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    • Día 41

      Wonderful last day in Paris

      20 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Last night after the flight delay, we didn’t check in to the hotel till after midnight (after walking 1.8 kms through terminal 2 to get to the little train shuttle that took us to terminal 3 where our hotel is!!) so we slept in till about 8.30 this morning, and felt very leisurely as we didn’t have to pack or check out…

      We got the RER to the city, and our first mission was to collect a watch Amr had taken when we first arrived for repair…long story, but it hadn’t come back from where it was sent…(I wonder if Amr will ever see it again..), but they were officially closed today and at first were very offhand till one person tried to be helpful…so that wasn’t a great start to the day, but then things improved greatly! The watch people said May 20 is a French holiday - they didn’t know why, and I must look it up…but anyway, Paris was surprisingly manageable, and not fighting crowds etc, which was good.

      Our next goal was to go to Chez Denise to see if we could make a reservation for dinner tonight…but when we arrived the whole entrance was blocked off with black covers..and they were filming..(we found out it was for a film about de Gaulle)…we couldn’t even enquire or go in at all…one person said she thought they would be open tonight…so that was another not so good thing, but we did keep positive about the chance of going tonight, but it was an uncertainty! Then we stopped for coffee and pastries having not had dinner last night, and only a mandarin and banana at the hotel, much needed.

      After that we had a shopping mission to Galeries Lafayette…quite a session there - the enfant floor to find something for Amr’s godson Harry’s daughter, the Mariage Freres section for Amr’s special teas, and the perfume section for Denise….After that we (I) was weak from hunger and shopping (not really my thing) and we went to a favourite cafe near the Opera and had a perfect “French” lunch of onion soup and a goat’s cheese salad and a glass of rosé. That was perfect, and we were both rejuvenated. Even enough to have a look into Uniqlo! On our way from there to the Tuileries where we planned to sit and read, Amr spotted a man carrying a TWG bag, which is a very special tea shop that he didn’t know was in Paris. So he asked the man where it was and it is a special shop in the Ritz, in their gallery of special shops!! So with heads held high we marched into the Ritz, asked where to find it and walked the hallowed halls…very beautiful, and Amr bought more tea, and also coffee at another shop!!

      After all that excitement we did go and sit and read on chairs round the pond in the Tuileries until the weather changed (which had been predicted - we even took umbrellas) so we scuttled with everyone before there was a downpour, and found a cafe where we took refuge in an upstairs hideaway, had a drink and didn’t actually notice much rain, but when we emerged there were puddles everywhere, but again we were lucky as it stopped by then and I never did use my umbrella!

      We then thought we’d try our luck with Chez Denise, found it open - or not open, but people there and all the film covers gone, and made a booking for 7.30…a wait of about 45 we wandered in the Forum Les Halle’s which is now an enormous Westfield mall and rather ghastly, but we discovered we could pick up the RER back to CDG from there - the dread Chatelet/Les Halles metro and RER interchange which we have many times got lost in - but it looked straightforward- and after dinner we tried it and it worked and we were expressed back to the hotel.

      To fill in more time till 7.30 we looked into the enormous church we always see near there - St Eustache…it is huge, and beautiful, and we managed to see and admire before it closed for the day. Then we went back to Chez Denise and had, as usual, a wonderful meal. You always get chatting to your neighbours as you are so close, and we had 2 Frenchmen next to us, then at their table a young couple from HongKong were seated next to them…so they were delighted to have Australia on one side and HongKong on the other, and very good ambiance. We had the chef’s terrine and the kidneys (they are big servings and we now know to share) and I had to have their enormous ile flottante!! I have to add that I don’t have my phone with me so Amr is in charge of the pics and will not wait till you are posed and smiling…)

      Anyway, a lovely end to the day, now back and semi packed ready to start the big flights home tomorrow morning.
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    • Día 11

      Last day in Paris

      15 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      We had a beautiful last day in Paris! We started off at the Lourve followed by a walk through Montmartre. We had lunch at Cafe Des deux Moulins which is famous for the movie Amélie. We then walked up to Rue de L’Abreuvoir which was as beautiful as promised. Next we went to the Basilica of Sacré-Couer de Montmartre and walked back down to the Moulin Rouge. By then we were exhausted so we grabbed a bottle of real Champagne and relaxed at the hotel (after our free happy hour drink of course!)Leer más

