Southern Peninsula

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Southern Peninsula
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    • Day 11

      Viking Museum

      June 5, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      Really enjoyed the Viking Museum today. Inside, there’s a replica ship that history enthusiasts sailed to New York back in 2000.

      The ship hangs inside the museum and visitors are free to hop in and explore. My favorite part is the creature on the bow.

      Larry snapped my pic by a statue of the first Viking to arrive in Iceland. According to legend, he had a pet raven.
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    • Day 18

      Halbinsel Reykjanes

      June 27, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Auf der Halbinsel Reykjanes, welche im äussersten Südwesten Islands liegt, gibt es mehr zu entdecken als wir dachten. Ein weiteres Thermalgebiet neben dem Krísuvík ist Gunnuhver, die aktivste Schlammquelle Islands, die eine eindrucksvolle Dampfsäule in den Himmel schickt.
      Ebenfalls befindet sich der Vulkan Fagradalsfjall auf der Halbinsel, der letztes Jahr im März ausgebrochen ist und per Dezember 2021 offiziell als beendet gilt. Die Wanderung auf einen Aussichtspunkt, bei der man die ausgebrochene Lava sah, war sehr eindrücklich.
      Die „Brücke zwischen zwei Kontinenten“ verbindet symbolisch die Kontinenalplatten vom Nordamerika und Europa. Die Spalte entstand durch eine tektonische Plattenverschiebung.
      Zum Schluss durfte Marco mich dann mit grosser Freude noch in einen kleinen Vikinger verwandeln.
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    • Day 11

      Die Blaue Lagune!!!

      June 17, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Oh was für ein toller Abschluss! Es ist zwar ein absoluter Touri-Magnet und eine der beliebtesten Attraktionen Islands aber ein Besuch der "Blue Lagoon" hat sich definitiv gelohnt!

      Diese Wasserfarbe ist mit nichts zu vergleichen. Dazu noch ein Vitamindrink und eine Schlammmaske, die 10 Jahre jünger machen soll - was will man mehr?! 😄

      Die Blaue Lagune wurde sogar vom National Geographic zu einem der 25 größten Weltwunder und vom Condé Nast Traveller zu einem der 10 besten Spas der Welt gekürt. Das warme Meerwasser ist reich an Mineralien, die auf der Haut Wunder bewirken. Also nichts wie hin!
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    • Day 4

      Loooooong day.

      October 6, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ ⛅ 39 °F

      We landed in Iceland at 2:30 AM our time (6:30 Iceland time). We took a ride to get our camper and went all day long. The first thing you notice is the scenery… feels like you are driving on the moon. Or Mars. Or a combination of both. Or a volcano… ha.
      We made several stops. First a bridge that is straddling two different tectonic plates. Saw some incredible views. Along the way, we met some locals. They were very friendly. Actually a little too friendly, they followed us back to our car. I thought they were trying to steal things from us until I realized that everyone here is just really nice. We did decide to go to several places that they mentioned. And a route that not many people drive on. We loved it!
      In the evening we went for some delicious dinner, and a brew pub where we ended up spending time with some locals for several hours. Every 20 minutes, I ran outside to see if there were any northern lights. And guess what!!? There were none... After that we went to our campsite and passed out after like 36 hours no sleep. Apparently there were some amazing northern lights, but we were too pooped to witness any of them. Today was even more incredible and even more exhausting. We will update you soon!
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    • Day 2

      Beyond Blue

      December 11, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

      We arrived at Sunset just in time to make our Blue Lagoon stopover between Keflavik airport and our hotel. At this hour it was more dark witches cauldron than Blue Instagram backdrop, but it was still amazing.Read more

    • Day 49

      Birthday Boy!

      May 31, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Beim vierten Island Besuch war es dann doch so weit. Robert wollte in die Blaue Lagune. Gesagt, getan! Man ist jetzt eben doch im Alter von Spa und Wellness statt Festival und Bier-Pong angekommen.

      Kurz heruntergebrochen ist die blaue Lagune eine Art ganzjährig geöffnetes Freibad mit einer wunderbaren Badewannenwassertemperatur zwichen 37-41 C. Im Prinzip resultiert die gesamte Anlage aus einem “Abfallprodukt” des daneben liegenden Geothermalkraftwerkes Svartsengi und das silikathaltige Wasser ist nebenbei noch wunderbar heilsam und pflegend.

      Die Nacht zuvor verbrachten wir in Grindavik, also nur einen Schafssprung von der Lagune entfernt. Nach schnellem check-in ging es direkt duschen (wichtig! viel Conditioner benutzen und drin lassen!) und dann auch schon ins blaue Wasser. Umringt ist die Lagune von dem riesigen Lavafeld Illahraun und der aufsteigende Dampf des Wassers lag wie Nebel in der kühlen Luft.

