Mỹ Sơn

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    • Day 16

      Hoi an 4 - My Son

      June 27, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      My son. Uit te spreken als 'Mie son'. Niet de vertaling van 'mijn zoon', maar van 'mooie berg'. Dus...
      Om 08:00 werden we opgehaald door Anni voor een busritje van 45 minuten. 'Anni' was de engelse naam van onze gids, die ze zichzelf had gegeven om dat haar Vietnamese naam onuitspreekbaar bleek te zijn voor de toeristen.
      We gingen naar een Hindoeistisch tempelcomplex, gebouwd door het Cham-volk. Allereerst werden we bij aankomst getrakteerd op een dansvoorstelling. Hoewel Annabel en ik aan het samensmelten waren op het plastic stoeltje, zat Guido zich met name te ergeren aan de overactieve lichtbediende, die een heuse kleurendisco van de voorstelling had gemaakt.
      Toen we bekomen waren, gingen we op pad. Anni vertelde over de verschillende bedoelingen van de tempels en dat ze gemaakt zijn zonder cement, maar met een nog niet ontdekt plakkerige substantie. Het was gelukkig een klein tempelcomplex, want onze hersenactiviteit ging op standje 'minimaal' vanwege de hitte. Het was zoooo warm! Het was de dag dat Annabel voor het eerst herhaaldelijk uitsprak: 'ik wil terug naar Nederland'.. met dikke tranen...
      De gids Anni was superlief voor haar en na een boottochtje over de rivier, eindigde de tocht om 14:00 bij ons hotel. De rest van de dag werd er gezwommen en later nog met beide opa's en oma's gebeld. Morgen nog een nacht naar Dá Nang voordat we aan onze reis naar het noorden beginnen waar we onder andere een visarun moeten gaan doen.
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    • Day 375

      Motorradtour zur My Son Sanctuary

      May 14, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Heute sind wir morgens 1h zur My Son Sancturary mit gefahren. Dafür haben wir uns schon gestern ein Motorrad ausgeliehen. Diesmal wurde es eine Yamaha FZ mit 150ccm.

      Wir sind gegen 10 Uhr angekommen, wobei es schon echt heiß war. Der Tempel befindet sich mitten im Dschungel, was es gefühlt noch heißer gemacht hat.

      My Son Sanctuary:
      „…Zwischen dem 4. und 13. Jahrhundert entwickelte sich an der Küste des heutigen Vietnams eine einzigartige Kultur, die ihre spirituellen Ursprünge dem indischen Hinduismus verdankte. Die Überreste einer Reihe von beeindruckenden Turmtempeln an einem dramatischen Ort, der die meiste Zeit über die religiöse und politische Hauptstadt des Champa-Königreichs war, veranschaulichen dies anschaulich….“

      Danach sind wir noch in ein Dorf gefahren, wo getöpfert wird. Hier haben wir uns auch kurz etwas daran erprobt ;)
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    • Day 177

      Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn

      April 23, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Zara hat uns bei einem Bier erzählt, dass sie eine weitere Tour macht - My Son Tempelanlage um 5 Uhr morgens an einem Sonntag 😱 Bin mir nicht ganz sicher wieso, aber Stoiko und ich haben beschlossen mitzumachen und uns auch so früh aufzuquälen.

      Das Aufstehen war tatsächlich sehr anstrengend für mich ich konnte am Vortag nicht einschlafen, da ich Angst hatte zu verschlafen.

      Doch der Tourguide war so schlau uns am Weg mit Kaffee zu versorgen. Seine Schwester macht einen sehr guten Eiskaffee.

      Früh bei einer Sehenswürdigkeit zu sein ist vorteilhaft. Erstens ist es noch nicht zu heiß und zweitens ist kaum ein anderer Mensch dort. Unser Guide war sehr unaufdringlich informativ.

      Die Kultur des Champa Königreichs hatte ihren spirituellen Ursprung im indischen Hinduismus. Die Überreste der Turmtempel bezeugen, dass sich hier die religiöse und politische Hauptstadt des Champa-Königreichs befunden hat.

