KOA Nashville

A very modern campground with all sorts of amenities. Lots of games to play and very nicely kept grounds. Most expensive campground on our trip, but a nice treat for sure. Maddie and Patrick loved theRead more
A very modern campground with all sorts of amenities. Lots of games to play and very nicely kept grounds. Most expensive campground on our trip, but a nice treat for sure. Maddie and Patrick loved theRead more
We spent a few days in Nashville as we continue our journey to Virginia. It is obvious how important music is to this city, even when you don't have a chance to visit downtown. There was live musicRead more
We spent the weekend at a cute Air B&B in downtown Nashville for Jess' 40th birthday!
We had a lot of fun, lots of food and lots of drinks. And we even had a line dancing class which is fun no matterRead more
So here we are... country music, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Grand Ole Opry, all the music you could want. To make sure we took advantage of this opportunity to hear and see Nashville, we called the Grand OleRead more
We decided to spend an extra day in Nashville at the KOA campground. They had a shuttle that took us downtown to where the "action" was and we had a great time. We did a backstage tour of the RymanRead more
Beth decided to cut her hair for the summer and went to her long-time friend and hairstylist, Carmen, for her expert recommendation. What do y'all think? Meanwhile, Don seized the opportunity toRead more
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