United States

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    • Day 2

      Another day in LA

      September 19, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I reckon there’s more of a Californian contrast here in LA than in any other part of the state.

      For example we caught an Uber ride (thats another story) to Wholefoods Market at El Segundo, a bit more of a up market and hippy dippy area so you find places that sell things like Vegan Leather and Vegan Handbags... no, we have no idea either, any explanations on how they make those would be appreciated. But then on the same shop window is a sign for criminals that the owner’s packing heat.

      What! how does a Vegan shoot someone? These people step around ants, they itch all night because they won’t kill bed bugs, they don’t realise they are part of a world were every living thing is ripping the crap out of everything else just to get a decent meal.... stuff eats stuff even if it doesn’t have to, that’s how this world works.
      But they have their beliefs and you have to respect that so if the shop owner can hold up a gun and simply yell out “bang your dead” well then the world will be a better place.
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    • Day 1


      September 6, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Der Flug war entspannt.
      Ich hatte einen redseligen Ami neben mir. Seit 30 Jahren in Deutschland. Er hat mir erstmal erklärt, wie das WIRKLICH ist mit Putin, dass Mr. Trump gut für Amerika ist und Biden in den Knast gehört. 4 Stunden hat das gedauert.
      Ich hab brav zugehört. Leute gibt’s….
      Bei der Ankunft habe ich mit mindestens drei zusätzlich angekommenen Fliegern schön 90 Minuten in der esta-Schlange gestanden. Brav gelächelt, Fingerabdrücke abgeliefert und dem freundlichen Officer erzählt wo ich hinwill.
      Danach habe ich ein VIIIEEEL zu großes Auto abgeholt, obwohl ich ein kleines gebucht hatte.
      Macht nix. Mit 4wheel Drive kommt man besser durchs Death Valley. Oder ins Monument valley.
      Gleich landen die Kinder und dann muss ich schlafen. Wie immer habe ich im Flugzeug kein Auge zugemacht. Ich bin nachher dann 27 Stunden wach. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
      Das LAX Stadium Inn ist billig und nah am Airport.
      Leider liegt Karl noch in der Notaufnahme und wird wohl morgen verlegt. Es geht ihm leider nicht gut. Wir können somit auch nicht bei ihm wohnen. Hoffentlich können wir ihn wenigstens besuchen. Sometimes life is a bitch.
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    • Day 2

      Los Angeles Day 1

      September 3, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Ted and I both woke up around 1am as expected, due to jet lag rearing its ugly head! Rather than lie there trying to get back to sleep, Ted went to the hotel 24 hour gym to try and wear down whilst I typed up this blog. After a couple of hours, we managed to fall asleep again. For breakfast we went downstairs to use the vouchers the manager gave us last night - feigning ignorance that we only had one - and managed to score a free buffet breakfast.

      On the news this morning, they issued an excessive heat warning for Los Angeles, which will be here for this weekend whilst here. Even though we couldn’t book into our next hotel until the afternoon, we packed up and took an UBER to the area, as the airport neighbourhood isn’t that exciting. We’re glad we did - the area named the Arts District is a beautiful Art Deco neighbourhood of Long Beach. Our accommodation is equally attractive so after leaving our bags in storage, decided to explore the area.

      One surprise is how quiet it is here - it’s the long weekend so we’re assuming a lot of people have gone away. Today was extremely hot though - we decided to head to the Waterfront but, after walking in the wrong direction for a while, finally got our bearings. I can’t say I enjoyed the walk - the heat was oppressive and I had no water. When we finally arrived at the Waterfront, I bought three bottles of water from the nearest kiosk whilst Ted bought some sunglasses as he can’t seem to find his.

      Ted was keen on PF Chiangs for lunch, so we went there to relax in the AC too. Whilst waiting in a nearby Irish pub, I noticed there was a strange amount of cosplayers walking around before realising there was a Comic Con happening nearby. When we arrived back at our hotel, we really liked our room as it’s spacious and well decorated. The jet lag is really catching up though, as a simple meditation turned into a deep sleep for me.

      After grabbing some breakfast items from the supermarket, we headed to the nearby area for a Thai dinner. Ted then wanted to see one of the local gay bars but after a very long walk, we didn’t like it as it was overly quiet. We headed back to see some other venues before deciding it was too early, so we relaxed back in the room before heading out again. On the way, we met couple of British Airways FA’s who were similarly heading to the LGBT area.

