City of Trogir

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    • Dag 14


      18 mei, Kroatië ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today we arrived in Split, Croatia! We started the morning with a drive to a seaside town Trogir, where we got a walking tour of the historical buildings/walls and got to try a local pastry “Trogirski Rafioli” which was delicious.

      Then got to stop at a historic water mill (“Konoba Mlinice”) for a mid-day snack of wine, bread, cheese, and prosciutto. Got a picture of Sean’s “wine face” lol.

      Last we headed back to old town Split where we got a tour of the ancient walls/buildings that make up the town and got to walk around the shops and the seaside promonade :) Everything was so beautiful and rich with history!!

      Ended our night with dinner on the ship, a musical show from a West End performer, and the whole family made it to Karaoke Night where Kaitlyn and I sang some songs along with some of our new cruise friends!
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    • Dag 18

      Day trip to Trogir

      18 september 2023, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today’s adventure was quite a change from yesterday’s. The trip was only 1/2 hr each way instead of four, and it was far more relaxing because it wasn’t nearly as crowded with tourists. Trogir, like Dubrovnik, is a UNESCO World Heritage site with a walled, old town. Buildings date back as far as the 13th century and are still in use, albeit in many cases as restaurants, bars and shops. I really like that these centuries old buildings are not just being set aside as curiosities, but have been repurposed and are still in use today.

      Laura and I used the free map and guide books available at the tourist information centre to create a walking tour for ourselves. I was also able to eavesdrop on a few tours we intersected along the way. Unlike Dubrovnik, we were able to climb a tower and wander along the top of a fortress wall for only a small fee. The views were fantastic! We saw a number of very old structures that are in remarkably good condition considering their age. I know that many have been restored, but it is still a testament to the people of the time that designed and built them. I’m not so sure that the homes and buildings in today’s towns will even last a hundred years, let alone the thousands of years that these have stood.

      Once back in Split and after a short break in our apartment, we headed out for dinner. We’ve been mostly finding takeout and bringing it back to our apartment, but this being our last night in Croatia, we decided to go to a restaurant. We found a nice spot off the beaten path. After contemplating the menu for a few minutes and asking our waiter for some help identified the various food items, Laura ordered Gnocchi and Beef (served Croatian style). I decided to go for Fish with Gnocchi. Soon after ordering though I decided I should look up the fish. It was cuttlefish. I had no idea that it was more mollusk than fish (see photo). I immediately got up from my chair and flew up the stairs to intercept the waiter before the order was placed. I ate Chicken with Mozzarella in a tomato sauce instead.

      Following dinner we could hear live music coming from a plaza nearby. It was quite the spectacle with an orchestra and the “Ten Tenors” playing classic, Croatian songs. Everyone in the crowd seemed to know the words to all of the songs being played. I couldn’t understand a word, but I really enjoyed the music and soon I was bobbing my head and clapping my hands to the beat. From the spirit shown at this event, it seems that the Croatians are a proud people with a strong sense of patriotism. I had to wonder, Do we Canadians have a whole bunch of patriotic songs other than our national anthem and “This Land” that we could join in and sing to?
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    • Dag 43

      Kroatien VII - Trogir

      11 mei, Kroatië ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Trogir ist ein kleines niedliches Städchen mit ursprünglicher Insellage. Die Gassen sind eng, die Touristengruppen schieben sich aneinander vorbei, aber vom Glockenturm hat man eine ganz nette Aussicht.

      Auf unserem Weg nach Split erspähten wir kurzfristig einige Kitesurfer auf dem Wasser. Also fuhr Christian kurzerhand ab und kramte sein Kiteequipment aus dem Wohnmobil.
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    • Dag 20


      24 september 2023, Kroatië ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      (English translation below)
      Trogir remonte aux anciens grecs qui l'appelaient "mont du bouc". Petite ile bien protégée entre la côte et une grande ile, elle était une forteresse idéale pour les vénitiens, entre croates sur terre et turcs sur mer. Ça ne suffit plus de nos jours pour se protéger de l'UNESCO ni des touristes... mais elle en vaut la peine. Voir la page wikipedia pour l'histoire mouvementée et les merveilles architecturales de Trogir.

      Après nous êtres faufilés dans des rues très étroites entre des touristes plutôt larges, nous admirons la vieille citadelle et surtout la magnifique cathédrale vénitienne. Autour du beau portail gothique nous retrouvons Adam et Eve, cette fois-ci avec des lions à leurs pieds. Ce n'est pas comme ça dans la bible mais ça a permis au sculpteur de décrire à sa façon le rôle de maman et papa lion dans leur famille ;-).

      En avant vers Split! Notre navigateur 'Komoot' nous permet de nous faufiler le long de la côte en évitant la grand route. Nous passons par de jolis villages de pêche, hélas ponctués de ralentisseurs bien douloureux pour le fondement des cyclistes

      Nous y voilà! Split est en fête, nocturne, éclairé et excitant!

      ≈===== English ≈======

      Trogir dates back to the ancient Greeks, who called it "Mount of the Billy-Goat". As a small, well-protected island between the coast and a large island, it was an ideal fortress for the Venetians, between the Croats on land and the Turks at sea. These days, that's not enough to protect it from UNESCO or the tourists... but it's worth it. See the wikipedia page for Trogir's eventful history and architectural wonders.

