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    • Day 5

      Meeting the Devil!

      August 19 in Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Oh what a day!
      We set off this morning in a speed boat on a thrilling ride through the river and rocks towards Livingstone Island based at the top of Victoria Falls. Our group of eight was the perfect mixture; all of us apprehensive of what was to come.
      Together, at times hand in hand and others using a rope, we negotiated the slippery rocks to access the edge of the falls. Challenging at times but we all looked out for each other 😀
      Seeing Devil’s pool and the strength of the water was nerve wracking yet exhilarating. Although we all followed the leaders’ instructions the first to go lost their glasses as they entered the pool and they were quickly washed away over the edge! A stark reminder of how easy it would be for one of us to go over 😁
      Sally and I swam over to the edge one by one and sat on a rock near the edge before being guided to the precipice where the other guide took videos and photos of our terrifying but thrilling experience. He stood on the rocks right at the edge with absolutely no safety equipment which caused us greater anxiety than him!
      Getting back to dry land involved us negotiating our way through the slippery pools again using a rope to steady us against the strong current. We were then treated to a delicious local breakfast before coming back to the Lodge for an evening of dominoes, cocktails and another stunning sunset.
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    • Day 4

      We saw Hippos!

      August 18 in Zambia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      We were up early today for a rafting trip along the Upper Zambezi River. We climbed in and set off through the ever changing water currents of this 2700km long river; sometimes really still and others faster and louder. Passing so many different birds including the Open Billed Stork, Jacana, Egyptian Geese and Gross Ibis. We saw evidence of Elephants by the waters edge- apparently they only digest 40% of their food, leaving the baboons and birds to eat the food left in their poo! Further down the river we heard the snorting of Hippos - what an amazing site to see several herds of them, although we stayed a safe distance away! The opposite river banks belong to Zambia and Zimbabwe and good relations between the two meant we could step off and spend some time on the beach in Zimbabwe without having to use our passports! As we came towards the end of the trip we came across a whole family of elephants in the river washing and eating the vegetation. One elephant hit the baby which made the large male roar in anger and protect the baby- all very exciting to watch.
      Back on land we had lunch and headed back to meet our fellow Safari group who all seem really nice- thank goodness.
      We then set off to see Victoria Falls which is quite low in water for this time of year- a consequence of a drought over the last year. The site was still spectacular with the rainbows and mist showing through the crashing water.
      We stopped to buy two small bottles of Fanta. These ended up costing us 26 USD, after making the mistake of allow ourselves to be pulled into their craft stall and buying some souvenirs we haven’t even got room for! 😂 Its’s certainly an experience we will never forgot. Ending the day back at the lodge with a stunning sunset was a perfect end to a fabulous day.
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    • Day 3


      August 17 in Zambia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      We arrived in Livingstone, Zambia at lunchtime. Our hotel is right on the Zambezi River and as we drove toward the hotel we came through an elephant corridor in which elephants had cropped the trees in their nightly trek through from Zimbabwe to escape the hunters. Hippos also come through here at nighttime from the river! The views from the outside bar and restaurant are amazing and we have already made good use of the bar with it’s TV screen and football coverage! We got a taxi into Livingstone and walked through the market area then went to a local bakery/cafe for drink and an enormous drop scone! We have booked on some exciting activities over the next couple of days so really really looking forward to that before the safari starts.Read more

    • Day 34

      Day 32 🇿🇼 / 🇿🇲 Pt. 3

      September 17, 2023 in Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Mit der Sunset Cruise fahren wir nun auf der westlichen Seite der Fälle in den Sonnenuntergang. Wir haben wieder Glück und die Elefanten spielen im Fluss um dann später diesen nach Sambia zu überqueren. Eigentlich sind wir über die ganze Bootsfahrt komplett in Sambia, denn die Grenze verläuft auf der anderen Seite der Inseln...Read more

