Two Jims' European Adventure

abril - julio 2022
We're off to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Amsterdam, Paris, and Ireland as a retirement celebration trip. Leer más
  • 97huellas
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  • Día 1

    PDX Departure

    14 de abril de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Many thanks to David W. for the ride to the airport. We have packed very lightly-2 backpacks We learned that our flight was delayed so it will be a late night arrival to JFK. Pete the Cat reminded us that's just part of the travel experience.Leer más

  • Día 2

    Five Photographs-NYC Day 1

    15 de abril de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    The concept that I decided to create for this blog is to select my five favorite photographs each day.

    Today we visited some of our favorite vistas in NYC.

    We took the Staten Island Ferry to get a close glimpse of the Statue of Liberty.
    We observed the skyline and recalled the absence of the twin towers.
    We gazed up at the Empire State Building which remains majestic today.

    And we're reminded of the 1969 Stonewall Riots. We're grateful to those who came before us to make life better for GLBTQ people and the accompanying reminder not to let any human become invisible or diminished.
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  • Día 3

    Five Photographs-NYC Day 2

    16 de abril de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    We had a lovely day in the city. Today's highlight was the chance to walk the High Line, an elevated pathway that reclaimed an abandoned railway line. The sense of community and the chance to witness the reformation of an eyesore into a beautiful community treasure was remarkable. The adjacent architecture was unusual and bold.

    On the way to the walk, we noticed a beautiful peace display to support the Ukrainian people.

    We are very grateful for reunions with my first-cousin Cathy and her husband Mike who traveled down from MA to see us. We hadn't seen them for 20 years. Our friends Jim and Jim, who we first met 11 years ago,also drove down to spend time before we leave for Europe.

    We treasure these reunions with family and chosen family.
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  • Día 4

    Five Photographs-NYC Day 3

    17 de abril de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    We wrapped our last full day in the city today. While we were enroute to meet my cousin Cathy and her husband Mike for a Central Park stroll, we forgot that 5th Avenue was blocked off for the Easter Parade. We saw several folks who embraced the full spirit of the song "Put on Your Easter Bonnet".

    I don't think I've been to the Park since my late teens so it was fun to see the zoo entrance and to ride on the carousel. We were blessed with a sunny, but crisp day. NYC has given us a second glimpse of Spring blooms as their growing season is behind Portland's.

    Later in the afternoon we took in a matinee performance of HadesTown. It was a spectacular retelling of the myth of Orpheus & Eurydice. One of the songs was performed by Hades who rationalized the reasons to build a wall. We were certain that this was an allegory to the current political times, but it turns out the song was written in 2006. Nonetheless, it has notable applications to our world, particularly the divisions we create among people.

    After the show, we strolled through Times Square and joined a friend for a Japanese dinner. I think we've logged about 20+ walking miles the last three days. We're retiring for the night with gratitude for the NYC launch for our European trip. Best to all! 💞
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  • Día 5

    Five Photographs-NYC Day 4

    18 de abril de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    We're off to Barcelona after a slightly rocky start. Our plane had an electrical problem, and they're swapping out the plane. Although we'll be about 5 hours late taking off, we'll arrive mid-morning with a little less jetlag effect.

    Good night, all. 💖
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  • Día 6

    Cinque Fotografies-Barcelona Day 1

    19 de abril de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    We arrived in Barcelona after a five-hour departure delay from NYC due to an electrical failure in our first plane. This was fortuitous ultimately as the flight lined up better with adjusting sleep schedules.

    We navigated airport customs and health checks without a problem, and Jim C figured out the metro system to get us to our hotel.

    After a nap, we wanted to see about getting clothes laundered at a nearby "tintorería". Initially I made an inquiry in English about getting clothes laundered. The proprietor clearly didn't know English, and I decided it was time to try out my stumbling Spanish. Her face lit up when she saw me make the effort and between us we navigated what we needed.

    We love the tree-lined streets and the cafés peppered through the neighborhood. We learned that crosswalks give a very short warning before cars, scooters and motorbikes come your way.

    We're touring La Sagrada Familia tomorrow, but we wanted to take a stroll that way and to get more familiar with the metro and bus systems. We wandered through the neighborhoods and had our first dinner.

    Our biggest takeaway from Day 1 in Europe is that we're going to embrace the luxury of getting to learn about the culture and the people, and we'll dare to make an effort and risk making mistakes. We don't need to fill the days with bucket list scheduling. The treasure of this experience is to just be and get a sense that we're one.
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  • Día 7

    Cinque Fotagrafies-Barcelona Day 2

    20 de abril de 2022, España ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    We toured La Sagrada Familia today. The experience is so amazing to witness the vision of the famous architect Gaudi who worked on this masterpiece for over forty years of his life that ended in an accident. He is buried in a crypt below the main floor of the church.

    We saw workers carrying forward the dream of this masterpiece, a completion that hasn't occurred over 140 years later.

    As we learned about Gaudi's life, I was left to wonder what it's like to act on a dream whose completion he wouldn't see. Yet, I'm reminded that parents and teachers often commit to that kind of vision: to commit to a future that they may not witness, but those who do well make a difference without knowing what the future holds for those who live beyond them.