      We finally settled on the Falcon Bar for a while, before the place then became way too crowded making it difficult to move. After a few drinks we headed back about midnight.
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    • Day 21

      LA - Santa Monica - Venice Beach

      July 31, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wat een heerlijke dag om de vakantie mee af te sluiten! Goede temp, beetje bewolkt en zonnig, top!
      Na ons ontbijtje bij de Mac zijn we richting Santa Monica gereden. Was een 40 minuten dus best te doen. We hebben in de garage geparkeerd in de straat die uitkwam op de pier, fijn.
      Wat een ander gezicht en gevoel dan de eerste dag van onze vakantie toen we hier aan kwamen. Nu is er zon, het is lekker warm, er zijn mensen en er is bedrijvigheid. Zo ken ik Santa Monica.
      Fietsen gehuurd onderaan de pier, $10 per uur per fiets, de stroom was uitgevallen dus enige vertraging en we konden op de fietsen vetrekken. …
      Helm verplicht onder de 18 jaar, nou dat wilden de kids niet dus die doen we maar in ons mandje. Een paar minuten fietsen en we kwamen aan bij Venice Beach.
      Leuk leuk de sfeer, de vibe, de wietlucht, de homeless de vrijegeesten, de kunstenaren en de profiteurs, leuk Top. Vrijheid.
      Onze fietsen geparkeerd en gewandeld, wat souvenirs gekocht en toen was er iets, muziek, rumoerigheid er gebeurde wat… het bleek een basketbal 🏀 wedstrijd tussen Venice … tegen Venice… leuk! Xavi vond het helemaal leuk en ging met Zenne op de tribune zitten. Lekker chill. Stan en Leda hebben wat te drinken gehaald bij de foodtrucks die er naast het court stonden en zijn er bij gaan zitten. Echt Venice, genieten! De kinderen vonden het ook prachtig.
      Ff chill gezeten en toen nog even naar Mustle Beach en het skate, pool, gedeelte. Beide even bekeken en toe terug gefietst naar Sana Monica.
      Xavi had het niet willen missen zei hij, wij ook niet. Zo blij dat we Venice en Santa Monica nog hebben gezien zoals het is met mooi weer.
      Nadat we de fietsen precies binnen de 2 uur hebben ingeleverd, gaan we even iets eten en drinken bij het zaakje waar de de eerste dag ook iets gegeten hebben.
      De cirkel is rond en hier sluiten we ons USA avontuur af en gaan we met de auto naar het La Quinta By Whyndhamm LAX voor de laatste nacht. Prima plekje op een paar minuten van Hertz return voor morgenochtend. Ingecheckt en al gaan we zo nog even eten en slapen. Morgen weer naar NL,.. fijn! … en niet fijn.
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    • Day 31

      Hesperia nach L.A.

      December 11, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nach ein paar Tagen relaxen bei Uli geht es heute von Hesperia zurück nach Los Angeles um den Boliden abzugeben. Mit meiner Liste der Mängel am Fahrzeug gibt es noch eine passende Gutschrift und danach geht es wieder mit dem Uber nach Inglewood ins Hotel.Read more

    • Day 33

      Turen gennem Death Valley.

      August 16, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Vi glemte at sætte vækkeuret, så vi kom lidt senere op end beregnet. Vi fik pakket bilen og fik morgenmad og kom afsted omkring 9 på trods af vi glemte vækkeuret.

      Vi kørte mod Death Valley som er kendt for at ligge lavt, og have ekstremt høje temperaturer. Vi kom også forbi et skilt hvor der stod man skulle slukke for aircondition de næste 20 miles for at undgå overophedning af bilen. Vi stoppede ved en enkelt udkigspost, hold da op det var varmt. Det varmeste sted var der i følge gps'en 42 grader og det er sol lige på uden skygge eller skyer. Vi kørte turen gennem Death Valley et smukt bjerg landskab. Der var også lidt køren på små veje op og ned af bjergene.

      For at undgå den værste trafik stoppede vi i en lille by udenfor LA, hvor vi tog i Wallmart for at se efter en slags luftmadras til at ligge ude i poolen med i Panama, samt en billig sportstaske til de ting der ikke kan være i min kuffert, nu alt ikke længere er i vakum poser. Vi fandt en taske, men ingen luftmadras. Så vi kørte videre i det næste store supermarked, som nærmere lignede et varehus. Her skulle vi have et gæste medlemskort for at handle, så det fik vi. Dog ikke til nogen nytte, de havde heller ikke sådan en luftmadras. Men de havde et lille hjørne med en slags kantine, lidt ligsom de har i bilka man kan få pizza, sandwich og hotdog. Her købte vi aftensmad for at trække tiden lidt og undgå myldretiden i LA.

      Derefter kørte vi ind mod hostellet i LA. Trafikken var ikke så slem, kun for dem på vej ud af byen, der var der lang kø. Vi havde lidt svært ved at finde hostellet, skiltet var ikke så tydeligt. Vi fik tjekket ind og satte os på værelset og fik styr på hvor vi i morgen skal hen og se på bil. Så gode råd til hvad vi skal se efter modtages gerne!!
      Så hele dagen i morgen skal bruges på at se på biler og gøre klar til at flyve til Panama torsdag formiddag. Så nu vil jeg sove, godnat! 😄😴😴
      P.s. Et af billederne herunder viser vores nye bil vi skiftede til i LA.
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    • Day 2

      Stadtrundfahrt durch Los Angeles

      September 28, 2007 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute brechen wir zu unserer 15 tägigen Busrundreise durch den goldenen Westen der USA auf. Zunächst machten wir eine Stadtrundfahrt zum Sunset Strip, Downtown, Beverly Hills und zum weltberühmten Walk of Fame.Read more

