Восточный Тимор

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    • День 23–27

      Bem-vindo in Timor-Leste

      12 мая, Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Oberhallauer Bergrennen ist ein Begriff? Ok, dann lege die Strecke mal von Kupang bis Dili auf die Karte und setz zum Amüsement noch einen Reifenwechsel als Task mit hinein...so machen es zumindest die Indonesier... und die Schweizer? also die zwei am Sonntag waren um 0600 noch nicht ganz wach und verluden das Gepäck mal fix in den falschen Bus...dafür pünktlich..nicht so wie der andere (au dem sin Chugi hani no), der mit dem Taxi sprichwörtlich den Bus angehalten hat, um auch noch aufzuspringen...Rasant also gen Osten, statt Autobahnraststätte lokale Futterschuppen... ach, die Betätigung bei den Militärköchen hat wohl Spuren hinterlassen..irgendwie sind so Fische und Hühnerhaxen in ungekühlten Schaufenstern einfach nicht mehr so...begehrt...aber wir geben uns ja auch mit ein paar Maiskörnern zufrieden. Beim platten Reifen haben sich die zwei Fahrer nicht sehr einfallsreich gezeigt (Lunti het gfehlt)... ausserdem musste das Ding zuerst abkühlen...aber sie habens dann unter Beobachtung der Buspassagiere doch noch geschafft.
      Zitterpartie bei der Grenze, da niemand genau wusste, ob wir auch auf dem Landweg einreisen dürfen..so ohne Visa..aber die Osttimor-Mission in Genf meinte ja😉und tatsächlich funktionierte das iwandfrei, auch mussten wir nur dem Kofferträger was abdrücken ...positiv überrascht. Dafür hat uns der erste Taxifahrer vom Bushalt ins Hotel schon mal schön abgezockt...janu, das gehört irgendwie dazu😉dafür gabs dann zum ersten Mal i der Beiz nicht nur Reis oder Nudeln, sonder auch frittierte portugiesische Wurst...und danke heisst plötzlich auch nicht mehr Tri ma casi, sondern obrigado. Irgendwie aber eine Mischung zwischen wir möchten anders sein wie die, die uns dazumal überrannt haben aber schaffens nicht ganz...so als Zusammenfassung. Dafür mit Roller den Christo beguckt (fast so eindrucksvoll wie in Rio - mit dem Unterschied, da fährt ne Bahn, in Dili wird man Schweissnass... dann per Roller schönen einen Strand gesucht und nur Abfallverschmutzung gefunden, dafür einen illustren Ausflug auf den lokalen Markt..wo sich ein beschnapster Local hingegeben hat, Jana mindestens eine halbe Stunde die Welt zu erklären...achtung Spoiler: sie hat ihn nicht verstanden. Den Abschluss machten wir in einer kleinen aber wirklich guten Beiz bei gebratenem Fisch und Mixed-Seafood... und Bintang (also die Osttimoresen reklamieren Bintang als Osttimoresisches Bier...die Indonesier als das ihrige...auch egal, geschmeckt hats.
      Günstig wars nicht...die Preispolitik ist komisch....Sammeltaxi für 0.25USD aber beim Portugiesen bezahlst dennoch 30USD für einen Tintenfisch Salat ...und wir eben 20USD fürs Taxi😂
      Wir haben mit der Hotelchefin ausgemacht, dass wir in 10 Jahren wieder kommen, um zu sehen, ob sich Osttimor entwickelt hat... mal guggen😉
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    • День 217

      UNPAZ university Dili

      26 октября 2022 г., Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      One day later a post again?
      For that special day I need a own post!

      Today was the first day of Uni in my life, I mean I never went in Germany, so first day as a „student“ check!
      I was more like a special guest there, I talked to a lot of students about different things like traveling, Europe, environment, money, the life in Timor-Leste and more.
      Everybody was really friendly and it looked like they been also happy that I visited them. Tourism is here not really a thing and a tourist that visit them is even more rare.
      First I had a tour in the area and they show me everything, then we went to the forest and planted some trees (picture 3).
      Doing something good for the nature is always nice.
      After we finished the work I chilled with 3 of them in a Café and we talked a bit more.
      They told me that a lot of people want to work in Europe or Australia because the money here is so bad. When you think about in Germany are people they get a apartment and money from the government for doing nothing and the people here work hard (not everybody is working hard but you know what I mean) and get maybe the half of that.