      Das Angebot an Gesichtsmasken und Getränken, welche direkt an den im Wasser befindlichen Theken ausgegeben wurden, war reichlich. Darüber hinaus fand man Zeitvertreib und Entspannung in Dampfbad, Sauna und Café.

      Wir haben nahezu den gesamten Tag hier verbracht - und die surreal blaue Farbe des Wassers bleibt für uns unfassbar einprägsam und einzigartig!

      Wir gönnten uns also unsere Gesichtsmasken, ein paar Getränke, standen unterm Wasserfall und schwitzten in der Dampfsauna.

      Und wie es ein amerikanischer Mitbesucher der Lagune so schön überschwänglich auf den Punkt brachte:
      “that’s what we are living for!” : )

      Am Abend ging es dann noch zurück nach Grindavik zu Papa’s Restaurant bei lecker Fish and Chips.
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    • Day 293

      Blue Lagoon + Geothermal Heat (by Lewis)

      June 6, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      While in Iceland, we went to the Blue Lagoon for the second time. The Blue Lagoon is heated by geothermal heat. The geothermal heat boils the Blue Lagoon up to 100.4 F*. Iceland's geothermal heat can also bake bread by burying the bread in burning dirt. We tasted some of the rye bread, and it was delicious with local smoked trout. Did you know that the water in Iceland has to be cooled? Before it's cooled, the water is boiling! This is my last blog post, so I hope you liked the blogs!Read more

    • Day 1

      Garður Old Lighthouse

      June 20, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

      One of the options I had considered for today was to hire a car and go exploring but it seemed an awfully expensive option. However, I couldn't get into my accommodation until this afternoon and it was still early morning .. I was in Arrivals in no time so it was still only 8.30am.

      Having done my check-in for tomorrow's flight with Icelandair, I decided to get a coffee and a snackette and have a think. I then had this amazing revelation, an inspiring event of blinding light - given one only lives once, just rent the car. 🙄

      This turned out quite tricky because none of the car hire companies in the terminal had a car available for just a day, though I got the feeling they just didn't want to hire out a car for such a short period. I then got the invite to join the West Greenland 23 WhatsApp group, which I joined, and I then messaged Jeroen (one of the two leaders) for some ideas of how to get a car. Direct messaging, he suggested getting a bus to Reykjavik and getting a car from there and he even sent me a Google Maps route to follow. The route was great but I'd lose a lot of time travelling by bus to the city as I think it's 30 miles away, with many stops.

      In the end, I found a rental company a short walk from the terminal, so with my suitcase in the boot, my camera gear in the car and Google Maps to guide me, I left the airport to go exploring and my first stop was a suggestion given to me by the rental company on a Post It note with a list of places to visit.

      My goodness was it windy, I could hardly stand up, but the weather was lovely other than that, though from these photos you would never guess it was Iceland. That would soon change.
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    • Day 1

      Exploring the Coast Road

      June 20, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      As I drove away from the old lighthouse I didn't really have too much idea about what to expect. I'd never explored this peninsula before and assumed it would be just a pleasant drive until I discovered there is so much to see in this area.

      It wasn't too long before the views became very Icelandic as I drove through old lava fields consisting of all sorts of shapes, with flat slabs of granite and volcanic vents. I was in my element here, stopping at various parking stops to take-in the views.

      My first proper stop was at the Bridge Between Continents, which is exactly that - the place where the North American and Eurasian continental plates are joined. I photographed the diagram for you to see.

      The wind was still very strong here and I was constantly sand blasted as I explored the site so I decided to give up trying to use my 'big' camera. Using the phone was much easier given the conditions.

      Footnote: please be patient as I know I am many days behind in writing the footprints for this adventure. My time in Greenland is very much full-on with no time to even catch my breath ... there's so much to show you so I'll try and catch-up as soon as I can.
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    • Day 1

      Gunnuhver Hot Springs

      June 20, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Just a short three minute drive away things are very different. Here the air is filled with the smell of sulphur and as you move along the boardwalks the smell gets much stronger. You know the one ... rotten eggs. Yummy.

      You can get really close on the boardwalk but there are many signs warning not to stray from it. The ground is very hot here, though at one time it wasn't so bad and there was a house here where an artist lived, making pottery from the clay and painting.

      It was quite warm standing by the vent, watching the boiling water and steam, then every now and then you'd get surrounded by the drifting cloud. If you stayed too long in it, you would quite wet but I avoided that to be honest. I loved it here though.

      I then noticed the time and decided to head back to find my accommodation for the night. I was really glad I'd hired the car and never realised how much there was to see within 30 miles of the airport ... and I hadnt seen all there was to see either. Amazing.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Suðurnes, Sudurnes, Southern Peninsula, Suroccidental, Péninsule méridionale, Penisola meridionale, Península Austral ou Sudoeste, Södra halvön

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