United States
Denver County

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    • Day 4

      Catch up in Colorado

      May 24, 2023 in the United States

      Today I slept in and took my time getting going. I was picked up by Tanya, my former college coach and we went to Sam's No. 3, a diner downtown. It was great catching up with her and hearing all the stories from the past few years. I had the worlds biggest breakfast burrito, which thankfully I was able to bring the rest home for tomorrow. She took me to the athletic offices where we used to meet and it definitely brought back some memories.
      Next I got changed as it was storming, then headed up to catch the bus to meet my formed athletic trainer Drew. It was another classic bus journey, striking up a conversation with people about Australia and the Denver Nuggets winning streak.
      I stopped at a brewery in the south pearl district on the way and had an amazing watermelon sour and a great red ale on my tasting tray.
      Finally met up with Drew and went to his house for dinner. I got to meet his 6, 4 and 2 year old and see his awesome wife again. We played on the playground, had dinner, went for ice cream and watched Bluey. It was a perfect night, feeling very loved by those in Denver!
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    • Day 24

      Mile high

      July 14, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      Heute war unser letzter vollständiger Tag in den USA.
      Morgen steht der Rückflug an. Da wieder ein heißer und leicht schwüler Tag ansteht, lassen wir es ruhig angehen. Wir fahren gegen halb elf in eine shopping mall. Da ist es wenigstens nicht so warm und das Auto steht auch in der Tiefgarage. Neben Macy's und H &M sind hier auch einige Nobelmarken mit sehr großflächigen Geschäften vertreten.
      Anschließend sind wir nochmal zum Capitol gefahren und zum Meilenstein.
      Das Capitol selbst hatte leider geschlossen so dass wir nicht in dir Kuppel konnten.
      Am frühen Abend kamen dann auch die Snortlands und Tobi aus Montana zurück. Natürlich etwas geschafft von der langen Fahrt, aber es war eine schöne große Familienfeier.
      Jayson hat für uns noch gegrillt und wir haben den Abend dann gemütlich ausklingen lassen.
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    • Day 2

      Ein Bildschirm hafter Flug.

      July 18, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Während des 10h Flug schauten Lian und ich sehr lange in den Bildschirm.Das Essen war sehr gut und die Stewardes sehr hilfsbereit.Ungefähr in der Mitte wollte ich Mami etwas fragen und lehrte ihr ihren ganzen Weisswein über die Hose was sie nicht so toll fand.2h bis Landung schalltete ich den Bildschirm aus und schlief auf den knien von Papi ein.Lian wiederum schaute einfach weiter fehrnsehen denn er schaute 4 Filme.Als wir ein Uber am Flughafen bestellt haben mussten wir 2min warten und er war da.Leider war der fahrer einbischen schlecht drauf und sprach gar nicht mit uns obwohl er ein tolles Auto hatte.Angekommen am Hotel sprangen wir noch in den Pool assen abendessen und gingen dann aufs Zimmer und schliefen ein.Funfact als wir einschliefen war schon in der Schweiz 6 Uhr morgens.Read more

    • Day 5

      We love a tourist day

      May 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today was another slow start, I walked downtown and tried to get tickets to the tour of the Mint. They were all sold out when I got there sadly. So I walked around to the City Building and Capitol Building. I went into the Capitol and had a look at the Colorado Senate, House of Representatives and saw where all the offices are. It was a gorgeous building inside and out. There were no tours sadly though 😞
      Then I didn't know what to do, so after a quick google I decided to head to the History Colorado Centre. It was a great choice, I spent 4 hours learning about Colorado natives - Utes, Sand Creek massacre, climate of Colorado and all about the events in history that have shaped the state. Peep the video of my epically failing on the ski jump, all my days of Wii fit have not paid off.
      By this time it was 3pm and I was starving, so I took a trip to the one and only Cheesecake Factory. I had a delicious meal, got a slice of cheesecake and had the nicest waitress who gave me a discount. I find myself more open to having conversations with people, as I don't have anyone with me - definitely the community worker in me craving the chats!
      I then walked home in a wonderful summer storm, completely soaked and concerned I was going to be hit by lightning. Made it back unscathed. I was going to go back out but got really sleepy, so I am laying on the lounge eating leftovers. A perfect night really!
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    • Day 1

      Sind dann mal wegg..🥳🇺🇲

      September 23, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nach langer, feinsäuberlicher Planung, gepaart mit grosser Vorfreude und stundenlangem Packen (Bei anderen waren es fast schon Tage..😉) ging es heute nun endlich los mit unserer Amerika-Reise!😋
      Mit Sack und Pack machten wir uns am Montagmorgen zum Flughafen auf.
      Im Wissen in der Holzklasse 11h ausharren zu müssen, gönnten wir uns nochmals eine Stunde grosszügige Beinfreiheit in der 1. Klasse der SBB. (Sparbillet sei Dank!)
      Den langen Flug empfanden wir nach 4 Filmen🎞, 3 servierten Snacks🥨, 2 Hauptmahlzeiten🍲 und X Getränkerunden🍻🍺🍹🍸🍷 dann doch als gar nicht mal so unangenehm.
      In Denver angekommen ging es direkt (mit einstündiger Wartezeit..😑) via Shuttle ins Hotel, wo wir gegen 18.30Uhr eintrafen.
      Was uns in der kurzen Zeit bereits beiden gleich positiv aufgefallen ist, sind die echt freundlichen Amis! Hoffen wir, der erste Eindruck täuscht nicht!😜
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    • Day 10


      September 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Denver war lediglich ein kurzer Zwischenstopp für uns, da wir von dort aus nach Las Vegas geflogen sind.

