On route to New York!!

Drove back to Boston today to return the hire car and get the train to New York for the next chapter of our road trip. Had 2 hours to wait; time for brunch in the spectacular Tatte cafe on Stuart StRead more
Drove back to Boston today to return the hire car and get the train to New York for the next chapter of our road trip. Had 2 hours to wait; time for brunch in the spectacular Tatte cafe on Stuart StRead more
Heute hieß es früh aus den Federn, Abschied vom Big Apple nehmen und uns Richtung Boston aufzumachen, wo wir in 2 Tagen unseren Mietwagen übernehmen werden.
Ganz New York like haben wir uns an dieRead more
What an amazing city Boston is, there is beauty around every corner, the architecture, the green spaces, the cobblestone, the water and I could go on and on and on.
We started our day getting up atRead more
My very final stop of my time in Boston was up towards Copley Square and the public library. This is also the site of the Boston Marathon finish line where there were 2 bombs set off back in 2013,Read more
While Meaghan & Bek walked the Freedom Trail (I'd walked this a couple times on previous trips) I had my own adventure on the train out to the LL Bean store- train delayed, hopped on the wrong train-Read more
Go the Boston Bruins- we think Bruin is a bear. We're surrounded by Yellow yelling supporters as the Boston home team played (dismally according to the colourful comments yelled from the guy behindRead more
Walked up to Boston Common then to dinner at The Olde Union Oyster House- didn't have oysters just an amazing Lobster! (Bek & Meaghan don't eat lobster so didn't join the lobster feast just had toRead more
Ble mye frem og tilbake i går etter at Booking.com eller hotellet hadde rotet bort bestillingen vår, og pga 2 conventions er det fullt i hele byen. Etter mange telefoner fikk vi booking.com til åRead more
Today I went to the Trinity Church at Copley Square.Here are some pictures.It has a foundation of wood.It has beautiful windows using colorful windows. It makes me feel like I am a part of thisRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
South Bay
Traveler Iconic Amtrak train 🚆
Traveler Business class!! That must have been some journey. This trip has been gastronomic journey for us poor people at home. Will you be sampling New York pizza and cheesecake ‘cos they are my favourites😂😂 Enjoy NewYork 🗽Xx
Traveler Ha ha, don't be too impressed. It was a special that made it cheaper than coach class and got us comfier seats 😂
Traveler Safe trip!