United States
Mountain View Pond

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    • Day 130

      Camping Mountain View Pond 2123.9

      September 10, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      First thing in the morning was another river fording :) It didn't rain much the last days, so it was more a nice refreshing foot bath to get our blood circulation running. Afterwards we started almost running because the terrain flattened for a stretch of five miles. I even missed a moose in a pond right next to the trail but Julia saw it. It walked through the pond, occasionally going down and eating something. When I tried to go closer to get a good picture I made some noise and it looked straight at us but didn't really care. We watched it for a couple of minutes before moving on. Now we just have to see a baby moose and a beaver to fulfill our wildlife spotting dreams ;)
      Then we reached the uphill of the first peak and surprisingly it continued to be a nice hike. The same was for the other three peaks. On the last one we met Jim, a retired diplomat from the US. It was such a pleasant conversation that we forgot the time and spent a whole hour on top of White cap. Hopefully we'll meet again with a bit more time to chat...
      Nevertheless we needed to do some more miles, which actually went pretty well and we arrived earlier at our planned destination. So we decided to go another hour up to a little pond to camp there for the night.
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