      It’s not a fair world and I knew that before, but it’s different when you see it and feel it.
      We can be happy that we are born in better circumstances. The time here is a really good reminder for me to think about something like that more often.

      The day was really interesting for me and I hope for them too. It was a big pleasure to go to university for one day. I wish all of them just the best in life.
      I will never forget that and I am thankful!
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    • День 212

      Dili (Timor-Leste)

      21 октября 2022 г., Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Country number 11!
      What a ride so far, in 3 days I travel for 7 month and I just reached a new country.
      Not many people go here and that was one of the reasons for me to go!

      So far it’s really good (just two days in) I met in my first night a journalist working for the German tv.
      He got some recommendations for me and that helped me a lot.

      Yesterday at the Jesus I talked to a school class and the teacher and they invited me for next week to come over. I am really excited for this opportunity.
      I am not really sure what I will do there but the teacher was so nervous to see and talk to me that I can’t say no to that offer!

      Today I will leave Dili (the capital city) behind me.
      It’s so hot here let’s hope the other places are better.
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    • День 177–179

      Exploring Dili - again 😅🥰

      17 января, Восточный Тимор ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Relaxing a few days in Dili was needed and very relaxing, the DaTerra hostel, part of an amazing permaculture project in Baucau, is a great place to stay.
      I decided to go to Atauro island, next , to explore the outstanding reefs there, but wanted to heal my wounds, first, so some more time to go around in Dili.
      Thanks to Sara, volunteering in the DaTerra hostel, I have seen a local handcrafts workshop, producing awesome craved artworks from mostly woods, stone and bones.
      Furthermore we visited a very small private "zoo" from a local businessman. This was quite sad to see, animals were not really kept and cared for properly, the crocodile there was in a very bad shape and really looking heartbreaking.
      Passing by some extraordinary artworks, especially a huge one, close to the museum of resistance, stood out: Building a bridge between the cruelties of the past, the diversity of local cultures and tribes, the relationship to the world's people, the struggles of present days, the nature, the future of Timor Leste, so many aspects put in that amazing piece of street art!
      This country and this city are something special, it's hard to describe, but it's definitely a unique place.
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    • День 73

      Jesus in East Timor

      20 января 2020 г., Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Just mucking around on an island! How unlike us!! AND its HASH time!! great views of the ocean! East Timor looks similar to Hawaii with the mountains but the economics are Not the same!! People were lovely, friendly and super happy to have visitors around to show off their island style! I have been on Antibiotics for 5 days so sober me while around hashers! It was a lot of fun and we got treated to a LImo ride!! Being very classy in East Timor! Dili Dili!! Hazukashii got called in to a 3 some party drink with some Canadians but opted for a beer shower instead!! Shout out to our new friend Cory and his wife! The Hashpitality was amazing and I suggest a trip out there if you ever get the chance!! Sorry this was a late post but the internet is very spotty out their! I didn't get a chance to scuba but on to the next island! Port Vila Vanuatu! ON OnЧитать далее

    • День 185–192

      Bye bye Timor Leste 🇹🇱👋

      25 января, Восточный Тимор ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Being sick while traveling is not nice, but if you're lucky, you are staying in a great, nice place with awesome people. So Sara and the whole crew from DaTerra Dili Hostel took care of me so nicely and helped wherever needed, simply awesome!
      And after a few days suffering a lot I luckily started slowly to recover.
      However, after 8 days I felt good enough to travel on. There are still some big Indonesian islands I wanted to see! 😅
      So on the first of February, after staying exactly one month in Timor Leste, it was time for me to get back to Cepi and travel on by scooter, up to the north! 😬
      So it means first going down to the south of Timor island, back to Kupang, to catch the ferry to Flores.
      Would've had other plans for Timor Leste, but things are changing and listening to your body is imo one skill helping a lot while traveling...😅😉
      So some last impressions from Dili and my trip back to Indonesian Timor!
      Timor Leste, I will definitely come back, one day! 🥰
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    • День 164–167

