On our way to Cap Cod we stopped off at Plymonth, which is where the first New England colony was founded as symbolised by the Plymonth Rock. This was where the pilgrims start there new lives inRead more
On our way to Cap Cod we stopped off at Plymonth, which is where the first New England colony was founded as symbolised by the Plymonth Rock. This was where the pilgrims start there new lives inRead more
After dropping off Laura at the airport, we drove to Plymouth to see the famous rock where the Pilgrims landed in 1620. It was over 100 degrees so we saw the rock, ate lunch and then headed back toRead more
Plymouth: Hier kamen am 11. November 1620 die ersten europäischen Siedler an. Die Reise mit der Mayflower dauerte 66 Tage.
Plymouth Rock & the Mayflower
Kleine, süße, glücklichmachende Kalorienbomben - genau das richtige für unsere Charlie!
Replica of the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Patuxet (historical)