El Salvador
El Salvador

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Top 10 Travel Destinations El Salvador
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    • Day 111

      Weiterreise Chickenbus

      June 23, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Ein aufregender Reisetag stand uns bevor, gemeinsam mit Annuska und Patrick reisten wir in das 240 Kilometer entfernte el Cuco, dies liegt südöstlich von Santa Ana. Wir stiegen in unseren ersten Chickenbus in Richtung San Salvador.
      Nach 1.5 Stunden kamen wir schon an. Danach mussten wir vom Bus Terminal West nach Ost wechseln weil dazwischen 12 Kilometer lagen nahmen wir ein Taxi, weil dazwischen kein Chickenbus verkehrt.
      Der nächste Chickenbus brachte uns dann in 3 Stunden nach San Miguel.
      Der letzte Chickenbus für heute brachte uns in 2 Stunden zum Strand in el Cuco.
      Uns gefiel das Chickenbusfahren sehr gut und es war sehr günstig. Der Nachteil ist dass es mehr Zeit benötigt, dies ist aber kein Problem, denn davon haben wir schliesslich genug. Angekommen in el Cuco machten wir uns auf die Suche nach einer Unterkunft, denn diejenigen, die online verfügbar waren passten nicht in unser Budget.
      Wir fanden innerhalb kürzester Zeit eine Unterkunft fast am Strand, ein sehr einfaches Zimmer, dafür konnten wir den günstigen Preis noch ein bisschen verhandeln. Als wir endlich die Badehosen an hatten machten wir uns auf ins Meer. Wir genossen zuerst den Strand anschliessend den Sonnenuntergang. Wir assen Pupusas und schauten uns die Sterne an.🌟
      Am Morgen kauften wir uns Wasser, Tortilla und Avocados. Mit dem Proviant in dem Rucksack machten wir uns auf den Weg den sechs Kilometer langen Strand entlang zu spazieren. Als wir zu verdientem Rast angehalten haben, packten wir unseren Proviant aus und begannen das Essen vorzubereiten. Leider waren die Avocados geschimmelt und das Wasser roch sehr stark nach Plastik. So assen wir bloss zwei Tortilla ohne alles. Als wir wieder beim Ausgangspunkt vom Morgen waren, spendierte uns schon ein Pärchen ein Bier. Dankeschön. Wir badeten noch eine Weile und genossen den Strand und das Meer bevor es morgen weiter geht.
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    • Day 506

      Surffarm nach 3 Mönet

      July 1, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Sooo endli gits mal wieder öpis z ghöre vo eus 😊
      Mer sind ez scho 3 Mönet da uf de Farm und s isch alles vill grüener worde. D Regeziit het öpe im Mai agfange und es rägnet eigentli immer ide Nacht und am Tag isches schöön ☀️ Es hät aber au zwüschedure en Sturm gäh mit extreme Regefäll und Gwitter.
      Zudem hämmer Bsuech us de Schwiiz gha vo Fründe was mega cool gsi isch! 😊
      Mer hend Tagesusflüg gmacht zu Wasserfäll, anderne Stränd, Bergdörfli und zunere Kaffiplantage.
      D Corina isch namal e Wuche uf Guatemala mitere Fründin zum chli umereise.
      De Welt Surf Contest hät en Stopp da gmacht und mir hend derfe mit de weltbeste Surfer surfe und dene den bim Contest zueluege. 🏄🏼‍♀️
      Mängisch ischs eus au biz langwiilig da aber grössteteils simmer zfriede und glücklich da am Meer a dem wunderschöne Ort.
      Ez freuemer eus den uf nomeh Fründe wo verbii chömed und den uf afangs September wenns wiiter gaht uf Nicaragua mit em Büssli🚐💨
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    • Day 23

      El Cuco

      July 21, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Woke up on the airport bench around 3am surrounded by bolivians in their cute hats everywhere. My flight to panama was at 6am, so I was finally able to checkin. Had a 3.5 hour layover in Panama and sitting upright in an airport lounge chair was not cutting it, so I found a nice carpeted area in a corner to lie down for an hour or so. Soooo tired. Woke up and i started a trend with many others lying down nearby too.

