United States
City of Wichita

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    • Day 6

      Wichita und Selbstversorger

      October 4 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Mitten in Wichita fanden wir einen mega coolen Laden - zumindest wenn man so auf Softeis steht wie ich! 😋
      Zig Sorten Softeis mit ebenso vielen Toppings...alles zum Selbstbedienen -
      richtig lecker!

      Da wir heute ein riesiges Hotelzimmer mit Küche haben, gibt es Selfmade-Steaks mit Beilage zu einer kühlen Hopfenkaltschale 🍻.
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    • Day 6

      Old Cowtown Museum (1)

      October 4 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Das " Old Cowtown-Museum" gehört der Stadt Witchita und wird auch von ihr betrieben. Dort wird in einer liebevollen Art und Weise das Leben in der Stadt ab 1870 bis ungefähr 1930 präsentiert. Dafür wurden ab Mitte der 50er Jahre Gebäude sowohl aus Witchita selbst als auch aus anderen Staaten an diesem Ort zusammengetragen und restauriert wieder aufgebaut. Im Inneren sind sie mit originalen Artefakten zeitgerecht eingerichtet und ausgestattet. Man darf sie alle betreten und gewinnt dadurch einen bedrückenden Eindruck von dem harten Leben dieser Zeit. Es gibt vom Saloon über die Zahnarztpraxis, die Hausarztpraxis, den Barbiershop oder die Schmiede nichts was zu einer Stadt der Gründerzeit fehlen könnte. Es wird immer wieder Bezug genommen zu bekannten Personen wie beispielsweise Wyatt Earp, der eine Zeit lang in Witchita als Sheriff tätig war. Angestellte des Museums stehen, original gekleidet, in den einzelnen Gebäuden Rede und Antwort zu den Personen und Berufen der Bewohner.Read more

    • Day 11

      Week 2: Vegas, New Mex, and Kansas

      April 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F


      Week 2 has been crazy. Let’s put it this way…I didn’t quite plan this week very conveniently for me haha. But that’s what life is about and this is my first cross country road trip, so I was trying to pack in as much as I can.

      In actuality, I started this week on Sunday by deciding, spur of the moment, to go to Coachella music festival on the final day. It was only a 2 hour drive out of the way and I knew I could get a ticket for cheap so sometimes you have to say “yolo.” That’s part of what this trip is about. It was a phenomenal experience - I went solo, but Ofcourse ran into a ton of friends at the festival and had an absolutely epic time.

      On Monday morning I hit the road to Las Vegas NV for a series of meetings on Tuesday early morning. As soon as I finished those Tuesday meetings, I drove 10 hours to Las Cruces New Mexico. After a series of meetings in Las Cruces and El Paso (1 hour away), I began my longest road trip portion of 11.5 hours to Wichita Kansas. I got in at 3am last night and had to be at a meeting at 11am. Safe to say, I’m tired. But not too tired to do a little exploring. After all, one thing I’ve learned is that when you are traveling for work, you HAVE to save time to see the sights!

      What did I learn while on the road these two extremely long days:

      1. There isn’t much in between Nevada and Kansas to see. I couldn’t believe how much desolate land there was.

      2. The amount of small towns with populations less than 500 was shocking to see. After stopping for some gas, I took a second to soak in one of them. It truly made me realize that small town life can be incredibly peaceful. I felt like I could hear a pin drop in this town.

      3. The stars are unbelievable on these road trips. At one point, I pulled over, sat on top of my car, and just stared into space for a solid 15 mins. It was my favorite part of the trip so far. I’ve never felt so at peace in that moment.

      4. The greatest thing I purchased for the road was garbage bags for the car no joke. It’s amazing how much trash accumulates in your vehicle when you’re driving that long.

      5. Trash TV is the absolute best thing to keep you awake. I propped my phone up and put on some reality TV show on Netflix while I drove on these empty highways. It was just what was needed for those final couple hours into the night on these long drives.

      Anywho, I’ve had some incredible meetings along the way and am
      Super optimistic on the opportunities from the vehicle already. People are loving it! I look forward to a weekend in Omaha Nebraska and off to Texas next week! Stay tuned for the next one.
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    • Day 1

      Learning about myself as a leader (Q1)

