airbnb. De rit voert ons langs majestueuze lanen, prachtige houten Victoriaanse huizen, geflankeerd door statige bomen die hun takken over de weg spreidden als een groene arcade. We passeerden de weelderige buurten van Chicago's North Shore, een schril contrast met onze eindbestemming in een meer “bescheiden” wijk, Lawndale.

      Ons tijdelijke thuis, een donkerrood huisje aan het begin van de straat, staat in een buurt in transitie. Hier en daar zijn gerenoveerde panden te zien, eilandjes van vernieuwing in een zee van verwaarlozing. Braakliggende terreinen tussen de huizen worden gebruikt als parkeerplaats voor. autowrakken, vertellen het verhaal van een wijk die wacht op zijn wederopstanding. Je voelt dat deze wijk over 10 jaar een hippe buurt is. Ons appartement in de kelder blijkt echter een aangename verrassing: fris, nieuw en comfortabel, zij het met een overvloed aan wit.

      De echte ontdekkingstocht begint als we de 'L' nemen, Chicago's iconische verhoogde metro. Als een stalen slang slingert deze zich door de stad, ons een bird's-eye view biedend van de straten beneden. De metro zelf is een fascinerend theater van het alledaagse leven aan de onderkant van Amerika. Van de balletdansende man met diamanten oorbellen tot de brood magere tandeloze vrouw met dreadlocks en flamboyante sloffen tot rappende Afro-kapsels tot uitgeputte fabrieksarbeiders tot hangende groepjes jongeren met elk hun eigen koptelefoon op.. Elke rit is een kleine voorstelling.

      In Fulton Market ontmoeten we Robbie, die al enkele dagen eerde naar Chicago is gevlogen in de stad te verkennen en  om zich voor te bereiden op Lollapalooza, en van de grootste popfestivals van de wereld en de langstlopende in Amerika. Het Pinkpop van Amerika, zeg maar.

      Fulton Market, ooit het domein van voedseldistributeurs en fabrieken, heeft zich getransformeerd tot een bruisende hotspot. Hippe bars, ambachtelijke brouwerijen en trendy kantoren hebben de oude pakhuizen ingenomen, een unieke mix van industrieel erfgoed en moderne stedelijkheid creërend

      Ons diner is in een lokale hamburgertent (Small Cheval, door Robbie zorgvuldig geselecteerd). Onder slingers van twinkelende lichtjes, gezeten op een gezellig pleintje aan ronde houten picknick-bankjes, omringd door gerenoveerde industriële gebouwen, genoten we van sappige burgers en lekkere cocktails - kom daar maar eens om in het natte Nederland, een snackbar met cocktails.

      Na een korte wandeling over de levendige Randolph Street, het kloppende hart van Fulton Market, met talloze barretjes, restaurants, openlucht bioscopen, brouwerijen, terrassen en winkeltjes met lekkernijen houden we het voor geien. Na vierentwintig uur wakker te zijn vallen de luiken dicht. We gaan met de L-rail richting  ons bed. Buiten is het nog 28 graden, in onze kelder een lekker 19. 
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    • Day 19


      October 7, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Der Urlaub neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Früh morgens ging es mit kurzem Zwischenstopp am Mississippi River geradlinig zum Airport nach Chicago. Der 6h Autofahrt folgte ein 6h Flug, vorbei an Grönland, nach Reykjavik, Island. Dann noch einmal 3h nach Berlin und 2h, mein größtes Sorgenkind, die Bahnfahrt nach Hannover.Read more

    • Day 24

      Washington DC to Chicago by AA

      May 13, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      On our tour last night we met several fellow travellers including George from the University of Brighton who has been working in Chicago for the last year as part of his degree in Psychology and Francesco from Parma, Italy who happened to know Canterbury well from staying there previously. However our favourite were John and Mayra-Fernanda from Columbia.

      When we ordered at Ben's Chilli Bowl, Kim noticed John and Mayra had also stayed behind to eat (after the tour the group split with some heading to a bar) and Kim offered for them to sit with us at the table we'd managed to get. Up until this point we had not spoken to them and only knew from group introductions that they spoke very little English. However as we sat and edged conversation in slow English (also using Google Translate when really stuck) we quickly became friends.