    • Día 10

      Paris Day 2

      14 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Tuesday was very rainy day which limited us a bit. We attempted to visit Musée d’Orsay, but there was an hour wait (in the rain) so we decided to grab some croque monsieur to go and head over to the Catacombs of Paris. This was a real highlight of the trip! After the catacombs we were hungry so we headed over to the famous Cafe de Flore for some delicious salads. In the afternoon we walked around Notre Dame and visited the mahJ (Musuem of Jewish art and history) before a Moroccan dinner!Leer más

    • Día 9

      Paris Day 1

      13 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      After a very late night with a delayed flight and waiting for a cab for 45 minutes we slept in today! We’re staying at the Hyatt Paris Madeleine which is right in the heart of Paris so we saw a lot today already! Lunch was at a cute cafe called Le Ponthieu. We walked along the Seine (a lot) and saw the Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Grand Palais, and Parc Monceau before taking a rest. We walked down to our last Michelin starred meal at Tomy & Co (we had pigeon!!) followed by a stroll under the Eiffel Tower.Leer más

    • Día 2

      Auf Entdeckungstour

      4 de junio de 2022, Francia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Halbwegs von der kurzen Nacht erholt, wachten wir gegen 07.30 Uhr auf. Dann gab es erstmal ein gemütliches Frühstück in einem typischen französischen Café.

      Dann ging es zu Fuß weiter zum zwanzigminütig entfernten „Sacé Cœur“. Noch regnete es, doch der Himmel riss auf und die Sonne kam langsam heraus. Vorbei an den kleinen Läden und den gemütlichen Restaurants entdeckten wir die nähere Umgebung.Leer más

    • Día 70

      Museum Orsey

      15 de julio de 2022, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Am letzten Tag bringen wir unsere Koffer in ein Kofferdepot und gehen dann gemeinsam ins Museum Orsey.
      Es ist zum Glück kaum etwas los, wir können Karten kaufen und direkt ins Museum gehen das Museum war zu Pariser Weltausstellung eine Bahnhofshalle und ist nun ein Ort, wo alle berühmten Maler wie van Gogh, Renoir, Monet etc sowie alle berühmten Bildhauer und Architekten zu sehen sind. Danach geht's mit U-Bahn und Bus zum Bahnhof, wir kaufen Tickets für den Bus zum Flughafen und mit einer halben Stunde Verspätung fliegt uns die Lauda Air wieder zurück nach WienLeer más

    • Día 5

      Pt. 1 of Paris

      29 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      So far:

      -Lucie (and the police) think I got conned but is it even a con if you knew they were lying and you bought them food anyways? 😅 Okay, maybe.

      -We visited Moulin Rouge and wow... There are so many sex shops around it.

      -We went on a train, a bus, and the RER (similar to a subway but still smelled like literal sewage).


      -We saw the Paris Opera.

      -We saw the Lafayette Gallery and the ceiling was AMAZING... But hot dang I can't afford anything in there (including the bathrooms).

      -We saw the Arc de Triomphe.

      -Now we are at Casa Luca, an Italian restaurant that had a bathroom I could use in the basement if we ate lunch.
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    • Día 5

      Paris Day Three - The Marathon

      2 de abril de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      What else is there to say about day three in Paris?

      We ran the Paris Marathon. And finished it, thankfully.

      That’s mara number 7 and they don’t seem to get any easier for me….

      Krissi and I are both still feeling jet-lagged, but 6 months of training kicked in.

      Why do marathon designers decide that there should be a climb near the end? This one had a 5km climb from 35-40km. Merde.

      Really wanted to walk at that point, but got a text messages from Nicole all the way back in Melbourne at JUST the right moment. Took her advice, gritted my teeth and pushed through.

      Also got lots of nice messages from family and friends who were tracking our runs on the app. Put the pressure on, but it had the end result of me pushing through the pain and self doubt.

      Anyway, happy to report I got a PB! I went quicker by about 1.5 minutes than my previous best. It’s still a PB!

      The journey back to our AirBNB was interesting - got so cold I was violently shaking and thought I was going to vomit on the train. A French guy also pushed past and stole my seat, thanks mate. Merde.

      Finally, I am SO proud of Kristine who finished the mara - she has now completed Paris, NY and Sydney Marathons.