    • Day 5

      Holprige Bus- und perfekte Schiffahrt!🥰

      March 6 in Zambia ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Nach dem herzlichen Abschied von Familie Wilson und dem Chipangali-Team steigen wir in den Minibus, mit dem Ryan uns in den nächsten Stunden nach Victoria Falls bringen wird. Man kann nicht sagen, er hätte uns nicht vorgewarnt - abr die unglaubliche Menge an tiefen Schlaglöchern, riskanten Überholmanövern und spazierenden Kühe und Ziegen auf der Autobahn macht die Fahrt doch zu einem rechten Abenteuer...😂 Optimistisch mit 4.5 Stunden angesetzt zieht sich die Fahrt trotz Ryans immensem Fahrtempo länger, bevor wir dann um 14 Uhr endlich im Städtchen Victoria Falls ankommen. Nun soll aber der gemütliche Teil unserer Reise beginnen!🤩
      Das von Anja bereits ausgiebig getestete Hotel übersteigt alle Erwartungen, und so geniessen wir den Schwumm im Pool, den feinen Kaffe und die eiskalten Drinks.😎
      Abends folgt das erste von vielen Highlights hier: eine Schiffahrt auf dem Fluss Zambesi oberhalb der Wasserfälle. Wir sind überwältigt - die Sonnenuntergangsstimmung auf dem wunderschönen Schiff, die magische Landschaft und dazu das feine Essen und die erfrischenden Drinks: ein Traum!🥰 Das Essen wird einzig durch das Aufhechten aller Gäste unterbrochen, wenn im Wasser oder am Ufer wieder Tiere zu sehen sind.😂 Tatsächlich treffen wir auf dutzende Nilpferde, verschiedenste Vogelarten, vereinzelte Krokodile und zum Abschluss kurz vor dem Hauptgang am Ufer eine Herde Büffel!🥹
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    • Day 6

      Last day at Vic Falls

      August 26 in Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Yesterday afternoon, I've met the group with which I'll head further to Zanzibar. We are only 7 participants and 3 staff taking care for us in the next weeks ☺️. As a kick-off, we went for a typical Zambian dinner out. Later on, our first night in the tents followed. I didn't expect it to be THAT chilly!!! Nevertheless, we got some sleep, even with the thunder of the waterfalls in our ears.

      This morning, we got up and had breakfast. Next point on the program was a little drive, a "tasting" what to expect us in the next days, with our truck. The destination was a wildlife rescue and research centre, Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust. We've been shown around and even though there was not a lot of animals, it was an interesting experience.
      Back at the Campsite in Vic Falls, it was time for some rest and a lunch including some crocodile tail...

      For the sunset, I joined a cruise on Zambezi river. We saw some elephants, crocodiles and even hippos. But the actual highlight definitely was the sunset.
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    • Day 8

      Flight over Falls & Dinner Train Ride

      April 14, 2023 in Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This morning we took helicopter flight over the Victoria Falls- amazing views- wonderful experience! Tonight we took a trip on the Royal Livingstone Express Train - an old steam locomotive - where we enjoyed a five course dinner - a great finish to a spectacular day !Read more

    • Day 3

      Ausflug zu den Viktoria Falls

      August 7, 2023 in Zambia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Heute haben wir nun den gestern verpassten Ausflug zu den Viktoria Falls nachgeholt. Ganz für uns allein.

      Die anderen Gruppenmitglieder hatten schon einen freien Tag und haben diesen zum Chillen im Hotel genutzt oder andere kleine Ausflüge unternommen bzw. verspätet angekommene Gepäckstücke vom Flughafen abgeholt.

      Am späteren Nachmittag ging es dann zu einer kleinen Bootstour auf den Sambesi, Tiere und Sonnenuntergang beobachten und ein bißchen verwöhnen lassen.
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    • Day 25

      After the wetness

      February 19, 2023 in Zambia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Once we had returned from the falls, we headed straight back to our apartment, where we realized there was a water issue and it wasn't possible to have a warm, or even any, shower in order to warm back up. It was fixed eventually, but really put a damper on our mood because sometimes all you really need is a shower.

      Once we were ready to continue with the exploration of the day, we followed Likumbi's advice and went to a riverside bar with sunset views. Monkeys were playing along the place, and we had big signs warning us of crocodiles and hippos in the water. The sunset was beautiful, and just before it cleared up enough over the Zambezi river that we could see the Vic Falls in the not too far distance, truly staying true to their name - "The Smoke that Thunders".
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    • Day 22

      Zurück in die Heimat

      August 26, 2023 in Zambia ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Eine märchenhafte Reise ist zu Ende.

      Ein Taxi holt uns von unserem Hotel ab und auf wieder abenteuerliche Weise geht es zum Flughafen nach Simbabwe.

      Mit einem "weinenden Auge" verlassen wir Afrika, aber wir freuen uns auch schon auf die Heimat, denn wir dürfen nun noch eine Woche mit unseren Enkelkindern verbringen.Read more

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