      We chatted away in the diner, walking back to the hostel together before sitting in the communal area as other travellers sat and watched The Shawshank Redemption on the television. We learned about each other's homes and lives as well as previous and future travel plans. We learnt some Spanish and they offered for us to visit them in Bogota. Both in their mid-30s with jobs in law and finance they have a young son who is cared for by family back home whilst they briefly holiday in the U.S. It was clear that they both missed him very much and talked about how they were uncertain whether to have a second child or not.

      Although we missed each other at breakfast we made sure we said 'adios' before leaving for the airport to fly to Seattle. This was one of the best parts of our trip to Washington. Despite living in very different countries and with no real shared language we were still able to quickly relate as 'strangers in a strange land'. It was a brilliant experience and one we hope to continue throughout our adventure. Naturally we are now friends on Facebook with John and Mayra thanks to Kim having this and we hope to stay in touch with them.

      As for the events of today, we took the metro out to the airport, briefly meeting an American family who were interested in our travel plans. The father telling his wife up ahead, 'hey honey, they're going to Seattle AND LA, damn, I live here and I haven't even been to those places!'. After a rush through security we made our flight, which transferred in Chicago before arriving in Seattle.
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    • Day 2

      Heading home again

      November 4, 2018 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Our last wedding event was the brunch — since we had an early evening flight, though, that meant that we had a lot of time to enjoy the grandkids some more. First stop was Pullen Park in Raleigh. One of those great old parks with a chug chug train around the park, an old time carousel, and a few very tame kids rides. Lots of kids, lots of parents and grandparents taking pictures.

      Our last family stop was Beasley’s, a Raleigh restaurant that has a bit of buzz these days since it was written up in some food magazine. I don’t find these things, I just let Katy do the choosing and follow along. Who knew that chicken and waffles could really be something that tasted good?! I Mac n cheese, biscuits and honey, all those comfort foods that leave you wondering why you just couldn’t resist and had to keep on eating.

      Now back at the airport — we have two flights and about four hours of travel ahead of us while the Berkelely crew has a long 6 hour flight. It is always hard to say goodbye to grandkids, but it was a great family weekend. Only regret was that David and Shannon couldn’t make it with their three!
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    • Day 4

      Day 4 - off the Chicago

      May 2, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Today was a bit of a waste. We were up at 4am to head to the airport for a 7am flight. Both our luggage is already at the max so a second bag will be coming with me from Chicago 🤣 Got on the plane and the captain told us we were awaiting engineers to finish checking the plane after an earlier bird strike. He seemed pretty confident that we would be right to go but Sarah & I we’re both a bit worried, having watched too many air cease investigations. Unfortunately we had to deboard and wait for them to find us another plane - Courtney I think my guardian angel was looking over me.
      3 1/2 hours after original departure time, we were up in the air. But with the delay and time difference, their slow unloading of luggage & traffic, it was 7pm by the time we got to our hotel. Wahlburgers for dinner, caughtup on some posts and photos and planned our day for tomorrow....
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    • Day 14

      Made it to O’Hare

      June 29, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      I am not really sure how the airlines allow people to buy a ticket with a 50 minute connection between our arrival into Madrid from Málaga and our flight out of Madrid to Chicago. Get off the plane, get to the train to get out to the international terminal, get off the train, go through Immigration, get to your gate. It was a bit much. I am definitely going to pay attention to my connection times more in the future, especially now that I sit here in O’Hare with a four hour layover!

      I think part of the problem with my bad connections is the reduced flight schedule, though things are definitely picking up. O’Hare is mobbed, seems like it is back to normal. But the Iberia flight was only about 20% full, I would guess.

      At several points along the way today, we were asked to show our covid test results or sign an affirmation that we had been vaccinated and/or had taken a covid test. Because the numbers of international travelers are so low, there wasn’t much of a wait at O’Hare — in fact, it was the quickest trip through immigration I can remember. They have removed all of the many touch screen automated immigration machines, though, maybe because of covid. So if numbers pick up, the waits could get much longer.

      So ends our trip to Spain. If you are vaccinated and want to go to Spain, my advice is to GO if you are vaccinated. No hassles getting in, just fill out a form with your vaccination data. Coming back home, you need a covid test, but there are many places to do it and it is quite easily arranged, There were a few things closed because of covid, but the absence of the group tour buses really makes being a tourist much more fun.