      Wrapped up the day with a meal out at a French restaurant. Which seems to mean all the meat is raw and the chips are cold. But I’m tired so I won’t complain….🤣

      We missed Alex and the Campbells a lot today - I know Krissi would have loved to share the experience with her. Maybe they will have to train up together for London 2024…. 🤣
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    • Día 19

      Discovery. Recovery. Alone in Paris.

      21 de noviembre de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Bon voyage. Au revoir. The tour is terminé. Luigi has returned to Mario. My new friends, either on return flights home or extending their time in Paris by a few days. I'm en route to Orly airport and heading for Istanbul!

      Yesterday was an epic day of rest. 15,000 steps aside, I rested. Mostly. And it was beautiful. I moved hotels to have access to a gym, save $200 and be closer to the airport.

      I'm astounded by the balconies that aren't quite balconies. There's really not much preventing a fall. Not a thought to indulge.

      I chose yesterday to indulge my other passion. Food. I sat in a beautiful Parisian Cafe. I read. I pondered life. And dined on Mille Feuille- with raspberries. A snot block back home. Délicieuse. Not as good as a snot block from Richmond Bakery and Cafe in Tasmania (award winning snottie, circa 2003). I'm pretty worldly it seems.

      My lack of research prior to this trip has finally tripped me up. I can't get to the catacombs. Booked for days / weeks in advance. The Louvre? I attempted a visit yesterday, walking the 30 minutes there. I'd not planned it well. The line was long. I had however walked off my indulgences. AND! Successfully navigated all on my lonesome, the 1 hour return on foot. #learningmapreading.

      I'll google the great arts. I know it's not the same, but it's the best I can do in limited time and mental capacity.

      Continuing my quest for authentic (and delicious) French food, I ask a local for a tip. I head to Brasserie Pastis. I cleverly navigate my way there. Knowing I won't be sharing air with 36 others on a confined coach and can fart freely, I order a French staple. soupe à l'oignon française. French onion soup. It is stunning.

      I follow with another favourite. Crème brûlée à la vanille. I declare it the best I've ever had.

      This quaint French bistro is everything I needed in that moment. A tonic for my health and heart.

      I wake at the ungodly hour of 5am today to get a run in. I manage just shy of 9km before I'm politely kicked out. I'm relieved. Exhausted. I had reserved the gym 5-6am. I should've been up at 4. C'est la vie. The final leg of my journey offers many more opportunities to train.

      Viva la France. Onwards to Istanbul and the Mediterranean.

      Au revoir.
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    • Día 10

      Paris Nu.1

      1 de agosto de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We got to Paris and I felt immediately more comfortable because the heat wasn’t as harsh. Our first day in Paris we decided to go to the Arc de Triumph. As we walked to the Arc de Triumph we walked into a supermarket ( and it seems that all supermarkets in Paris are two story) and got some lunch. We also stumbled across a museum of French history with World War Two and Napoleon. It also had Napoleon’s tomb attached to it. We learned all about the concentration camps and Napoleon himself. His tomb was massive( for such a small guy) it felt like we were in the set of lord of the rings. We then walked the rest of the way to the Arc de Triumph, it was quite massive and the streets around it were full of performers and people, and a-lot of people taking Instagram photos. The culture seems very different too, like everyone seems to dress very well and for some reason there are a lot of vans, but I don’t think that’s culture. The Architecture around Paris is so cool because they have old things that look really old and are nice to look at and their modern things look old because of the style,if that makes sense.

      On our third day we went to the Eiffel Tower and the catacombs. We walked to the Eiffel Tower, and found that there were a lot of “influencers” and people standing in the middle of the road to take photos and of course, Dad being Dad decided to join them. We walked to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, but we couldn’t go to the top because it was closed due to the wind. You could see all of Paris laid out in front of you, and the walk up was definitely worth it. After the Eiffel Tower we walked to the catacombs which is a room full of people’s bones super far underground. Under there it was cold, eerie, and a-bit Scooby dooish. All the walls were lined with bones and dirt which made you feel a-bit sick. We also learned that the orphans of France were trained to dig up dead people( because there wasn’t enough space in the graveyard) and bring them underground by candlelight and line the walls with there bones. To some up the day they both had extremely different vibes and for one we went to the highest point in Paris and the lowest.
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