      After weaving our way through some very narrow streets and between some rather large tourists, we admire the old citadel and above all the magnificent Venetian cathedral. Around the beautiful Gothic portal we meet Adam and Eve again, once more with lions at their feet. It's not like that in the Bible, but it allowed the sculptor to describe in his own way the role of mother and father lion in their family ;-).

      Onwards to Split! Our navigator 'Komoot' allows us to thread our way along the coast, avoiding the main road. We pass through some pretty fishing villages, which are unfortunately punctuated by speed bumps that are very painful for cyclists-on-saddle.

      And here we are! Split is festive, night-time, illuminated and exciting!
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    • Dag 7

      Trogir - Croatia

      24 mei, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Trogir Island was an optional tour on this trip and it was worth taking. It's a gorgeous old town dating back at least 1000 years. Getting to it from the mainland is pretty much just a bridge across what looks like a canal. There's a wider channel to the island on the other side. There's a lovely Riva with huge palm trees, market stalls and fancy yachts. Nice place to spend a few hours in the sun and sipping drinks in cool courtyards.Meer informatie

    • Dag 24


      19 mei, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      This morning we got up and packed up our stuff and headed over to Trogir old town (it was just on the other side of the peninsula we were staying on so not far. Though it was 90% humidity when we were packing so I was not really looking forward to being out in that! Luckily on that side of the hills it was only 54% which is much more manageable) we wandered the old town which was pretty small, but nice - it’s really a 1-2 hour adventure and if you add in lunch it was perfect since we were moving on.

      When we got to where we are staying (outside Zadar) we had a wander and it is very quiet over here and very flat! The road is on the same level as the water - no more steep hills to go up and down! Driving up here you could see forever, though it was hazy and cloudy, and then we passed so many River canyons which was fun.

      There is one house with a fancy gate down the road from us, the beach looks pretty nice so if it is warm enough we will probably take a swim, our place doesn’t have the best view we have had this far, but you can see the water and it does have a hot tub! On our own private rooftop patio which is pretty nice. And perfect views from there of sunset! When I booked this place I thought I don’t think we will use the hot tub as it will be too hot, but by the time we got here it had cooled off and it’s chilly so perfect!
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    • Dag 6

      Altstadt-Insel von Trogir

      27 april, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Wir frühstücken im Hotel More, holen unser Auto vom Parkplatz und fahren (bei herrlichem Sonnenschein und mit offenem Cabriodach) ins 45 km entfernte Trogir.
      Die Altstadt liegt auf einer Insel und gehört seit 1997 zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Wir schlendern über die Brücke durch das Nordtor und lassen die steinerne Architektur-Geschichte sowie die schmalen, romantischen Gässchen auf uns wirken.
      Am zentralen Platz, dem "Trg Ivana Pavla II" stehen alle wichtigen Gebäude der Altstadt. Es ist ein angenehmer Ort um im Gastgarten eines Lokals etwas zu trinken und dabei die Besucher zu beobachten.
      Zum Schluss gehen wir noch durch das Seetor auf die Verbindungsbrücke zu der kleinen Insel Čiovo um aus dieser Perspektive einen Blick auf Trogir zu werfen.
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    • Dag 6

      Split, die Altersresidenz des Kaisers

      27 april, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Der römische Kaiser Diokletian hat sich ein schönes Fleckchen Erde für seinen Ruhestand ausgesucht. Er ließ hier einen Palast bauen und kurioser Weise ist Split um diesen Palast herum gebaut.
      Wir treffen um 14:20 Uhr in Split ein, Harry erobert einen supernahen Parkplatz bei unserer Unterkunft "Riva Luxory Rooms" und mit unserem Zimmer sind wir heute sehr zufrieden.
      Im Restaurant "Corto Maltese Freestyle Food" bekommen wir kreative Gerichte, die köstlich schmecken.
      Jetzt haben wir ausgiebig Zeit um uns Split anzusehen. Den Palast teilen wir uns mit einigen Touristengruppen, an der Uferpromenade wird in den Bars gefeiert und im Hafen stehen riesige Kreuzfahrtschiffe.
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    • Dag 13


      28 augustus 2023, Kroatië ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

      Wirklich ein hübscher Ort, aber komplett touristisch. Glaube, dort lebt kein einziger Einheimischer mehr. Bei den zum Teil echt unverschämten Preisen auch kein Wunder. Gesehen und auf der Bucketlist abgehakt 😃. Essen kostet hier ca. 5-9 Euro mehr als woanders, Parken 3-6 Euro die Stunde, Aperol um die 9-11 Euro, Bier 5-7. Es war recht voll, aber die Bars und Cafés verhältnismäßig leer. Kein Wunder… 🤷‍♀️ Zu allem Übel sind fast vor JEDEM Restaurant Bilder von Speisen. Das finde ich so grauenhaft! Wie bei McDonalds 😃😱😖Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Altstadtgassen Trogir

      23 april, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      In den wunderschönen alten Gassen mit niedlichen Restaurants und Geschäften gibt es viel zu entdecken. Die im Herzen der Altstadt befindliche Kathedrale von Trogir aus dem 13. Jahrhundert umfasst die Kapelle des heiligen Johannes im Renaissancestil. Einige Teile der mittelalterlichen Stadtmauer sind noch immer intakt.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    City of Trogir, Tragurium

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