      I’m glad to be going home, but I have to admit I am starting to dream about the next trip!
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    • Day 1

      First travel day

      September 6, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      After a 15-month hiatus, the longest I’ve gone without a Camino since I started walking in 2000, I am heading out. I had a lot of doubts about whether it was the right time, but Spain is one of the highest vaccinated countries in the world, I have N95 masks, I will sleep only in private rooms, and I will eat only outdoors or in my room. Some may think this sounds isolating and solitary, but it is exactly what I need. In fact, about a month ago I had to break the news to two dear Camino buddies that I was backing out of our tentative plans to walk together. I just wanted to walk alone.

      I picked the Salvador/Primitivo, even though I’ve already walked this route 3 times, because it is beautiful, slightly remote in places, mountainous, and will get me into Santiago in about 17 days. I couldn’t plan on a longer camino this year, but I’m hoping I can at least get to Santiago. And then if things are fine at home, I will walk into Santiago, hop on a bus to Braga, Portugal, and walk another short Camino, the Geira, back into Santiago. But I am at least hoping to make it to Santiago once.

      After a brain freeze that led me to think that tapping on the mute button was the way to UNmute, and panicking because no one could hear me when I did that, I was fortunate to have Clare at the ready in British Columbia to patiently talk me through it.

      Now one hour till boarding the Iberia flight to Madrid. Hopefully no more phone crises. Let the Covid isolation camino begin!!!
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    • Day 2

      Und weiter gehts

      May 17, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nun sitzen wir schon wieder auf einem Flughafen und warten.... Nicht gerade was wir erwartet hatten, aber.....es kann ja nur noch besser werden. Heute Abend 22.30h sollen wir endlich in Anchorage sein.Read more

    • Day 15

      Zwischenstopp Chicago

      November 14, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Das ging ja schnell von Auckland nach Chicago. Viel Zeit habe ich nicht aber mal schauen, wie das hier so läuft auf dem Airport 🤔🤔
      Man muss hier von einer Kontrolle zur Nächsten. Dazu noch das Terminal mittels Train wechseln und überall lange Schlangen aber gut. Bin gut durchgekommen und fliege nun nach Amsterdam. 🙋‍♂️Read more

    • Day 36

      My kingdom for a plug.

      August 31, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      First priority was some shopping - Liz was not impressed. Sleeping tablets & a case for my phone. Got the tablets but my phone will have to manage. Headed to the area for river cruises. Wanted to do an architecture cruise but the company we opted for did a river and lake cruise for the same price - no choice. Especially since it was going in 5 mins rather than hang around for 35 mins. Set off and our guide who claimed dubiously to look like Sean Connery proceeded to educate us about the buildings of Chicago - some of the bizarre shapes had architectural reasons. Headed out to the lake - bit windy. The windy city after all - though the nickname is down to the early politicians rather than the climate. Got some good views of the city. Every time the guide said he'd leave us for a few mins he thought of something else to tell us about Chicago. Very proud guy. Had a sarnie when back on dry land. Quick detour to the bean and fountains and then back to the hostel. The train back was packed - Tokyo packed. Getting 2 backpacks on was going to be a challenge. Fortunately by the time we were back at the station things were quieter. Good job as they say. Off to O'hare & the quest to find a plug - battery in dire need of charging (5%) & the phone was my main source of entertainment on the plane. Failing that it'll be old school - book & sleeping tabs to Manchester.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, مطار أوهير الدولي, Letiště Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Aeropuerto Internacional O'Hare, فرودگاه بین‌المللی اوهر شیکاگو, ORD, Aéroport international O'Hare de Chicago, נמל התעופה שיקגו או'הייר, O’Hare nemzetközi repülőtér, KORD, シカゴ・オヘア国際空港, 오헤어 국제공항, ഒ'ഹെയർ അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര വിമാനത്താവളം, ओ'हेर आंतरराष्ट्रीय विमानतळ, اوہیر انٹرنیشنل ہوائی اڈہ, Aeroporto Internacional O'Hare, Aeroportul Internațional Chicago O'Hare, Международный аэропорт Чикаго О'Хара, ஓஹேர் பன்னாட்டு வானூர்தி நிலையம், ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติโอแฮร์, Аеропорт О'Хара, 奥黑尔国际机场

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