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    • Day 5–6

      Wild camp at the beach

      January 2 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Wild camped at the beach after hitch hiking all the way from Colonia del Sacramento. Got rides from 4 different cars:

      1. 50 km with a nice but mot so talkative Uruguayano who used to hitch hike when he was younger.

      2. 50 km with a mother and daughter who rescued us from a torrental downpour of rain and hail. It started pouring the second we got into the car!

      3. 100 km with Pablo, who was delivering a car to Montevideo and let us ride in his truck's drivers cabin. Very friendly, extremely chatty, and big fan of god.
      He took us all the way to the north of the city of Montevideo where he had to drop of the car and organised our next ride for us.

      4. Organised by Pablo: got driven into the centre in the back of a police car 🔫🚔 the 3 policemen then waved down a taxi for us to get to the bus station safely 😅

      Last hour was by public transport to a small beach outside the city 😊
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    • Day 3

      Day 3, Azamara

      February 10, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 97 °F

      Did some last minute shopping for a simple bag to carry around the ship - in a toy store. Chose ‘She’s A Rainbow’ with pink glitter and gold stars. 😎 No designer label needed. Mark thought the idea was ludicrous but appreciated the price. 😂
      Boarded the ship and departed BA. On to Uruguay. Temps very high. Love being back on a cruise ship.
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    • Day 59–71

      Tierra del Sueños - Natur pur in Uruguay

      December 22, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach einer weiteren, sehr langen Busfahrt von Rio kommen wir nach knapp zwei Tagen in Montevideo, Uruguay an. Erster Eindruck: sehr europäisch! Wir werden die nächsten zwei Wochen allerdings außerhalb der Stadt als Freiwillige im Farmprojekt "Tierra de Sueños" verbringen und vieles über Permakulturen, Bio-Konstruktion & Co lernen. Das Gelände ist sehr süß angelegt und verfügt inzwischen über einige Gebäude, Gewächshäuser, einen Teich, Hund/Katze/Hühner und jede Menge Wiesen, Gärten und (junge) Bäume... ein grüner Traum! Jeden Tag unterstützen wir mit 3 weiteren Freiwilligen von 8:00 bis 13:00 Uhr: Salat & Gemüse pflanzen, Bäume setzen, Wasserfall mauern, Fließen legen... die Aufgaben sind auf jeden Fall vielseitig und langweilig wird uns nie! Die Nachmittage bieten dagegen viele Stunden für Entspannung, Sport & Planung der kommenden Ziele. Außerdem möchte das nächste Essen direkt im Garten geerntet werden! An einem freien Tag treffen wir in Montevideo Lisa's Freundin Tania, die sie vor 6 Jahren zuletzt gesehen hat.
      So vergeht die Zeit wie im Flug, Weihnachten & Silvester ziehen vorbei und nach 13 Tagen steht auch schon der Abschied an...
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    • Day 101


      March 8, 2016 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      I am keen to exlpore the city , so after a shower we walk towards the historical centre. There are so many places of interest in this beautiful place and as soon as we step out the door the buildings on route attract our attention. Its really quite sad that so many of the wonderful buildings are left empty and with ony a small amount of money could be restored to there former glory. Glorious parks line the route and the city has a real ambience and hustle without feeling to hectic . We stop for a few minutes watching two guys playing chess in the street, they are mesmerising to watch and they play with a timer ,smashing there chess pieces down in a matter of seconds then smashing the clock with the same speed to keep within their time, they could honestly be proffesionals. As we continue our walk there is a huge building that dominates the skyline in front of us, this is the entrance to the plaza independencia. Artigas is a hero of Uruguay having defeted the English and giving Uruguay its indpendence his statue dominates the square astride his horse and behind this is where he is buried. We enter the crypt which is underground and has a real eeriness about it , two statues of guards are either side of the urn dressed in military attire and as i go to take a photo i am impressed with how life like they look......then he blinks.. i let out a gasp of fright and it takes him all his time not to laugh, but proffesionally remains perfectly still. Our next port of call is the theatre Solis, which was built 200 years ago for entertainment for the Europeans that had now inhabited the city. We ot for he guided tour here as its so beautiful we want to know a little more. Today is Womans Day and the philarmonic ochestra are laying here tonight, the tickets are free and have all gone, but we are treated as when we enter the presidents box they are rehearsing for tonights performance . The theatre has a program that allows people from the surrounding small towns (who would never be able to afford to come here ) to come here and experience a day at the theatre, they pay for their travel and even throw in lunch before they watch the evenings performance. All ticket prices in the theatre are the same as they dont want just the rich people having the best seats which reminds me of Ed sheeranspolicy at his concerts and is a fantastic idea. We contine exploring the endless museums and walk all the way to the river before stopping for a bite of lunch in a restaurant close by. We decide to treat ourselves and order a steak, which isnt cheap, but i am desperate to have one cooked how i like it Medium Rare . Although we have eaten a few steaks here they have generally been well done, and when it arrives it doesnt even touch the sides. It literally melts in my mouth and is worth every penny. We explore a little more before heading back to the hotel to pack. on the street is a mime artist, who really catures my eye and i stand mesmerised by her for several minutes , as i place a few coins in her ot she comes to life and softly beckons me over placing a small piece of paper in my hand when i open it up it has a spanish quote in it which translates to " the diffuculy common people have prepares them for extrordinary destinations " ........how true xRead more

    • Day 25

      Varela Zarranz Wine Tour

      January 25, 2020 in Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I went wine tasting and had lunch at an Uruguayan winery.

    • Day 38

      Go southeast to Montevideo

      March 8, 2018 in Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      So with the change of the plan, we traveled southeast to Montevideo and the Atlantic Ocean.

      The western and inner (gauchos) parts of Uruguay are primarily agricultural, and Australian eucalypts are everywhere. In fact, apart from driving on the opposite side of the road, one could be forgiven for thinking that this was rural Australia.

      Cattle and horses dominate the landscape, and given the gauchos supposedly originated here, there is a mythical appearance of people going on horse rides, as if to reconnect with the past. Also,as many of the properties are smaller than Australian farms, and the availability of ready labour, horses are a logical choice.
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