United States
Bonhomme Township

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    • Day 5

      Entlang der Route 66

      October 21, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Wandeln auf den Spuren der Route 66 - das war schon immer mein Traum. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass er mal in Erfüllung geht. Doch das ist die Gelegenheit. Sie führt uns zwar nicht gerade auf direktem Wege nach Iowa. Aber wir wollen ja schließlich was sehen. Zumindest bis zum Mississippi wollen wir ihr folgen. Und dann von St. Louis aus dem Mississippi entlang nach Norden.
      Die alte 66 gibt es so gar nicht mehr, immer nur Teilstücke oder jetzt von anderen Straßen überdeckt. Es ist wie eine Schnitzeljagd.
      Also los. Das Anfangsschild stand schon in der Straße unseres Hotels. Die Innenstadt wollten wir uns nach DEM Tag auch nicht mehr antun. Außerdem war es inzwischen stockdunkel. Also abends auf dem schnellsten Weg nach Joliet ca 1 Stunde aus Chicago raus.
      Von dort aus starten wir heute früh. Hier gibt es gleich jede Menge zu sehen. Vor allem die Blues Brothers sind hier immer wieder verewigt, denn hier steht das Gefängnis, aus dem Elwood seinen Bruder Jake gleich zu Beginn des Films abgeholt hat. Es wurde übrigens erst 2002 geschlossen. Und so folgen wir den Spuren.
      Frühstück im Route 66 Diner, das Museum nur im Eingangsbereich, denn 8 $ pro Person sind bei unserer ungeklärten Finanzlage nicht drinnen. Aber wir haben mit der Bank telefoniert und die Limits hochsetzen lassen. Das braucht noch bis morgen, dann müsste es wieder klappen.
      Wir hangeln uns mit dem Navi von einem Stopp zum nächsten, nehmen dabei auch mal den schnelleren Highway, essen corn dogs beim Erfinder, dem Cozy Dog Drive In in Springfield (Würstchen in Maisteig - nicht so mein Ding) und überqueren abends den Mississippi von Illinois nach St Louis in Missouri.
      An der Rezeption wieder das gleiche Spiel: "oh, credit card is declined? Can we pay cash?" Immerhin haben wir jetzt cash, aber das wird an den meisten Stellen verweigert. Hotels, Tankstellen usw. bestehen auf credit card. Aber der Portier hat Familie in Frankfurt und Mannheim, findet Hamburg teuer und mag Holland nicht. Da wurde ihm sein Pass und Geld gestohlen. Er macht für uns eine Ausnahme.
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    • Day 6

      Day 6 - St. Louis Blues

      April 27, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Didn’t wake up until 6.00am. The plan today was to get an Uber into St Louis, see the sights, get an Uber back out & then head west.

      Breakfast, showered, then I went to see went to see the campsite staff, if it was still ok to leave our RV here until we had seen what we needed to see in St Louis. Yes it was, so I fired up the Uber+ App & typed in my requirements. The journey into St. Louis was showing to be $34 - gulp.

      Urgent googling revealed that it was cheaper to stay at the Casino Queen RV park, then walk over the Mississippi River on Eads Bridge. We booked the Casino Queen RV park online, then headed out to see a couple of places of interest in the St Louis suburbs. Firstly we crossed the Mississippi alongside the Chain of Rocks Bridge & picked up Route 66.

      We followed the scenic river road, then took the ring road around St Louis intending to visit Laumeier Sculpture Park. It all got a bit hectic & at one point we ended up on a Highway with just 3 options to take Highways to either Chicago, Kansas City or Memphis. Using my extensive knowledge, we opted for Memphis & managed to get back on track.

      We arrived at Laumeier Sculpture Park just in time for it to absolutely pour down. No time to wait for it to stop, we headed out & squelched around the park. Highlights were the eyeball & for Jackie the big tall deer. 30 minutes later & pretty damp, we got back into the RV & headed off for Ulysses S. Grant National Park.

      Ulysses S. Grant was the victorious General who saved the Union. Well we drove round & round in circles, occasionally shouted at each other, and finally found it by accident. Time was now too precious, so we took a photo as we sped past it. No idea what delights we missed.

      We managed to get to the Casino Queen RV park without too much trouble. We arrived around 1.00 pm, but couldn’t get through the barrier. Our access code didn’t work, but luckily a fellow RV’er helped us to get in.

      Quick sandwich & coffee, then we walked the mile & a half over Eads Bridge spanning the Mississippi to Downtown St. Louis. The sun was back out. We went straight to the Gateway Arch which looked so impressive against the St. Louis skyline.

      We queued up for tickets, $14 for the tram ride to the top of the Gateway. The next hour & a half were painful. We moved between several 10 minute queues with an Indian family consisting of 4 adults of varying ages & 2 kids in front. Our guide was hilarious, not on purpose, but he had trouble with his iPad sound, which only seemed to only work when he was talking to a trainee with him. One of the kids was an absolute s**t & permanently screaming.

      My absolute nightmare, which only got worse, when he & his mother were allocated the same tram as us. It wasn’t a tram, it was a tiny capsule which required normally sized people to have to bow our heads just to get in.