      Dili - sightseeing

      4 января, Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      After my long and exhausting journey to Dili and directly jumping into New Year's Eve celebrations, my body demanded some rest. So after a few days resting, mostly lying in a hammock and not doing too much, I started to explore the city a little.
      The contrasts are huge, as only around main roads and the city center the infrastructure is good, but in most of the other areas everything is very basic. Still you can see a lot of development, a lot of constructions and new built housings, especially around the coastal road and the city center some very modern buildings are built, the ocean promenade was newly built in a very beautiful way, there's clearly progress going on. Nevertheless you everywhere can see and feel the lack of resources, a lot of places need maintenance, repair or have to be renewed - a poor but developing country. As usual in bigger cities, people are not that much approaching, except of the kids, but as soon as you're asking for help or advice, you'll receive very nice and kind support. Public transportation is limited to taxis and the microlets, small public buses, run by private companies, going around the city on 13 different routes.

      As Timor Leste decided to not have its own currency they're using the US Dollar for amounts from 5$ upwards, any amount below is paid with local Centavos, coins worth from 2$ down to 5¢. Probably due to this, but as it's a small country with only around 1.3 million citizens, too, everything here is relatively expensive, especially compared to neighbouring Indonesia.

      It seems sometimes as if Timor Leste is focussing a lot onto it's history and it's fight for independence, but as this fight was ongoing for around 25 years, it's clear that this is an important part of their identity and obviously there are a lot of outcomes of this long time suffering, still affecting present times. The Museum of Timorese Resistance was an impressive experience, a very detailed exhibition, guiding through the history of that time, explaining and contextualizing the whole situations and the political backgrounds very well. No need, but nevertheless important, to say, that the so called "Western world" did act shameful and selfish, completely ignoring Timorese people's suffers, as long as public attention wasn't big. Again I was reminded, that it's usual (and way more easy) to point fingers on other countries' cruelties, than acting by himself with moral integrity. But this leads again to the unbelievable ability of Timorese people to forgive their suppressors all the cruelties and live in a peaceful neighborhood with their past enemies.
      Several monuments are reminding on their history and suffers, but still it feels as if this place is moving forward, without forgetting it's past, it feels as if this city is full of life (even if after around 8/9pm not too much is going on, in most places 😅), vibrant and busy.
      Have a look at some sights I've seen, there'll come probably another posting about Dili, showing more places and perspectives. 😉

      Learn about Timor Leste:

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    • День 161–164

      Timor Leste: Dili - city impressions

      1 января, Восточный Тимор ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Timor Leste is the first new sovereign state of the 21st century, after fighting for independence for nearly 25 years against a cruel Indonesian occupation and suffering from a Genocide. Depending which figures you want to believe, Timor Leste lost around 20-40% of it's whole population, during that time, between 1975 and 1999.
      Nowadays Timor Leste is a role-model, how peace building under UN-support can work out, as they're now living in peaceful and cooperative neighborhood with Indonesia.
      Nevertheless Timor Leste is still one of the poorest countries in the world, working hard on rebuilding a functional country and self sustainable economy. Due to a lack of industrialization and a weak economy, relying now on an oil field, which will be worn out in around 8 years, the future of this country is on the edge. (Scroll down, for further information about supporting this country!)
      Visiting this country and seeing, how this country is rebuilt and how this very unique successful peace building process did work out, was one of my main goals of my whole travel.
      This country is very special in so many ways, these people are simply unbelievable and the vibes in this society are awesome, sometimes surprising, in good and difficult ways, always solidly united and helping each other's, full of lust for life, but still struggling with their past, but dealing with their struggles in a unique way, I couldn't imagine before.