      Finally arrived in San Salvador, picked up my rental car, and drove 2.5 hours to remote southwest coastal beach town El Cuco, passing by many huge volcanoes. Beautiful. The resort I booked was decent but in desperate need of a makeover. Hopped in the ocean for a bit and then drove to the tiny town area for some ceviche at a very rustic restaurant on the beach. This town is so sleepy that all the restaurants closed before 8 oclock and they kicked me out. On the short drive back to the resort, i stopped at a local outdoor cantina for a beer and in bed early... which was much needed.
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    • Day 27

      Playa Las Tunas

      July 25, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Big drive today back to el salvador. About an hour into the drive, i stopped at Cave Taulabe and checked that out for about 30 minutes. Lots of different chambers and formations.

      Then drove back through the dramatic mountains to the el salvador border, which only took about 15 minutes to get past customs on the way back.

      Tried to drive to the top of Conchagua Volcano near La Union but about 90% of the way my gas gauge started blinking. It seemed wise to not run out of gas near the top of a volcano, so I turned around, very sadly. The top section of road was very similar to Guatemala's craziest highway and painful to have travelled it both directions without reaching the summit.

      Salvaged the remainder of the day driving to very pretty and very quiet Playa Las Tunas. Had a great meal of fish topped with shrimp, drowning in cheese and some sauce right on the beach in town. So good. And finished the day at a nice seaside hotel down the road a bit. Hopped in the ocean quickly before a massive storm hit the area hard. Last ocean for a
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    • Day 522

      Summer- Lager

      July 17, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      De letzti Monet hämmer so viel Fründe uf Bsuech gha, es hät sich agfühlt wie ime Lager. Mer hend Ziit mit allne mega gnosse 🥳
      Mer sind i Bergdörfli vo El Salvador wos mega schöni Wandbemalige hät und ganz es anders Klima isch (ändli wiedermal chli chüeler)⛅️. Go Pupusas ässe simmer au regelmässig (das isch s bekanntiste Ässe in El Salvador) 🫓. Es eigets Kubb het de Remi gmacht und das hämmer super chöne mit so vielne Lüüt spiele🎳. Den häts je en Girls- trip und en Boys- trip uf Las Flores (ganz im Süde une) gäh 🏝 ! Und da de Remi e langi Ohreentzündig und Coci mit em Rippli Problem gha hät simmer au oft mit de Camping Stüehl am fötele und zueluege gsi wie die andere gsurft sind 🏄🏽‍♂️.
      D Kanadier womer in Mexiko umegreist sind, sind eus au no spontan go bsueche, was eus mega gfreut hät😊
      D Ziit uf de Farm gaht ez au z End und mer freued eus mega zum wieder in Bus zügle und uf neui Abentüür! 🚐😻
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    • Day 40

      Feliz año nuevo in El Salvador

      December 27, 2022 in El Salvador ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      El Salvador leaves us puzzled after a stay of one week. The small country in the Bitcoin bubble and sad former record holder in homicide rates has recently become a lot safer by the not uncontroversial measures against gangs. Like many other travellers, thefrogandthebike use the chance to pay a visit and ride the stunning mountain roads - among which is the Ruta de las flores - as well as the scenic coastal route.

      The roads are surprisingly good and speed bumps are not actual bumps here, just warning stripes painted on the surface of the road - a real contrast to the nasty tar topes in Guatemala. Along the road there`s restaurants with beautiful garden sites to dine in, more Volcano tours, numerous surf beaches, one can even watch turtles being released into the waves.

      Unsurprisingly, the balance of quality, price and availability of accommodations is currently not quite found. Yet, El Salvador is obviously getting on it`s way in building a foothold in tourism.
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    • Day 25

      Acajutla, El Salvador

      January 5, 2023 in El Salvador ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      A new-to-us port and country today … where we were greeted by folk dancers and lively music as passengers began to stream off around 8:00a.

      I had organized a private tour for four people to check out what we could of the Ruta de las Flores — the flower route … so named for all the white coffee plant flowers that decorate the area during the right season. Alas no flowers for us. Josue, our guide from El Salvador Positive, later told us that coffee is the number one export of the country … the USA being their number one importer of the same.