      The tram took 4 minutes to reach the top - 630 ft. We peered out of the window slots, then waited for an age to take the tram back down. Jackie wasn’t impressed with the experience. It was painful, but I would have regretted it if we hadn’t of done it. From the top we could also look down into Busch Stadium, where the St. Louis Cardinals were playing Cincinnati Reds. The Cardinals won 6 - 3.

      We went & out over to the Old Court House, popped in & then out, then waited close to 30 minutes for a trolley bus. We passed our time watching hundreds of youngsters all dressed up for their prom night posing for photos in Kiener Plaza Park.

      I was planning to go to the City Museum. We bought a $2 hop on hop off ticket but unfortunately the bus that turned up was terminating at the Enterprise Center across town from the City Museum. We got on it anyway & then walked from the Enterprise Center (Home of the St. Louis Blues ice hockey team). There was lots of noise coming from within the Enterprise Center, which turned that their game with Dallas Stars was being shown on a big screen. The Blues lost 4 - 2.

      Our lengthy walk took us passed significant buildings of The Stifel Theatre, the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum & St. Louis Library. We finally arrived at the City Museum, which is like a giant art installation made from recycled junk. It is difficult to describe, but for example it has a fighter jet suspended over the entrance & a lorry hanging over the roof 6 storeys up. Unfortunately we could hear, it is also a glorified kids playground. More screaming kids was just too much for us, so we caught a bus back to the Gateway.

      We celebrated with the Cardinals fans in Caleco’s Bar & Grill with a couple of the local 4 Hands beer, then marched back across Eads Bridge to the RV.

      Jackie cooked a lovely chilli con-carne, whilst I caught up with blog. Again we were asleep by 9.00pm, shattered.

      FITBIT - 17,781 steps / 8.25 miles.

      Song of the Day - St. Louis Slim by Seasick Steve.

      Bonus Songs of the Day :-

      Eyes Without A Face by Billy Idol
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    • Day 137


      June 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 88 °F

      I have been completely exhausted. Tie dyeing 100 hours a week and working festivals 100 hours a week on the other weeks. Sweetwater 420 was incredible. I want to remember that it was so much fun and we had our 2nd highest grossing sales of all time! I stayed at Janice's friend Chucks house just outside the city. He is 100% adorable nerdy weirdo and I love everything about him. At his house we had me, Janice, Kiki, Bryce, Davis, and a few other people as well. It was a vendor slumber party every night. 🤘 Everyone did well at the festival too, so we were all feeling great the whole time. I still remember being anxious alot.. it was unique that we couldn't have our vehicles and technically no backspace. But we had Pinecones as our neighbors and we both renegaded our backspaces and got away with it! That was the weekend that I really fell in love with the pinecone crew. I had always had a preconceived negative vibe from them from the old days when we were neighbors and it was a totally different crew... they were not good people. Current days- I love the whole cone crew.
      After sweetwater, the shows all kept going down like a quicksand of success. Rekinnection was a joke. 75 vendors for 2500 people. Outrageous! And lots of newbies who's stuff blew away. Poor people! They needed to invest in a set of Ground Grabbas, the greatest tent stakes ever made. I have been showing everyone and I mean everyone these magical stakes.
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    • Day 91

      Decency [IN, MO]

      June 28, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We began the year with George Washington's call for tolerance for all religions in his letter to a Jewish synagogue in Newport, RI. On our trip back west we visited the homes of three US presidents who exemplified decency-- something so bereft in our current president that we are sometimes embarrassed to call ourselves Americans.

      Lincoln lived only twelve years at this farm in Indiana and not much from his days there survives but its formative influences are clear. He learned empathy from his mother who tended to ailing neighbors until she herself died of milk fever. There are also the other well-known trademarks-- learning to read by candlelight, spin yarns, perseverance and the value of hard work.

      Grant's "home" outside St. Louis was actually owned by his slave-holding father-in-law. Grant lived there in the 1850s, witnessing the horrors of slavery and frequently engaging in heated arguments with his wife's father. During this period Grant also freed his only slave.

      Truman's "home" also belonged originally to his in-laws but he called it home almost his entire adult life. One of Truman's favorite aphorisms was “I tried never to forget who I was and where I came from, and where I was going back to.” Maybe humility and decency come from living with your in-laws.
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    • Day 9

      Day 9: Mini Golf Tournament Continues

      December 29, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      After making it to the top of the Gateway Arch and earning our Jr. Ranger Badges, I was ready to continue on our journey and get out of St. Louis.

      Donna suggested mini golf - at that moment in time - I wasn’t in the mood for it. We did pack our putters in the car when we left home. I just wasn’t in the mood. We do like to try to get mini golf in every state we visit. She found a place about 20 minutes outside the city called Aloha Mini Golf.

      We did a round of 18 holes - it was nice to be out of the city, the weather was great. It was a needed stretch of fresh air …. After the game we headed on our way to Hot Springs Arkansas. We have a 6 to 7 hour drive ahead of us.

      Please do note the final score. I don’t always do so well.

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    Township of Bonhomme, Bonhomme Township

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