Washington State Capital

I whisk through Washington State not stopping in Seattle. 2 hours of non-stop traffic jam on the interstate, and this was past rush hour! Instead, I take a break in Olympia, the capital city, and endRead more
I whisk through Washington State not stopping in Seattle. 2 hours of non-stop traffic jam on the interstate, and this was past rush hour! Instead, I take a break in Olympia, the capital city, and endRead more
Kurz vor dem nächsten Park wollten wir uns noch ein Kapitol anschauen. Das in Oregon war halb geschlossen gewesen und wir konnten nicht viel sehen, aber dieses Mal in Washington konnten wir sogarRead more
Moin, Moin,heute war endlich die erste Etappe unserer USA-Radtour.Am Freitag angekommen, am Samstag Space Needle in Seattle und heut morgen dann mit unserem unanständig großen "GMC- Yukon XL" vonRead more
Welch ein wunderschöner Tag. Morgens ohne alles um halb acht losgefahren. Kamen an einem Tribal Center vorbei, ich habe mich umgeschaut. Im Restroom musste man als Code mein Geburtsjahr eingeben. IchRead more
The capital of Washington State and yet such a cute little town. The downtown core is easily to walk by foot and offers lots of local art.
OK, I know we did this before ... now how do you create a new trip in FindPenguins? But ... DAGNABBIT! I DID create a trip ... but it's not showing up! Heyyyy ... that new post was supposed to beRead more
How exciting!! Six of you managed to comment on yesterday's post, and more sent emails. NOW I'm getting in the spirit. We leave today and will try to post every day.
As far as planned itinerary goes,Read more
Where the Heart Is
Many of you know the story already. Our house sold so quickly we don't have a place to move to. We're psyched!!
Forty years in the same place ... the same HOUSE!! We raised ourRead more
Just a week til we leave on our cross-country trip via the southern route. Our plan is to make a bee-line to Atlanta to visit Heather's family. From there, we plan to head north to check out the twoRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Olympia, أولمبيا, Горад Алімпія, Олимпия, Олимпи, Ολύμπια, اولمپیا، واشینگتن, אולימפיה, Օլիմպիա, OLM, オリンピア, 올림피아, Olimpija, Олимпија, ऑलिंपिया, ओलम्पिया, اولمپیا, 98501, Olimpėjė, ஒலிம்பியா, Олімпія, اولمپیا، واشنگٹن, 奧林匹亞