      Insgesamt eine tolle Tour. Habe danach großartig geschlafen 😉

      ###### english ######

      Zara told us over a beer that she is doing another tour - My Son temple complex at 5am on a Sunday 😱 Not quite sure why, but Stoiko and I decided to join and tease ourselves that early as well.

      Getting up was actually very exhausting for me, I couldn't fall asleep the day before because I was afraid of oversleeping.

      But the tour guide was smart enough to provide us with coffee on the way. His sister makes a very good iced coffee.

      Being at a sight early is beneficial. Firstly, it is not too hot yet and secondly, there is hardly anyone else there. Our guide was very unobtrusively informative.

      The culture of the Champa Kingdom had its spiritual origins in Indian Hinduism. The remains of the tower temples testify that this was the religious and political capital of the Champa kingdom. Impressive!

      Overall a great tour. I slept well afterwards 😉
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    • Day 12

      My Son

      April 14, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Aujourd’hui c’était journée visite en mode touristes de chez touristes ! On a pris le bus pour aller au temple My Son avec un guide qui nous appelait la « team Hoi An » toutes les deux mins 😂 My Son (dont le nom signifie
      "belle montagne») est le site des vestiges les plus importants du royaume du Champa. Sur 70 temples seuls une vingtaine ont survécu.
      Sur le chemin du retour nous avons fait un stop pour voir comment se prépare les feuilles de riz !
      Le soir petit tour dans la vielle ville avec ses lanternes allumées 🤗
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    • Day 7

      Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary and boat trip

      April 7, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Free day! I booked a tour from TripAdvisor to Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary 🛖 that included a very eventful boat trip ⛵. Mỹ Sơn is one of the most ancient and impressive Hindu clusters in South East Asia, with temples constructed between the 4th and the 13th century by the Cham Empire. I had the worst stomach cramps of my entire life 😩, it was very very muggy but we loved it 🥵. We met a french traveller that worked in a casino and a Spanish couple. We watched a musical/dancing performance and had some chicken noodles in the restaurant outside the sanctuary, people did not like them but I did (despite the awful stomach cramps) 🍜.

      We also visited a family home where we made some rice paper and joined a boat trip along the Thu Bồn River. We had to walk the plank on to the river bank, we are pretty sure it was completely illegal! ☠️
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    • Day 61

      My Son Sanctuary, Vietnam

      December 6, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      My Son was a really interesting site to visit as it's closely linked to Wat Phou in Laos that we visited too. The location was very similar, deep in the jungle, and although condition wasn't as good (due to American bombings as it was used a vietcong headquarters) there was obvious similar architectural styles and religious imagery. Many of the carvings that were well preserved had been taken to Da Nong during French rule and placed in the sculpture museum that we visited previously too - although a shame not to see them as a complete whole at least we got to view them.

      'My Son' means beautiful mountain, which it really was.
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    • Day 81

      My Son, das kleine Ankor Wat Vietnams

      March 4, 2023 in Vietnam

      Heute haben wir wieder für mehrere Tage einen Roller gemietet (6€/Tag) und fahren nach dem Frühstück in ca. 1 Std. die 45 km nach My Son (schöner Berg) zur UNESCO Ausgrabungstätte, sie liegt malerisch inmitten einem Flußtal umringt von Bergen und dem Dschungel. Natürlich ist die Ausgrabungstätte nicht so groß wie Ankor Wat, von dem wir vor ein paar Jahren sehr begeistert waren, aber ich würde es trotzdem als ein Highlight auf unserer Reise bezeichnen. Wenn man schon in Hoi An ist, sollte man es unbedingt anschauen.
      Leider haben die USA im Vietnamkrieg, weil sich hier angeblich der Vietkong versteckt hatte Flächenhaft bombardiert und dabei vieles zerstört, was man z.T. auch wieder aufgebaut hat. Doch vieles ist dadurch unwiederbringlich verloren gegangen, die Bombenkrater Zeugen noch davon.
      Eine schöne Folkloredarbietung war im Eintrittspreis enthalten.ỹ_Sơn…
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    • Day 76–81

      Hoi An - A Magical Place (Part 2)

      December 28, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Next to exploring the ins and outs of the old town, there are tons of other things to do in and around Hoi An.

