United States
Storey County

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    • Day 96

      Virginia City

      December 15, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      We've been recommended by many people to visit Virginia City, a gold rush town in the hills between Reno and Carson City. We had a mine tour which started from a pub, what used to be a bank, with a vault still inside. We walked around the town, saw the opera, the church, a lot of old saloons and at the end we did ghost tour as well, where a ghost and paranormal investigator showed us around in a huge old building, full of puppets and creepy stuff and showed us videos of his ghost sightings.Read more

    • Day 9

      Une petite ville typique de l'Ouest

      April 22, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Virginia City (Nevada)

    • Day 177


      November 21, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 14 °C

      Lake Tahoe is split down the middle between California and Nevada so we nipped over there quite a few times on our excursions! There are some fascinating old mining towns there which has kept almost all of their original features - shops, mines, bars, ghosts.. felt some of the people were right out of the 1850s too! Virginia City in particular is a really historic town - this feels like the closest we've got to 'Americana' since we've been here.
      It's quite striking how different Nevada is as soon as you step over the border - the scenery changes, the weather gets hotter, the casinos rise up (and you can gamble pretty much anywhere including whilst waiting at your airport gate!), gun culture is much more in your face and political affiliations are made abundantly clear!
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    • 1. Africa 2023 - Itinerary and Prep

      May 3, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 30 °F

      It's happening.

      The trip Craig and I have been talking about, investigating and planning since we got back from South America (early 2020) has become real. Delayed for a few years largely due to pandemic related restrictions, our overlanding trip to Africa, using 3 different tour companies, will last 2 1/2 months and take us through 12 countries from Capetown, South Africa to Cairo, Egypt.

      Our first tour with overlanding travel company Acacia, leaves Capetown on March 18, and takes us through 10 countries in 8 weeks as shown on the attached itinerary map. This includes:

      South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania (including the island of Zanzibar), Kenya, Uganda & Rwanda.

      This tour's travel vehicle is an overlanding truck that can accommodate up to 24 people. Most travellers will be about 1/2 our age (or less), which is great because the roads are described as unpredictable, and we are all expected to "help" if the vehicle gets stuck. I'm not sure exactly what that means, (can 24 people push what I imagine to be a 10,000 pound truck out of a ditch?) but I'm at the gym 4-5 times a week trying to bulk up, just in case.

      The tours are booked, the flights scheduled, travel insurance (including repatriation of our remains, as needed) purchased, and our trip is registered with the State Dept. We've obtained our vaccines, malarial medication, and visas.

      By the way, our luggage is restricted to a 90 litre duffel bag (needs to fit in a locker on the truck), plus a "day-travel bag". Packing is going to be interesting. Hauling a 50 pound backpack from the truck to our accommodations each day will be equally interesting. Craig better start adding more weight to his weighted squats at the gym.

      Our final 2 weeks has us on a flight to Addis Ababa for a tour of Ethiopia, followed by a flight to Cairo for a tour of Egypt including a cruise down the Nile.

      5 days to go...
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    • Day 62

      von Schneewänden bis Sonnenschein

      March 15, 2023 in the United States

      Mein Trip von Reno ging direkt weiter nach Jackson...aber halt nicht so schnell. Zuerst machte ich in "Virginia City" halt. Den Tipp hab ich gezwitschert bekommen 😉 danke an dieser Stelle. Warum Virginia City? Nun ja zum Einen weil die Fahrt dorthin bereits eine Reise wert ist und zum anderen hat hier kein anderer als "Mark Twain" seine Journalisten Karriere hier begonnen. (freiwillig oder nicht aber der gute Samuel Longhorne Clemens musste sich ja auch über Wasser halten) nichts desto trotz eine aaaalte kleine Stadt. Ich mag das! Alles schreit hier nach Western Stadt und natürlich auch die Goldgräberzeit.

