United States
Saint Cloud

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    • Day 202

      Multnomah Falls

      April 16 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Unser Übernachtungsplatz war ein Harvest Host Platz hinter einer Halle, schön ruhig die Nacht. In der Halle sitzt eine Firma, die Fensterisolierungen für Wohnmobil herstellt. Am Morgen bekommen wir noch eine Führung durch die Fertigung.
      Sehr interessant!

      Von Portland geht es am Columbia River entlang. Ein mächtiger Fluss der Oregon von Washington trennt.

      Die Multnomah Fälle sind die zweithöchsten Ganzjahres Wasserfälle in den USA. 189m stürzt hier das Wasser in die Tiefe. Den schönsten Ausblick hat man von unten.

      Wir bleiben noch ein Stück in Oregon bis wir zur Brigde of Gods kommen. Für 3 Dollar (wir zählen als PKW) kommen wir rüber und nun sind wir in Washington.
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    • Day 70

      Multnomah Falls

      June 10 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute fahren wir entlang des Columbia River nach Westen und machen Halt an den wunderbaren Multnomah Falls, die wir gründlich erwandern. Zu Mittag steht ein Besuch beim trendigen Raising Canes in Portland auf Jonnas Bucket list. Wir übernachten heute im Full Hook-up RV Park in Woodburn, gleich neben den Woodburn Outlets. Diese sind Programmpunkt für den Nachmittag, denn in Oregon gibt es keine Sales Tax, was das Shopping Erlebnis noch etwas reizvoller macht.Read more

    • Day 20

      Columbia River - Wasserfälle

      July 14, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Auf unserem Weg nach Portland hat uns der Columbia River sehr schön begleitet. Eigentlich hatten wir den Stopp an einem Wasserfall eingeplant und wollten dann weiter nach Portland, aber bei einem Stopp im Visitor Center des „The Dalles Dam“ (Staumauer) hat man uns noch so viele Tipps für die Region gegeben, dass wir doch wieder den ganzen Tag für die Fahrt gebraucht haben. 🙈
      Am Ende haben wir viele Wasserfälle, 2 Staudämme, eine riesige Zuchtstation für die Auswilderung von Fischen und einen tollen Scenic Drive gesehen. 😊
      Dafür waren wir erst abends in Portland, aber auf Städte stehen wir ja eh nicht so. 😉
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    • Day 14

      Waterfalls at the highway

      October 15, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      🇩🇪 Wir starteten frühmorgens, um dem Berufsverkehr in Portland zu entkommen und mehr Strecke für unseren Tagesausflug nach Yakima zurückzulegen. Allerdings planten wir einige Zwischenstopps, um nicht den ganzen Tag im Auto zu verbringen. Diese Stopps boten kleine Wanderungen und Highlights in der Nähe der Autobahn.

      Unser erster Halt war bei den beeindruckenden Multnomah Falls. In nur fünf Minuten zu Fuß erreichten wir den riesigen Wasserfall mit einer malerischen Brücke davor. Bereits zu dieser frühen Stunde hatten sich einige Fotografen versammelt, um den am meisten fotografierten Wasserfall in den USA festzuhalten, und wir schlossen uns ihnen an.

      Trotz des verführerischen Dufts von frisch gebrühtem Kaffee von einem nahegelegenen Stand, verzichteten wir, um unser Budget zu schonen. Es war eine schwierige Entscheidung, denn auch hier gab es leckeren Kaffee.

      Kurz darauf kamen die Touristenmassen, und es wurde überfüllt. Daher setzten wir unsere Reise fort.

      Bald darauf fanden wir die etwas schwerer erreichbaren Wahclella Falls. Eine 30-minütige Wanderung führte uns direkt zum Wasserfall. Hier war weniger los, also nutzten wir die Gelegenheit für eine kurze Pause. Auf dem Rückweg begegneten wir anderen Wanderern, darunter eine Gruppe Pfadfinder mit kleinen Kindern, die jeden Fund - sei es ein Pilz, ein Stein oder ein Tier - begeistert kommentierten.

      Das ließ uns darüber nachdenken, wie glücklich Kinder sein können, wenn sie so schöne Wanderungen und die Natur in ihrer Nähe haben.
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    • Day 134

      Multnomah Falls

      May 15, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Der mit 189m zweithöchste ständig fließende Wasserfall der USA verdient seinen eigenen Footprint.

      Bis ganz nach oben bin ich gelaufen, was ungefähr 2km gewesen waren.