    My takeaway is that perhaps it's good to remember that investing in the common good may not transform into a better world tomorrow, but who knows the difference it could make 140 years from now. I think it's worth a go. Hope.
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  • Día 8

    Cinque Fotografies-Barcelona Day 3

    21 de abril de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Our third day in this beautiful city can only be summed up as a multitude of artistic sensations. Although the weather was uncharacteristically dismal for this time of year, the majesty of creation in visual, natural and musical artistry championed the day.

    We took the bus to see the Fundación de Miro to witness the work of artist Joan Miro. Miro was a contemporary impressionist who lived around the same time as Picasso. The evolution of his creations was fascinating to trace. We also loved the setting high on a hill overlooking the city.

    Despite the rain, we decided that it was important not to miss the adjacent Jardines de Laribal. The fountains, waterfalls and plantings were spectacular as we wandered the meandering pathways. It was interesting to get a different perspective of La Sagrada Familia and its imposing height compared to the other buildings.

    We closed the day by attending a performance of the Barcelona Philharmonia Orchestra at the bejeweled Palau de Música. The orchestra was led by Finnish conductor Santtu-Matias Rouvali and featured Nicola Benedetti,an award winning violinist from the UK. When she was only 16, she won the BBC Young Musician of the Year Award. Her performance of the Beethoven selections was brilliant, and we were enthralled at her ability to connect to the orchestra players, the Conductor and the audience.

    The second half of the concert featured Tchaikovsky pieces and we noticed the energy and interpersonal play of the orchestra members. They would smile and catch each other's eyes. The nuances of Conductor Rouvali were also notable.

    A friend who recommended this venue to us remarked, "It must be quite a challenge to compete with a hall that has so many intricate features that resemble being insidea Faberge Egg." We can report that this Orchestra was up to the task.
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  • Día 10

    Cinque Fotografies-Barcelona Day 4

    23 de abril de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day in the 60's which was a lovely surprise and perfect for a our trip to Park Güell.

    According to the park website, the relationship between the industrialist  Eusebi Güell and the architect  Antoni Gaudi began when Güell saw a showcase that Gaudí had designed at the 1878 Paris World Fair for the glove merchant Esteve Comella.

    Güell commissioned Gaudi to design his home and many other structures including this Park. You can see many features of Gaudi's work around the park matched by beautiful vistas of the sea. We also enjoyed the foliage and blooming plants as well as several green parakeets scattered throughout the park.

    The trek to the Park was a bit daunting as there was a steep climb from the metro to the park Despite the challenge of the climb we enjoyed the narrow streets and architecture. I was grateful for the unusual stops in the neighborhood as we were making the climb.

    I'm feeling more confident in practicing Spanish with the different establishments in the city. I made a reservation by phone for a popular tapas restaurant, and I ordered a nice late lunch after our visit to the park.

    Later this evening we went out for pizza with a man from Austin,TX, who we struck up a conversation with at the park. During dinner, we also talked with the restaurant owner. It was fun to learn the he is Nepalese, and we learned about his moves from a variety of countries before landing in Barcelona. During the meal his two children were playing in a back room near their mother. We talked about raising children, and I told him about our "nieta" Olive. As I'm prone to do, I shared a photo of her.

    Invariably, we have found the people of Barcelona to be helpful and friendly. It has really helped us ease into this amazing vacation launch. I'm reminded the the locals don't fault me for my stumbling Spanish; they note and encourage my effort to respect and appreciate their culture.
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  • Día 10

    Cinque Fotografies- Barcelona Day 5

    23 de abril de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Today we took a short train trip to Sitges, a beautiful coastal town to the south of Barcelona.

    We enjoyed a walk through the beautiful streets, savored tapas and wine, and the views of the playa. Today's weather was unsettled. we enjoyed periods of sun while walking through town, and we managed to miss getting drenched and pelted by a downpour and hail.

    23 de Abril is El Día de San Jorge, the celebration of the patron saint of Catalonia. The city celebrates the legend of St. George, the dragon and the princess. It is thought that St George died on this day.

    Roses and books are featured throughout the streets of all the towns and cities of Catalonia to celebrate the day of their patron saint. The festival originates from the legend of Saint George, the dragon and the princess.

    According to legend, a dragon devastated the a Catalonian town until the townspeople decided to offer one person as sacrifice each day chosen by lottery. One day the king's daughter was chosen and when the dragon was going to consume her, a knight (St. George) appeared and he slayed the dragon. According to legend, a rosebush grew from the dragon's blood, and the knight gave it to the princess. In Catalanonia, the people also believe in this story that the Catalan identity is vindicated.

    While I understood the roses, I was curious about the books. Apparently Cervantes and Shakespeare died on this day. People celebrate by gifting each other books and roses.

    Today we also celebrate from afar my Mother-in-law Sandy Carroll's birthday. Happy Birthday, Sandy! We also want to wish a Happy 40th Anniversary to Jim's Aunt & Uncle, Jeanne & Jim!
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