      Von Estes Park fährt man ca. 1 1/2 Stunden nach Denver und nimmt während der Fahrt noch ein gutes Stück schöne Landschaft mit.

      Denver an sich hat uns eher enttäuscht 🙄. Wir haben die Stadt als schmuddelig empfunden und der Teil zwischen State Capitol Building und Union Station hat uns nicht umgehauen. Hier gibt es trotzdem ein paar Eindrücke vom super heißen Tag.

      Highlight des Tages dort war auch eher der Besuch im höchstgelegenem Football Stadium, dem Mile High (1.609 m). Hier sind die Denver Broncos seit September 2001 zu Hause.
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    • Day 6

      Back to Metro

      May 26, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today I started the day with a walking tour beginning at the Capitol building. The guides name was Anthony (I cannot escape Toni/ys it seems) and people from Texas, Pittsburgh, New England, Old England, New York, Minnesota. It was actually so nice to chat with people and find out where they were from. We toured around Denver for over 2 hours. It was nice to hear some stories and facts about all the main spots which I'd seen before. One cool story at the Mint was seeing how each US coin has a tiny letter so you can see where in the country it was minted. There was also a story about the eagle on top of the Denver city building looking like it was "pooping" as a protest of the government by its creator. This was such a widely spread story that the city commissioned an ecologist to watch eagles poop to see if it was the same as the sculpture. Turns out they were just paranoid, the eagle isn't in a "pooping" stance.
      After that I walked back to visit the University I went to, Metro State. I walked past the old courts I trained on and through the building we used to spend heaps of time in. Interestingly, I felt a sense of dread and anxiety being back. I guess the good, the bad and the ugly memories came flooding back!
      I had lunch at the brewery, the Tivoli which is on campus. I had this massive burger and a beer which students from the Uni have helped brew. I then caught up with Eric, who is the media guy at Metro and has interviewed me countless times. It was great to see what he is up to and talk about life.
      Then I came home and started to pack my stuff up as I leave on Sunday to go with Kendra for her wedding week!
      Being a tightass, I bought a microwaved meal and will eat leftover cheesecake for dessert!
      I'm very excited to be able to watch the Formula One in a decent time zone tomorrow and Sunday as well!
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    • Day 3


      September 10, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Heute haben wir uns die Hauptstadt von Colorado angeschaut. Los ging es mit dem Rocky Mountain Arsenal, ein riesiges ehemaliges Militärgelände, das nun ein Naturschutzgebiet ist. Man kann dort durch weitläufige Prärie fahren und Präriehunde, Hirsche und Bisons sehen. Von ist es nur eine knappe halbe Stunde nach Downtown Denver. Der schöne alte Hauptbahnhof und natürlich der Regierungsbezirk sind die Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten, aber auch die Innenstadt dazwischen hat einen speziellen Reiz durch den Gegensatz von Art Deco Gebäuden und Wolkenkratzern. Am Abend dann noch ein bisschen Shopping, und unsert Tag in Denver war auch schon vorbeiRead more

    • Day 3

      *cue Downtown by Petulia Clark*

      May 23, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today started with a run back to the lake to allow me to feel less guilty about drinking beers later. I walked downtown, jumped on the free shuttle bus along the 16th Street mall which has now been diverted to 17th Street? Anyway, they are doing a 'revitalisation' of the mall leaving it chaotic, empty and loud. I'm not in a rush to head back that way...
      Paid a whole $6 to see guardians of the galaxy and get a small popcorn #deals. If you've not seen guardians, please go and see.
      Wandered back down the mall to Tony Ohrdorfs favourite shop, Ross for Less. They really have everything you could ever need there. Was stopped multiple times and asked for money, but one nice guy complimented me on my "fit and smile" which brightened my day.
      Hit Chipotle for a burrito the size of a small child. Next I met up with my old assistant coach at one of the many breweries. We shared a few bevs and stories which was so lovely.
      Finishing the day up back at the apartment, cooking and watching the Ed Sheeran doco. So a perfect night to end a solid, lovely day!
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    • Day 7

      Kendra's HERE

      May 27, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today I woke up and was able to watch formula one qualifying at a decent time. It's the small things in life haha. I then went on a walk downtown, along the river and up to the Santa Fe art district which has some gorgeous Spanish inspired buildings. I walked back through the old stretch of Metro where I would spend my breaks and past the old church as well. I started packing all my things as today is my last full day on Denver! I read my book in the park and worked on my tan as it was 27c today.
      Then Kendra arrived! We spent the afternoon chatting, then met up with my former assistant coach Jazz, her girlfriend and her best friend. We went to a super loud pizza place which was fun. Kendra and I stopped at a brewery on the way home, then both agreed on an early bed time. It is the absolute best chatting to her about life and all the plans for the wedding.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Denver County, Comté de Denver

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