      Weiter ging es dann nach wieder zurück nach Kalifornien...am Weg musste ich zweimal umdrehen und die Route ändern um nach Jackson zu gelangen...der überdurchschnittliche Wintereinbruch hat hier eeeecht viel Schnee gebracht und ich meine wirklich viel. 😳 Hatte neben mir,ohne Übertreibung, 3 bis 4m hohe Schneewände...aber wie bereits eingangs erwähnt...viel viel Sonnenschein und atemberaubende Landschaften. Sollte man auf alle Fälle gesehen haben. 😊 Gestrandet bin ich dann endlich in Jackson nach 18Uhr und in dem alten charmanten Hotel hat mir die Empfangsdame doch echt erklärt,dass sie früher Nanny war in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland. Man stelle dich doch vor...sie besitzt ein Stück von "der Mauer" weil sie gerade zum Zeitpunkt des Mauerfalls in Deutschland war und sie den Tag nie vergessen wird,als die ganze Familie mit Hammer und Meissel vor dieser unmenschlichen Grenze saß und Stück für Stück das Land wieder vereint haben. Tolle Geschichte und wer denkt sich schon in einem 100 Seelendorf auf solche Bekanntschaften zu stoßen? 🤷😊
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    • 3. The Date is Set!

      August 12, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Craig is now close enough to San Jose to confirm our rendezvous date, which is...…
      AUGUST 23, nine days away!

      My 12+ hours flight leaves at 6A and arrives after 7P. Craig’s stepson Ken, who has been travelling with him since Belize, will be departing as I arrive. I’m really glad Kenny, who is a big strong (young) guy, was with Craig through some of the more dangerous areas of Central America. Safety in numbers, right?

      I’ve been to CR before, but not in the area through which we will travel this time. Although much of the trip is loosely planned and will be a journey of discovery, I am looking forward to a few highlights. They include surfing in Costa Rica (I’m determined to get up on the board this time!), seeing the Panama Canal and experiencing the vibrant and modern Panama City, doing business with Colombian drug lords (not), seeing how the retired ex-Pats live in Ecuador, (could be my future – you never know), enjoying the wildlife and understanding the ecological challenges of Galapagos, trekking to Machu Pichu in Peru, visiting the 16,000+ ft high Lake Titicaca, and finishing with 3 days of roughing it through the Laguna Trail in Bolivia. Another highlight would be grabbing a pick-up game of soccer with the locals somewhere, if they’d be willing to let a gringo (and female at that!) on the pitch.

      I’m so excited.
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    • Day 1

      1. Overlanding Europe!

      May 26, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 39 °F

      Overlanding again!

      I'm so excited to be joining Craig for our 3rd 3 month overlanding trip together. This one will be different from the others: on the South America trip we were in Craig's car and had corresponding flexibility to go where we wanted when we wanted. In Africa, we were on a guided tour, so transportation and lodging were pre-determined. Here in Europe we will be using the Eurail and other mass transportation to traverse through 22 countries in 13 weeks.

      This is the current itinerary, subject to change. (See attached 2 maps)

      San Marino
      Serbia (Hello Novak!)
      Czech Republic
      Poland (Hello Iga!)
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    • 1. Trip Prep & Itinerary

      August 1, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Alaska, here we come! Its 2 days till Craig and I hit the road on our estimated 5 week road trip through the eastern part of the state, and the usual final prep is taking place. Packing, final itinerary adjustments, lawn maintenance arrangements, online management of bills, mail forwarding and all that. Craig has the car ready to go.

      Craig and I have engaged in several adventure travel trips through South America and the US, so we have developed a bit of a travel rhythm based on managing the logistics of the trip, and on each other's travel personalities. (Note to Karen: NEVER "help" with driving suggestions, and make sure Craig gets fed every 2 hours).

      Our itinerary starts with a brief stay in coastal Oregon, and a trip to Victoria & Vancouver as we make our way through British Columbia to get to Skagway, the northernmost part of the Inner Passage's typical cruise ship port stops, where Craig has some business to deal with. The rest of our trip is highlighted on the attached map.

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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Storey County, مقاطعة ستوري, Стори, স্টোরেয় কাউন্টি, Condado de Storey, Storey maakond, Storey konderria, شهرستان استوری، نوادا, Comté de Storey, Storey megye, Ստորի շրջան, Contea di Storey, ストーリー郡, Storey Kūn, Hrabstwo Storey, سٹوری کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Storey, Округ Стори, Сторі, سٹوری کاؤنٹی، نیواڈا, Quận Storey, Condado han Storey, 斯托里縣

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