      In the area of Dili around 1/3rd of Timor Leste's inhabitants are living, so it clearly is the center of this country in any way. After New Year's Eve the city was like sleeping for 2 days, slowly woke up during the 3rd of January and went back to it's vibrant life on the 4th. It's a Christian catholic country, even if their religion has widely integrated ancient tribal beliefs and rituals.
      As I've been the last 4 months in Indonesia, some comparisons will come up, even if there only the south east Asian or even oceanican roots are common with Indonesia.
      I'll try to tell more about my impressions from this country and go a little bit deeper in my following postings, but for now please enjoy some impressions from my first days in Timor Leste's capital city.

      Learn about Timor Leste:

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    • День 59

      Wieder zurück nach Dili

      4 июля 2023 г., Восточный Тимор ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Nun ist es soweit und es heißt heute Abschied nehmen von Atauro. Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge packen wir unsere Sachen im Schlafsaal zusammen. Auf der einen Seite war es absolut wundervoll hier. Die Leute waren herzlich, das Essen war gut, die Tauchspots sind absolut einmalig hier und die Insel liegt so paradisisch und abgelegen wie im Verschollen in dem Tom Hanks sich seinen besten Freund Wilson aus einem kaputten Volleyball bastelt. Die andere Seite ist die, dass wir uns beide wieder auf anständige WCs und Duschen freuen und allgemeine eine zuverlässige Gewährleistung von Strom & Wasser sehr schätzen. Für uns beide war es hier auf Atauro eine erstmalige Erfahrung mit solchen Zuständen und das nächste Mal wenn einen so etwas erwartet ist es klar nicht optimal, aber man weiß besser mit der Situation umzugehen. So wie wir das jetzt auch gemacht haben. Einfach das Beste daraus machen 😊👍
      Beim Mittagessen gab es noch eine "böse" Überraschung. Direkt am Hafen sind ab und zu mehrere junge Frauen die hier Fleischspieße zubereiten und diese dann über einer Feuertonne braten. Super lecker und absolut einmaliges Erlebnis. Ich habe mir direkt vier Spieße bestellt und diese auch mit Heißhunger verzehrt. Das Fleisch in den Boxen da aus wie Hähnchen und schmeckte auch sonst. Allerdings ist mir beim Essen aufgefallen, dass das seltsame Knochen sind. Letztlich hat sich herausgestellt dass es Hundefleisch war. Alles in allem jetzt nicht super schlimm aber für uns Westeuropäer dennoch seltsam auch wenn es im asiatischen Raum sehr normal scheint.
      Gegen 15 Uhr mittags legte dann die Fähre zurück nach Dili ab und zwei Stunden später waren wir dann auch schon wieder in Dili. Vom Hafen aus ging es auf direktem Weg etwas Abendessen bevor wir dann wieder in das selbe Hotel wir schon auf dem Hinweg sind.
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    • День 57

      Tauchtag auf der Nordseite

      2 июля 2023 г., Восточный Тимор ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Wie die Tage erwähnt ging es heute mit dem Boot auf die Nordseite der Insel wir zwei Tauchgänge machten. Nach knapp einer Stunde Fahrt bei fast spiegelglatter Meeresoberfläche waren wir dort und man konnte schon vom Boot aus die vielen Korallen sehen. In Küstenbereich war das Wasser etwa 3-5 Meter tief und wenn man weiter rausgeschwommen ist erschien die blaue Abbruchkante in die Tiefe und die Steilwand an der wir tauchen gehen. Die Tauchgänge waren umso atemberaubender. Allerdings war die Strömung ziemlich stark sodass man etwas aufpassen musste. Jedoch machte es riesen Spaß, da man sich von der Strömung einfach die Steilwand entlang treiben ließ. Hier haben wir viele Korallen und Schwämme gesehen sowie viele Seeschnecken, Kaiserfische, Langustentiere und viele mehr. Highlight war die Anemonenfischfamilien in einer Feuerkoralle. Gegen Mittag war der Spaß und die zwei Tauchgänge dann auch wieder vorbei und wir fuhren wieder zurück. Nachmittags und abends haben wir dann mich am Strand entspannt.Читать далее

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