      On the second day, it was Amy's birthday, so we first got a massage in town before visiting My Son, which is an interesting ancient temple complex of the Champa Kingdom that is nestled deep inside the woods.

      The following day, we took a free walking tour to learn more about the rich history of Hoi An, before taking it slow and heading to a few cafes and simply relax and watch life go by.

      The third day started slow as well (we had a bit of rain most of the days), but in the afternoon, we went to experience the traditional basket boats. I opted to go for a wild spin in one, which was quite fun - luckily, I did not fall out, as I have seen some others do while researching the experience. On the way back, each of us floated a candle on the river, while making a secret wish.

      For the next day, Amy and I decided to head to town early to do a little photo shoot of the most beautiful place, while it is quiet. Afterwards, we opted to go on a street food tour arganised by the hostel to taste some of the odd street food dishes that we otherwise would have probably never tried. Some were definitely a hit and some were okayish (no insects, luckily!). In the evening, it was time to party into and welcome the new year (one woman with a mic started the countdown from 10 seconds a whole 4 minutes too early, so we had to do the countdown twice).

      On New Year's Day, we started with a traditional Hoi An-specific noodle dish (Cao Lau) prepared by our host for lunch. We then hired some bikes and cycled through the nearby rice fields and observed life in the Vietnamese countryside. It was our last full day, so we saved the best for last - a lantern boat right in the evening on the river. Seeing the countless lanterns and beauty of Hoi A from the river was really the perfect end to our time in this magical town.
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    • Day 15

      My Son - Champa Ruins

      February 25 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Our last full day in Hoi An, we drove an hour outside of town to explore My Son Sanctuary, a UNESCO World Heritage site. These Champa ruins hold immense historical and cultural significance, offering a glimpse into the ancient Champa Kingdom that thrived from the 4th to the 13th centuries. The main building material was sandstone, so it's pretty incredible that some of these buildings were built back in the 4th century! This is a complex of monuments for worshiping the god King Shiva, located under Cat's Tooth mountain, or what the locals call Sacred Bird mountain, which is the god of peace and wealth. The structures are built from sandstone, so many are badly deteriorated but lots of work is in progress to preserve them. Many, many heads are missing from the temples and statues, as back in the day, and probably today still, they are worth a lot of money on the black market. Some in the group said they have seen some of these heads in museums around the world, so the artifacts are finding their way out of private collections and into public museums so we can all learn more about this history. One of the interesting animal sculptures is the Vietnamese dragon, with its jaw opened wide, with a long, thin tongue. These dragons always keep a châu (gem/jewel) in their mouths, which is a symbol of humanity, nobility and knowledge. Stark reminders of more recent history are abundant, with giant divots in the ground, where Americans dropped thousand pound bombs during the Vietnam war. We saw a series in a line, representing an example of a carpet bombing campaign. On a lighter note, there were several cluster fig trees on the banks of the river, which I believe we ate at the nunnery at our vegan lunch. At the time none of us at the table could believe we were eating figs because we were thinking of the figs back home.Read more

    • Day 8

      Ancient Champa kingdom

      November 2, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Questa mattina visitiamo il sito archeologico di My Son, a circa un’ora di bus da Hoi An.
      Il sito è immerso in una valle ricca di verde e percorsa da vari torrenti, considerata sacra dalla dinastia Champa, dove intorno al X-XI secolo sono stati realizzati vari edifici monumentali di carattere religioso Hindu.
      La visita è di per se piacevole, anche perché per noi è qualcosa di assolutamente nuovo, ed è arricchita dalla presenza di danzatrici e suonatori locali che si esibiscono nei pressi delle strutture.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mỹ Sơn, My Son, Santuario Mi-Sön, Sanctuaire de Mỹ Sơn, מקדש מי סון, Mi Son, ミーソン聖域, მი-სონი, Mišonas, Ми Сон, Santuário de Mi-sön, Мишон, மீ சன், หมีเซิน, Thánh địa Mỹ Sơn, 美山聖地

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