United States
Conata Township

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    • Day 61

      Buffalo Gap National Grassland

      June 22, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute hatten wir endlich die Gelegenheit unsere Drohne zu benutzen, das Wetter ☀️stimmte & es windete nicht all zu stark. 😉👍🏻

      Da Drohnen in den Nationalparks verboten 🚫 sind, testeten wir sie ausserhalb im Buffalo Gap National Grassland. Es entstanden unserer Meinung nach einige schöne Videos & Fotos! ❤️Read more

    • Day 8

      Gewaltige Natur

      September 2, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Heute beeindruckt uns die Landschaft vom Badlands Nationalpark. Nebst den vielen Erdmännchen waren auch schon Rebhühner auf der Strasse 🫣 und ein Kojote der sich schön präsentierte.
      Mitten in diesem bizarren Gelände ist es sehr heiss. Ohne den Wind würde man es hier kaum aushalten.Read more

    • Day 18

      The Badlands

      September 17, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I wake up to the sunrise peeking into my tent. It's a beautiful morning but my tent is soaked in dew. I decide to look at some maps while my tent dries off. I eventually get on the road and check out the Oahe dam which is just down the road. The Oahe dam is on the Missouri River, and it creates lake Oahe which is one of the world's largest man-made reservoirs capable of storing up to 23.5 million acre-feet of water. Sounds impressive I guess. I then make my way further west towards the Badlands.

      On the way I continue to notice the crops being grown. Michigan had some farming. Wisconsin has a lot of corn and ton of soy, as did Minnesota. South Dakota also has corn but I've started to see massive sun flower crops. I always knew we grew a lot of food in the Midwest, but seeing it is unreal. To think about the scale of the farming that is happening here is like picturing 23.5 million acre-feet. It is immense, and to some extent frightening how much of one type of food is grown in an area. Corn, soy, and sunflowers, none of which I care to consume a great deal of.

      I make a lunch stop along the way and then I finally arrive. The views are every bit as dramatic as I had imagined. I stop in at the visitors center on the park road, and ask about back country hiking. Apparently you can go anywhere you want. There is no out of bounds, you just can't have a fire or shoot anything. I get a hint about where to park and a good area to hike in. I stash the bike around the corner from the parking lot out of view and take to the wilderness. I walk for about 2 hours and the sun is getting low in the sky. I think that means it's time to set up my tent and eat dinner. I watch the sky for a bit and see a couple of satellites, and then the nearly full moon spoils the starry sky. Time to go to sleep.

      Pictures: Sunrise at cow Creek on lake Oahe. The inlets to the hydroelectric turbines. A glimpse of the Badlands from the loop road. My hidden parking spot. The Badlands from the prairie. My home for the night.
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    • Day 23

      Badlands Loop und Wall Drug

      June 4, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute sind wir in unseren dritten Nationalpark gefahren, den Badlands Nationalpark. Schauen wir mal, ob hier das Land wirklich so schlecht ist. Unterwegs haben wir an einer Stelle Rast gemacht, an der auch Lewis und Clark vor über 210 Jahren schon Halt machten. Dann ging es über den Missouri in eine neue Zeitzone. Das Aufbauen lief problemlos in unter 25 Minuten. Auf diesem Campingplatz gibt es keinen Schatten. Zum Glück weht immer ein leichter Wind und wir haben auch einen Stromanschluss und können zur Not die Klimaanlage anschalten. Nach dem Aufbau sind wir die Straße durch den Park gefahren und haben hier und da für ein Foto angehalten. Wir haben die ersten Bisons und Präriehunde unserer Reise gesehen und sind in der Touristenfalle Wall Drug bummeln und essen gegangen. Natürlich gab es Bisonburger. Nach 8 haben wir uns den Sonnenuntergang angesehen, ab 9 im Ranger-Abendprogramm etwas über die hier lebenden Fledermäuse gelernt und danach noch durch Teleskope in den nicht durch umliegende Städte lichtverschmutzten Himmel geschaut. Jupiter war mit drei seiner Monde gut zu sehen. Dann ging's ins Bett, denn am nächsten Tag wollten wir früh raus.Read more

    • Day 86

      Selfie fail

      October 28, 2015 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 2 °C

      It was beyond super windy and cold out in the badlands. First one, I thought the selfie already happened. Second one, got it and ran to my car and hoped that the wind wouldn't rip the door off my car.

    • Day 4

      Bringing it to Life

      August 28, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      The third post about today's bike ride.

      Bringing It to Life

      If I were choosing - by myself, Badlands wouldn't be on the radar. But I would be wrong. In a couple years, we are going to White Sands National Park and Joshua Tree National Park. They wouldn't make my list either.

      No, I would be choosing Acadia (fabulous), The Smokies, Arches, Yosemite, Yellowstone. These are all absolutely beautiful and all easy choices.

      White Sands National Park is 1000's of acres of white sand dunes. Joshua Tree is a desert (actually 2 desert ecosystems) and Badlands is layered limestone formations jutting up through the Prairieland. It is beautiful and wondrous.

      My Lovely opened my eyes up to something outside of my normal view. We shared it. I found it to be special and I am terribly happy that I am here.

      The scenery changed as we rode our bikes through the pass. The same limestone structures, from different distances, in different shapes, or the colors reflecting in a different way, offered appeal through the ride.

      And I can't imagine how harsh it is to live here now, much less live here through the pioneer days. But a great experience for us through these few days.
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    Township of Conata, Conata Township

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