      Eine irre Steigung, über nahezu den gesamten Weg, hat am Schluss zu einer tollen Aussicht geführt.Read more

    • Day 62


      October 26, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      In the morning we grabbed a nice cup of coffee in the rest stop before driving into Portland. There was a lot of traffic and it was just stop and go for half an hour but we had plenty of time.
      Right after parking we went to do a little self guided walk tour through downtown, a friend of mine had already told us to be careful because there had been recently some incidents with homeless people. And it did feel a little unsafe in the beginning but after around 10 minutes we realized that they're pretty harmless and relaxed. We walked from the old center and Chinatown to the pretty riverside park and then to the central district. In the university area was a nice little farmers market and you could really feel the livelihood and charm of the city. A highlight of our tour was Powell's books, a whole block exclusively dedicated to a book store.
      At noon we had scheduled to meet with a friend of mine, who I've met in Iceland six years ago and we stayed in loose touch since then. It was soo nice to catch up and share our plans with each other and the two hours flew by. But I'm sure we're going to see each other again somewhere in the world ☺️ She also gave us a hint about a waterfall just half an hour east of Portland. And she was so sweet to give us a lucky charm on our journey - a little fridget spinner in the shape of a golden snitch.
      After the Multnomah Falls we continued on further East just shortly after the Idahoan border and another timezone change 😅
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    • Day 23

      The Columbia River Gorge

      July 18, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Turen i dag bød på godt 500 km motorvej fra det østlige Oregon og til Brian og Christins hus ved Portland. Vi havde et stop i cowboybyen Pendleton for at købe cowboytøj til temafesten i oktober.
      De sidste 250 km kørte vi i den smukke kløft langs Columbia River. Her tog vi nogen killometer på historic US 30, der blev anlagt i 1913 - 1922 som den første planlagte marguritrute i USA. Ruten bød blandt andet på det 191 meter høje Multnomah Falls.
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    • Day 23

      Fall frenzy.

      August 18, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Filled up on all the remaining food. Tidied and dumped the keys in the lock-box. Off to the airport for the final time to pick up our final car. That is if we could negotiate yet another rental procedure. That said the queue looked like being the major obstacle - that and a Hungarian couple insistent on being as long winded as possible. Eventually made it to the front just as a second server came along. Paperwork done & eclipse warnings given - apparently half the world's population were going to be in Oregon - bollocks - something around 2 billion then. We then had to get the car except we had to get a bus there. Our friendly driver Lawerence had a patter which we didn't fit into - first time in Portland, good flight? Etc. On arrival it looked like another queue but thankfully we were shepherded elsewhere. Picked a silver Dodge with cruise control - useful for the long drives. It was only when we got in that it dawned that there was no USB to charge stuff. Oh well - off to the Columbia gorge. First stop Vista House - named because unsurprisingly it had a good view, well to be fair a great view. Onwards & in to the waterfall belt - apparently the highest concentration of waterfalls in North America. First stop was Bridal Falls - nice walk but concerningly busy for an offbeat location. Next stop was Multnomah Falls - normally very busy & if our previous location was to go by it was going to be bad. Little did we know... The approaching road was solid for quarter of a mile (maybe the eclipse gridlock had already started.) Parking was a no go. Pushed on to the next car park, found a space & opted to take a walk - a couple of guys confirmed it to be possible. Turned out to be 2 miles of up & down - hard work. Got there and to be fair the falls were very striking. The crowds of fatties less so. And as for the fudge salesperson... In a country where the customer is king offering a plastic knife when being asked to chop up the fudge doesn't cut it. Back to the car and off to the Bridge of Gods - somewhat oversold & a toll bridge. Not going over the border then. Checked in, washed sandals and then headed out for a Hawaiian BBQ. Nice.Read more

    • Day 2

      Multnomuth falls

      September 13, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      A bad picture from a moving car, but this is Multnomuth falls. We did hike up to the top of it in 2016 spring time. Lovely view, and nice clear pool at the top, but you can't swim in it. Danger of going over the falls.

      They are doing a lot of repair work to the old highway around here and there looked like there had been a forrest fire recently through the area. On the way back home I did goggle that and sure enough there was a fire sept 2017 that didn't get put out till nov 2017. The Eagle Creek Fire. It was started by some young kids letting off fireworks on the labour day long weekend. A15 year old was charged and is to make 35 million dollars repayment......a bit much for a stupid thing that a 15 year old did. ( see here for article ( https://www.cbsnews.com/news/teen-who-started-e… )

      Forests around here, as everywhere along the west coast, have been allowed to over grow and have way too much fuel in the undergrowth. Prior to soooo many people living in the region there would be periodic fires go through. Mostly caused by lightening. But for the past 100 years, any fires would be suppressed by the forrest service. We have the same issues in Canada in BC, Alberta, Northern BC, Saskatchewan etc. When the forests get such a big fuel load, and these days, with climate change and changes in the jet stream leading to longer and drier summers; it doesn't take much for forrest fires to get really big really quick. The gorge is known for its winds and any fire in this area just spreads very quickly. Luckily no one was killed in the 2017 fire, but there was one structure lost. Remarkable for such a densely populated area and such a wind.

      The forrest is regrowing this year and highways is repairing the old highway. The parking lot at Multnomuth was super busy so it hasn't stopped the tourists from visiting!
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