Day with Bec

Spent the day with Bec sorting through clothes and cleaning her room. We had some help from the resident puppy. Filled a suitcase of clothes and a bag of shoes to go to the op shop. Nice to have Mum &Read more
Spent the day with Bec sorting through clothes and cleaning her room. We had some help from the resident puppy. Filled a suitcase of clothes and a bag of shoes to go to the op shop. Nice to have Mum &Read more
After a late night and a good sleep in we headed off to a highly recommended diner in Canfield. Scrumptious eggs and bacon American style with French toast and maple syrup.
A couple of cups of coffeeRead more
Well what does a bloke do in Boardman, Ohio when the women leave him abandoned whilst they go do their nails at the nail store. A bar of course, headed off to the Pour House for a Guinness.
Wow, spotted this amazing backlit Coors display light. Gotta try and buy one.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Starrs Corners