      Yesterday, another couple asked to join the tour, so we ended up being six people in a van that could have accommodated twice as many. We set out at 8:30a and headed up into the mountains. There was a light breeze and the elevation we were at — 4,000+ feet — offered us comfortable temperatures for our day of exploration.

      Our first stop was in Nahuizalco, a town of some 50,000 people. Tradition has it that it was founded by four families. We started off at the small museum, which Josue explained was founded by the local people to keep their history alive. From there, we walked across to the day market where locals bring their goods to sell. It was a colorful and lively market where we were made to feel most welcome even though we were not shopping.

      Next, we continued onto Concepcion de Ataco, a highland coffee village. On the outskirts of Ataco, we dropped off the two newcomers to our group at a coffee plantation for a mini tour and coffee tasting.

      Then, onward we went. The plan was for them to join us later. In the meantime, we would be taking a coffee break at a cafe recommended by David, the Toscana chef on Insignia, who hails from Ataco. Unfortunately, the place he recommended was closed. But Josue took us to Café Axul, where the coffee aficionados in our foursome delighted in tasting Salvadoran coffee … I can say that the peach smoothie I opted for was delicious. Josue also encouraged us to taste the Salvadoran version of a quesadilla … a sweet bread/cake.

      I was particularly keen on visiting this town because I had heard that there were a lot of murals to search out. I did find quite a few of them, but had we been on our own, I probably would have managed to find more. After taking a group photo in front of the Ataco village mural, we hopped in a trailer pulled by a 4WD vehicle, and went up to an overlook from where we enjoyed views of the village, with Cerro El Aguila (a volcano that spans the border of El Salvador and Guatemala) serving as a distant backdrop.

      By the time we came back into the downtown area, it was time to move on again. A short distance this time to Entre Nubes Café for a late lunch. Good, simple food … and a bit of time to relax and converse after our busy day of exploration.

      We were back on the ship shortly after 5:00p … well ahead of our scheduled 8:00p departure. The tour was longer than we planned … but none of us were complaining as we all had a delightful time. The best part of our day … all the wonderful, smiling, friendly Salvadorans we met in the streets of Nahuizalco and Ataco.
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    • Day 13

      Flat World ???

      January 27, 2023 in El Salvador ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

      We are off to prove the World is NOT flat ... by "going around it". I know you have been waiting for Karen and I to solve this question. Forget gravity, solar problems, tectonic plates, and magnetic fields (I’m sure my sailor friends are scratching their heads right now as to why we think this is a question).

      Pythagoras (550BC) used math to prove it was round, Aristotle (350BC) provided arguments that the Earth was a sphere. Still, Columbus had trouble getting funding to do the trip. Finally, with advances in navigation (and ships), Magellan did not make it around the world, but he did discover the Straits of Magellan and the Pacific Ocean (it was calm). He died on the trip but his MATE, Juan Sebastian el Cano1522 finished the trip. Good thing there was a Mate.

      Note: Magellan made most of the trip and did discover the Straits of Magellan, crossed the Equator and found and named the Pacific because it was calm in 1521.

      “Unlike the Mediocre, Intrepid Spirits Seek Victory Over Those Things That Seem Impossible...it Is with an Iron Will That They Embark on the Most Daring of All Endeavors... to Meet the Shadowy Future Without Fear and Conquer the Unknown.” Magellan

      Now, once and for all we are off to prove it. Can you tell sunrise from sunset?
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    • Day 139