      May 9, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Question 1: What are you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on this trip?
      In the past I never really considered myself a leader. It wasn't until I got invested with Leadership at SC that I saw the ways in which I was a leader and could be a leader. I felt somewhat behind my fellow first year team members because I hadn't taken Intro to Leadership, but during second semester through the travel class and putting more into leadership I felt like I was catching up. I learned the big parts of leadership and started to understand better what it meant to be a servant leader partially due to the servant leaders around me. On this trip, I was hoping to learn more about how parts of life work like airports, metros, and other things I haven't experienced, but I also wanted to learn how to lead in unfamiliar situations. The reality is, I'm not going to be comfortable or experienced in every situation I'm dealt in life, but I can't let that stop me from being a leader. As someone with anxiety my tendency in these situations is to look to others to follow the lead, but I might be the person other people are looking to. My goal for the Greece trip was to develop my ability to think on my feet and lead in situations I'm not use to. I do think I learned more about this, perhaps not through doing but through observing. I didn't plan the trip, so I wasn't faced with situations like these, but Maddie, was. I learned a lot from watching how Maddie handled different situations and problem solved. One of the biggest being, that you can look to those around you for help and that leading, it's a team effort!Read more

    • Day 6

      Old Cowtown Museum (2)

      October 4 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C
    • Day 1

      Rotary: Making a Difference

      March 24, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Rotary is a club. It's fellowship, friendship and fun. Above all it is service above self. Rotary is an extension of family with friends committed to making a difference. It's an honor to be here in Wichita--the largest city in Kansas--with other district and regional Rotary leaders. We're meeting great folks, borrowing proven ideas and we're bringing ☮️ and prosperity to the world. And, I've picked up some awesome Rotary swag, too!Read more

    • Day 1

      My Plane Peeps

      May 9, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      What are you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on this trip?

      From the Philadelphia service learning trip there were a multitude of lessons that were offered throughout the entire trip’s course – whether intended or not. From observing various leaders in the Philadelphian communities, to working with others, to learning the ways of the city, these lessons will prove as valuable experiences that I can reflect and recall on in my future of continual leadership learning. I want to emphasize this “continual learning” in that the experiences of working and observing others in the leadership process serves as an ongoing and lifelong journey that I know I will always be faced with. Moreover, what I am most longing to learn about myself as a leader on this trip is how to be aware of my own emotions and actions that can positively affect those around me. From previous experiences, I know that I am an individual to allow my emotions and feelings get the best of me. I hope to learn how to take these and use them for the betterment of myself and those around me. Additionally, I am hoping to learn more about my teammates. As a transfer student to Southwestern College, I can honestly say that I have not felt as welcomed or accepted into the Leadership Team as I would have liked. This trip will hopefully serve as a possibility for me to create new connections and friendships with my teammates, and to discover the purpose behind my desire to better my leadership skills on the Leadership Team specifically.Read more

    • Day 1

      Learning About Myself as a Leader

      July 29, 2021 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      What are you hoping to learn about yourself as a leader on this trip?

      In my experience as a leader, I've been a part of many projects, but they have all been smaller scale in the bigger picture of things. Not to say that what I've done is small, but to say that there are things much larger in the world I have yet to be a part of. Coming to this city, I wanted to learn how I function and what I can provide in these larger-scale projects. The change of the buildings, people, and overall setting around me really helped me immerse myself in this unfamiliar place. After landing and getting on our first bus, I thought to myself, "This is the place I can help make a difference in." The service work I could be a part of in this place would help show to me the needs of other parts of the world, needs that people may be less concerned about in the places I've already done service work, like Winfield and Medicine Lodge. I joined this trip and class because It is all very new and unfamiliar to me, and by exposing myself to all these new and unfamiliar things, I could make myself more equipped to handle and understand unique and strange leadership situations I've never faced, like a different urgency to my work, the people I may encounter and potentially lead, and belive me, there were some unique and colorful people in New Orleans. This trip is the perfect learning experience for people like me, people with a very small world view.Read more

    • Day 4

      Lana's Photography Challenge

      June 12, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

      Just in case you haven’t heard the squeals of excitement coming from Baltimore & Wichita, in 6 DAYS Rebecca & I will embark on our exciting adventure in Eastern Europe. Since we are traveling light with just one carry-on each, I (Lana) decided to leave 10lbs of camera gear at home and document our adventure with just a cell phone. For a photographer, that’s a pretty scary proposition. I mean really, could I live with myself if I left my beloved Canon 50D at home with all of those lovely lenses? I’ve been told the best camera is the one you have with you. After much soul searching and relentless hours of research, I decided to accept the challenge of photographing our adventure with my new Samsung Galaxy S7. Of course what self-respecting photographer wouldn’t want the flexibility multiple lenses can bring to capturing those amazing moments? So I found a way to add a little variety to my shots and still feel like a real photographer: Lens for Cell Phones! Yes, I know so much for simplicity but I can’t help myself. Stay tuned for what I hope will be some great shots and I can only hope that Rebecca doesn’t leave me behind while I’m trying to capture them. Ha!! Ha!!Read more

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