    • Day 14

      Los Angeles

      September 1, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      16. Tag
      Heute verlassen wir Vegas und dieses tolle Hotel😢 Wir packen unseren Krempel zusammen...das Auto wird vorgefahren 😂 und los geht's. Übrigens gibt's zum Frühstück Pizza von gestern und mittags Mc's😬 wir fahren wieder in den hyper Verkehr von LA. ..Chris freut sich schon auf eingelegte Gurken 😂 wir haben Fast Food satt und schätzen jeder von uns hat ca. 5 kg zugenommen 😎 in LA angekommen passen wir wieder auf in welchen Stadtteil wir geraten könnten...alles gut. ..wir gehen sogar zu Fuß in den nächsten liquor shop in dem die Kasse komplett hinter Glas..... PS es gibt ein Suchbild von Chris. ..finde den Fehler 😆 nicht das Klobild!!! PSS ich liebe diese Trucks hier, kann mich gar net satt sehen...die sind einfach Krass!!!!Read more

    • Day 2

      Melbourne to Los Angeles

      October 14, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We didn't get as much sleep as we would've liked due to our late arrival last night, but it was still great to have a bed and shower to start the day too. Even more so for Ted who used the hotel gym too. The hotel included breakfast near the reception area, and also a transfer bus to the airport. The bus would've been a much better option if the driver didn't decide to keep delaying our departure to wait for yet another guest who was late to the transfer!

      Once we arrived at the airport, our flight was delayed for an hour, meaning we had more time to sit around, waiting and wondering if we were going to get business class. During our waiting process, we saw Bree Wheeler, one of our friends from Ted's ground school at QantasLink, who was similarly flying to Los Angeles that day. Thankfully luck came for all three of us, as we all got business class to LA. Woo hoo!!

      Business Class was, of course, wonderful. Just being able to get a sleep as well as special meal options makes it all worthwhile. Once we arrived, we called the hotel and asked them to send a transfer bus for us. Unfortunately all that time saved not checking in a bag was lost because the airport transfer never arrived, meaning we needed to take a taxi instead. Since we couldn't check in yet, we left our bags at reception and took another transfer back to the airport to collect our car hire.

      Since we had a whole day free, we thought we would check out some sights. For lunch, we stopped at a local supermarket, where we bought some food from the deli before continuing on. Ted was really keen on seeing the Hollywood Sign up close but it ended up being a real chore. After driving through several Hollywood neighbourhoods to try and see it up close, we found a walking trail that would lead us to it. We scrapped that idea when we realised it was basically an hour walk in the blazing California sun before we would reach it. We again tried to desperately find somewhere in the suburban hills to photograph the sign up close before a squad car told us to get back in our car and leave. Well, we tried!

      We then headed to Mann's Chinese Theatre, which I didn't really have great memories of when I visited there first in 1992. Well the feelings still didn't change, as it is still as run down as before, albeit with more tourists now. We took a few random photos before losing interest and continuing on our way.

      Something I really wanted to see was the house used for the outdoor shots for "The Brady Bunch" TV show. Thanks to the magic of GPS, it was easy to find and I got some great pictures too. There is now a fence around the house, which I suspect is to stop crazed fans from knocking on the door, expecting Alice or one of the kids to answer!

      Once returning to our hotel, we found out that Bree is still in LA. She was meant to fly to Nashville but couldn't get on the flight. The unfortunate thing is that her bag did go, meaning she had no change of clothes or toiletries. We invited her to join us for dinner in Santa Monica that evening. After arriving, we walked around the pier area for a while before settling on a large (and somewhat expensive) bar restaurant. We had originally considered a Mexican restaurant on the pier Ted and I had been to before, but changed our mind as there was a half hour wait. At this place, we ended up waiting just as long! The food was good, but the cost wasn't!

      It's good to be in LA again especially after the cold of Australia. Tomorrow we're here again to explore.
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    • Day 39

      L.A. part 3

      July 22, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Es ist Samstag und wir fahren zum Beach, weil man das ja hier schließlich so macht und natürlich können wir uns auch nichts besseres vorstellen. Die Damen sitzen elegant hinten im Auto und bekommen noch kalte Getränke gereicht, so dass es sich aushalten lässt, 35 Minuten bis zum Strand zu fahren. Finden sie super. Wir entscheiden uns für Topanga Beach, ein schöner Familien- UND Surferstrand, echt zu empfehlen. Wir bleiben lange hier, machen ein Picknick, baden und Sonnen uns ausgiebig, denn es ist der letzte Beach auf unserer Reise...und deswegen enden wir auch zum Abschluss mit einer Fotosession, bei den beide Mädels auch mal Fotos mit meinem Handy machen dürfen. Die Bilder werden toll. Was man nicht sieht, dass Gunther sich kurz vorher den großen Zeh am Stein so doll aufgehauen, dass er nun schlimm humpeln muss. Er erträgt tapfer.Read more

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