United States
Midtown Village

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    • Day 94

      8 Avril Philadelphia

      April 8, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Ce matin il fait beau avec un grand soleil.
      Nous partons d’un pied ferme vers l’arrêt du Big Bus pour une première découverte de la ville
      En chemin nous passons devant le cimetière israélite où est enterré Nathan Lévy dont le bateau amena Liberty bell aux Amériques
      Nous traversons le washington square et son monument en l’honneur des milliers de soldats de la guerre d’indépendance qui y sont enterrés.
      Notre tour de ville avec le big bus nous donne le tournis tant la ville est gorgée d’histoire. Nous faisons ensuite un tour de ville à pied
      Betsy Ross house, la couturière qui a réalisé le premier drapeau américain aux 13 étoiles.
      Elfreths alley, la plus ancienne rue résidentielle des États Unis, habitée depuis 1706.
      China Town , un des grand centre communautaire asiatique aux USA
      Reading terminal market, construit sous la gare et ouvert en 1893.
      Nous reprenons le big bus pour nous rendre aux Rocky steps. Le city hall est la plus grande mairie des USA
      La cathédrale consacrée par le pape date de 1840
      La free library a été fondée par benjamin Franklin en 1731 il y prêtait ses livres. La bibliothèque actuelle date de 1894.
      Eastern state penitentiary construit par les quakers et où séjourna pendant 8 mois Al Capone
      Le Fairmount Park au delà du national muséum est 9 fois plus grand que central Park a NY.
      Nous nous arrêtons à Logan circle pour profiter de l’éclipse de soleil qui atteint son maximum à 15h20
      Nous retournons ensuite à China Town pour faire deux courses et rendons une deuxième visite au Reading market qui est vraiment exceptionnel.
      Rdv pris pour demain pour un bon cheesesteak….
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    • Day 4

      Game Day 1

      April 9, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Good Morning Philadelphia 😎

      Joggingrunde für Mirco ✔️
      Frühstück in einem kleinen Cafe, danach der 1. wichtige Tagespunkt: Rocky-Treppe finden ✔️
      Danach durch in der Stadt spatziert und via Hotel gegen Abend zum Hockey-Stadion: Boston Bruins gegen Philadelphia Flyers 🏒
      Die Bruins haben mit 5:3 gewonnen 😎✔️

      Neben dem Hockey-Stadion sind gleich auch das Baseball- & Football-Stadion, sensationelle Lage!
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    • Day 4

      4. Tag Philadelphia

      March 23, 2012 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Über die Anreise nach Philadelphia möchte ich an dieser Stelle schweigen, es waren wohl die teuersten 100 Kilometer, die wir je zurückgelegt haben.
      Der Check In im Sheraton dauerte etwas, weil die Hütte wirklich voll war mit Gospel Sängern, aber es gab von denen Getränke und Snacks und die Zimmeraussicht war schon sehr nett.
      Neben einen kurzen Spaziergang durch den Park und die Stadt stand dann auch ein NBA Spiel 76ers an. Dieses Mal auf sehr guten Plätzen für weniger Geld.
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    • Day 5

      Next Door Neighbors - New & Old

      May 13, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      While one might think the most important aspect of this photo is the newly constructed windowed building, others might note its clearly the old stone structure towering behind. However, this was the intent behind this photo, as it is very common to see the new and old of Philadelphia seamlessly tied together across the city! #togetherisbetterRead more

    • Day 2

      The First Flight

      March 15, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Day 2. We flew out of Charlotte Douglas around 7:40 AM. The kids first time flying and all the excitement and nervousness that goes with it. The flight took us from Charlotte to Atlanta. We changed plans in Atlanta and headed to Philadelphia. We landed in Philly around 12:13 PM. After waiting briefly at the baggage claim to grab our luggage (the overhead bins were full but no really - people complained about having to chance their carry-on bags), we headed to Zone 7 to meet our Uber driver. The SUV was only big enough for three people so Liz sat on not lap as we headed into the city.

      I must have a sign hanging around my neck that says in bold black letters: TREAT ME LIKE GARBAGE! While we were waiting on the Uber driver, some dick picked me out of the twenty or so people standing on the sidewalk to lay a hit and run comment on: Thanks for moving!. What the hell! Who does that? Is sidewalk rage a new thing?

      Anyway the Uber driver dropped us about a block from our AirBnB (516 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA). Our host, Robert (who i think is probably gay and a former hippie) met us at the car and escorted back to the property. He is a hospitable older fellow of 74. Robert showed us around the unit and recommended Gennaro’s Pizza for a quick bite to eat. A quick block or so walk from the unit, Gennaros is a run down hole in the wall that was probably popular in the early aughts. We ordered a large BBQ chicken pizza for me and the kids and a lamb gyro and fries for mom. Drinks were in bottles and consisted mostly of Pepsi products. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like Pepsi products. The pizza was delicious. The crust was among the best I have had.

      I ordered an Uber to drive us to Independence National Historic Park where we had a 4 PM tour of Independence Hall. A mask is required to ride with Uber. Mine and mom’s mask broke on the plane ride up, so we were left empty handed. I cancelled to two rides before asking a beautiful lady in hijab behind the glass barrier of gas station if she had any masks. She said no. There was a black man hanging around the station, who offered to give us some of his masks. He tore open a plastic bag he had and pulled out three masks. He also told us that we could visit the medical center across the street to get masks for free before offering to get them for us. He disappeared into. the building and came out a few minuted later with two boxes full of masks. He gave us one and kept the other.

      Our Jamaican Uber chauffeur dropped us outside the Visitor Center. Interestingly, one has to go through a security check point to enter the visitors center which from what i could see consisted of two lazy men behind an information deck and a gift shop. America has reached the point where we have to go through security to sit around, pee, or shop.

      The kids and I grabbed our NP passport stamps before crossing the street to visit that cracked up piece of iron we Americans call the Liberty Bell. The icon has its own little building with a window that looks out on Independence Hall (which happened to be our next stop). Our tour time was 4PM. We arrived a little early so the ranger allowed us to join an earlier tour (20 minutes or so).

      Grabbed some sweets from Scoop De Ville and walked back to the unit on 12th Street, A quick in and out of 7-Eleven to buy three Diet Cokes and a bottle of Fiji water. I met a lovely veteran on the walk back to the unit. He politely asked for “help”. After explaining that I had no cash, he decided to take advantage of that sign around my neck I mentioned earlier. If profanity were flowers, I would have been walking through a garden. Apparently, tourists have no cash because they are giving it to “the junkies”. Who knew?

      Liz got hungry so we order in Geno’s Steaks, one of the alleged originators of the Philly cheesesteak. Next time I am in Philly, I will order from Geno’s again. It was so much better than Pat’s (the other originator) that there truly is no comparison.

      Washed clothes and typed this up.
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