      San Salvador

      March 21, 2023 in El Salvador ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      am halbi drü am morgä irgendwo in nicaragua chämer in bus richtig el salvador istiegä. nach ca. 13 stund simmer in el salvador achu. dr reis isch eigentli länger agi gsi will 2 grenzä (Nicaragua-honduras und honduras-el salvador) durquerä musch, aber es isch alles viel schneller und iwandfri abgloffä als gedacht💪
      el salvador het immer nuch sehr en schlechtä ruäf. höchsti mordrate, gangs und drogä, aber grundsätzlich chunsch du als tourist im normalfall nöd in kontakt mit so sache. für üs isch irgendwiä vu afang ah klar gsi as mir dem land e chance gi wänd.
      und schu vum erstä moment ah bereud mirs nöd. es isch viel moderner und fortgschrittner als vieli anderi länder in lateinamerika. natürli hets diä typisch lateinamerikanischä eckä. gfährlich ischs am abed a gwüssä ort. mir hend üsers hostel anerä sehr sicherä und modernä gegend, also keis problem au nachem sunnäuntergang nu usä z gu. das isch aber a vielnä ort so in lima, rio, panama etc. hemmer überall gluägt as d gegend sicher isch. also kei grossä unterschied. mir hend üs fürnä free walking tour mit dr melissa entschiede. si söll üs das anderä el salavador zeigä und es isch definitiv so, dass el salavdor me z bütä het also nur schlechti sachä. es wird viel investiert in d bildig, id modernisirig und au i dr coronaziit sind alli unterstütz wordä. es gaht langsam, aber es gaht öppis. und sit ihrer chindheit wo elei usä ga zum mit andernä chind spielä keis thema gsi isch, het sich viel veränderet.
      aber au da gsehsch natürli d armuät und viel versuäched ihres glück i de usa.
      el salvador isch halb so gross we d schwiiz, aber het ca 6 mio iwohner. diä zweit währig nebed em us-doller isch bitcoin. du chasch überall mit dem zahlä.
      in el salvador hemmer au wiedrmal guät iheimischä gessä. z bestä poulet sit monatä mit choohl, ruäblisalat (kei riiis 😍😍🥳🥳) und chips 🤤
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    • Day 142

      Playa el tunco

      March 24, 2023 in El Salvador ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      don't skip el salavdor. ganz nach ihrer marketingkampagne chämer sägä: Jaa! mach das nöd. es isch e tolls land mit tollä lüt und toller natur. au wänns nöd überall ungfährlich isch, ischs keis problem dadurä z reisä. vorallem au sehr wenig touristä. diä letschtä paar täg hemmer am meer gnossä. mit wunderschönä sunnäuntergäng. mir wäred am liäbstä nu viel länger in el salvador blibä und hetted nu viel me agluägt. aber leider hemmer nu so viel vor und nümm so viel ziit in mittelamerika, aber ich glaub mir sind nöd z letschtmal da gsi. dankä el salvador du hesch au würgli super feins iheimischs essä. ein hoch auf pupusas🤤 tortilla mit chäsfüllig und z.b. jalapenos, fleisch etc.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Republic of El Salvador, El Salvador, Ɛl Salvadɔ, ኤል ሳልቫዶር, السلفادور, Сальвадор, Ел Салвадор, Salivadɔr, এল সালভাদোর, ཨེལ། སཱལ་ཝ་ཌོར།, Salvador, El Salfador, El Salvadɔ nutome, Ελ Σαλβαδόρ, Salvadoro, السالوادور, El Salwador, An tSalvadóir, એલ સેલ્વાડોર, El Salbador, אל סלבדור, अल साल्वाडोर, Սալվադոր, Salvadoria, エルサルバドル, სალვადორი, Elsavado, អែលសាល់វ៉ាឌ័រ, ಎಲ್ ಸಾಲ್ವೇಡಾರ್, 엘살바도르, ئێلسالڤادۆر, Salvatoria, El salivado, Savadɔrɛ, ເອຊາວາດໍ, Salvadoras, Savadore, Salvadora, എല്‍ സാല്‍വദോര്‍, အယ်လ်ဆာဗေးဒိုး, Ersarbador, एल् साल्भाडोर, Lo Salvador, ଏଲ୍ ସାଲଭାଡୋର୍, Salwador, Ël Salvador, سالوېډور, Eli Saluvatori, एल-साल्वाडोर, Salvadöro, එල් සැල්වදෝරය, Salvadori, Салвадор, எல் சால்வடார், ఎల్ సాల్వడోర్, เอลซัลวาดอร์, ʻEle Salavatoa, ئەل سالۋادور, ال سلواڈور, Salvadorän, Orílẹ́ède Ẹẹsáfádò, 萨尔瓦多, i-El Salvador

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