United States
Town of Shirley

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    • Day 127

      ME 15 / Monson 2075.3

      September 7, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      First thing we had to do is to ford the Piscataquis River. But we took it slowly and had our breakfast in the tent because it was still raining. That was actually the first time on the whole trail that we did this... And it was pretty uncomfortable but still better than sitting in the rain ;)
      So afterwards we put on our crocs and walked the few meters from the campsite to the river. Because of the rain in the last few days its level was higher than usual so we had to ford it. There was additionally a rope to support the crossing and the water barely reached our knees. Everything went fine and we were able to make good miles on a flat terrain. The next river fording was easier and we reached Monson shortly after noon.
      There we went to the "John Baptist Mission" which we thought is a church. But it's a private house, owned by an older woman named Bett. She participates in the church and her mother and grandmother teached her to always have an open door for everyone. We first took a shower and then did laundry, afterwards we headed out to town.
      Our first stop was the local Appalachian Trail Information Center where we planned our visit to the Baxter State and summiting Kathadin. Then we went to a gas station, Pete's Place (a bakery) and the general store for resupply. Back at the mission "Sunny" showed us the sauna and Bett told us that she will cook dinner. The rest of the afternoon we rested and watched a bit TV.
      The dinner was excellent... Steaks, potatoes, salad, a vegetable mix and peas. We both ate a huge portion and then relaxed for another hour or two before going to bed.
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