Day 121 - Dramas

My friend Brian has come over from Aus to join me for a weeks hiking in Shenandoah National Park. But his trip has not started well.
The first thing that happened is he missed his connecting flightRead more
My friend Brian has come over from Aus to join me for a weeks hiking in Shenandoah National Park. But his trip has not started well.
The first thing that happened is he missed his connecting flightRead more
Am Ostersonntag gingen Jochen und ich es entspannt an. In einem Café hatten wir ein leckeres Frühstück und kamen mit vielen Einheimischen ins Gespräch.
Anschließend ging es weiter imRead more
Mit 12 Meilen war es heute ein kurzer Tag, was nicht an meinem verletzten Sprunggelenk oder Jochens Schienbein lag.
Der Trail nach Boiling Springs war bis auf wenige Ausnahmen sehr gut zu laufen undRead more
Heute war mal wieder ein Tag, der zum Vergessen gemacht ist!
Der Verlauf der Laune hat nichts mit einer statistischen Verteilung zu tun, aber um es sich besser bildlich vorstellen zu können, zieheRead more
Wir wollen weiter nach Washington DC und entscheiden uns von New Haven über Harrisburg zu fahren. In Allentown möchte ich gerne das Museum vom Truck Hersteller Mack besichtigen. Leider ist das ganzeRead more
Vertrek 9 uur en einde 13 uur
Declaration of independence
Stad van de grafiet
Liberty bell
12.10 wedding market (gesloten markt, mooiste en originele markt, lokale producten. Amish ppl)
Vrije lunchRead more
April 7,
We left home at 8:00 am. It was windy and cold, and snow covered!
We took highway 401 west to the Thousand Islands Bridge, then highway 81 to Carlisle, Pennsylvania. We arrived here aroundRead more
Finally picking up the baby, and getting the once over on use of all features and functions. Beautifully appointed and enough room to sleep 8.
Did a practice black tank dump and all went well. TimeRead more
We had our breakfast in camp today and chatted with "Data", an interesting fellow thru hiker. So it took us until 9 to start the hiking day even though we knew that we will have quite a tough dayRead more
Two full days of hiking in beautiful Pennsylvania. Staying tonight in an old mansion, now a hostel with bunk beds, tepid shower water, but lots of good energy. It’s located in Pine Grove FurnaceRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Cumberland County, مقاطعة كمبرلاند, Къмбърланд, কাম্বারল্যান্ড কাউন্টি, Condado de Cumberland, Cumberland konderria, شهرستان کامبرلند، پنسیلوانیا, Comté de Cumberland, Contae Cumberland, Cumberland megye, Կամբերլենդ շրջան, Contea di Cumberland, カンバーランド郡, Konteth Cumberland, Cumberland Comitatus, Cumberland Kūn, Hrabstwo Cumberland, کمبرلینڈ کاشںٹی، پنسلوانیا, Comitatul Cumberland, Камберленд, Округ Камберланд, کمبرلینڈ کاؤنٹی، پنسلوانیا, Quận Cumberland, Condado han Cumberland, 坎伯蘭縣
Traveler Classic Barthanes.
Traveler Ergh, Texas! I only just made a connection once as it was a sprint from one end of the airport to the other. Then on way back, they didn’t put the luggage on the connecting flight. There was about 10 of us that had all caught the same connection and we were all standing at the designated lost bag counter at LAX at 11pm!
Traveler If only there were no chairs, we could have played some indoor soccer.