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    • Dzień 22

      Walking Tour of Dublin

      27 maja 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nice tour round Dublin, wasn't the most interesting tour ever, but perhaps the most surprising fact...
      Before the potato famine, the population was 8 million, now today it's only 5 million, so the effects are still very noticeable due to so many deaths and migration, even after all these years of population increase. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 23


      28 maja 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Nice little stopover at a busy swan sanctuary. Hundreds of walkers, dogs, kayakers, pigeons, seagulls and swans.

      As Lennon becomes more inventive at moving around the van, diving off the bed, chasing and grabbing the dog, and just generally being a maniac... I am having to also become more inventive at stopping him 😄 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 23

      Wicklow Mountains

      28 maja 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      One of the best views from the van we've ever had 😍 this is one of those times the pictures really don't do it justice too. The lake is huge, surrounded by beaches and a long river running to it. A mansion is near it, the whole valley is private and just empty and silent and beautiful. In comparison to reality the photos make it look like a small pond. Nicknamed Guinness Lake, due to dark water and white beaches.

      The sound at the end of the video is Lennon blowing raspberries on me 😂 not farting
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    • Dzień 24


      29 maja 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Came back down to the town to find a pub showing the football.

      Lennon worked out how to ping off his seat tray, so he has been demoted to dog and eats on the floor, until we can find an IKEA with the highchair we need in stock 🤣 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 66

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 1

      18 czerwca 2022, Irlandia ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Today was a travel day as we prepared for our flight to Ireland. We heard many horror stories through local acquaintances and new reports that there were numerous flight cancellations and significant staffing shortages at Schipol.

      As we approached the first terminals of the airport, we noticed huge lines outside the airport, and we learned that was just to get in. Our Uber driver remarked, you're in Terminal 3. You're relatively likely. They will be in lines over six hours.

      Schipol is a massive international hub. When we arrived at our terminal there wasn't one sign directing us to our ticket counter. We finally asked a security person who told us where to go, and we learned that we'd have a 90-minute wait before the Air Lingus ticket agents would arrive.

      We finally dropped off our baggage and then we had another two hours of lines to get through security.

      We never worried a great deal about missing our flight as we were in the front of the queue, and we figured that the flight would have no passengers if they didn't wait.

      We did finally take off about an hour late for the hour and twenty minutes flight to Dublin. The flight was relatively smooth and we made it through passport checks without a problem.

      We picked up our rental car and prepared for the drive to our B&B in Ballintubbert. I have been very excited about this leg of the trip as we are first heading to County Laois (leesh), the region where my maternal grandmother's family are from.

      We were welcomed by Markie and Eamon who showed us around their home, a restored old store. They were very welcoming and they invited us to join them for a BBQ. I do believe that Markie grilled enough meat for 16 guests. It was quite the welcome, and they were helpful about suggestions in the county.

      It really was a wonderful first night, and we are excited about our Ireland adventure.

      Oíche mhaith (good night)
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    • Dzień 67

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 2

      19 czerwca 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      I think that I had the best night's sleep since we've been on the road. The night was cool and comfortable, and we were ready to try exploring County Laois.

      Once again, I am grateful for Jim's skilled driving as he navigated driving on the "wrong" side of the road on country roads that were often only about one and a half car lanes in width.

      It's amazing to be in the country of my mother's lineage and to see what it is like, to think about life there and to experience a new sense of identity. I love the blend of the old with the new, and I don't think I've seen so many shades of green in one place.

      Our first stop was the Rock of Dunamase, the ruins of Celtic Castle where you can still see the majesty of the fortification overlooking the beautiful countryside.

      We then went to check out the Slieve Bloom mountain range which are more like the hills of New England. The evergreen trees were dense and beautiful. We considered taking a trail to a high point, but upon further examination it didn't seem practical to try and walk over the soggy peat.

      We traveled to the parish of Coolrain, and I thought that we had found the church where one of my great grandmothers was baptized, but it was an Anglican Church. I think we know the actual place to go after consulting with my second cousin Kate and we're going to give it another go tomorrow.

      We drove in and by towns that were names in my family tree without much of a context. The opportunity to see these places in person is magical for me. I'm really finding it to be very grounding.

      We ended the night with a great dinner hosted by Eamon and Markie. They made a traditional of bacon (think pork roast), cabbage and potatoes. It was really wonderful, and we enjoyed our conversation.

      It's been a great launch, and we're excited about our next adventure.
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    • Dzień 68

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 3

      20 czerwca 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, and we understand that it has been different than the weather has been for some time.

      We launched the day with breakfast in Portlaoise. I decided to try the traditional Irish breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, black pudding and soda bread. I was curious about black pudding which reminded me of a spicy, grained sausage patty. It was interesting, but not something I need a second time.

      We headed toward the town of Camross to find the church where my great-grandmother was baptized and those before her were buried nearby. We wandered through a nearby graveyard and talked with a very helpful caretaker. He told us that the older gravesites were in the front of the church ruins, and that the remaining headstones were mostly worn. It turns out that the civil records were lost in a fire. I do think that we were in the right area, and we were very grateful for the caretaker's assistance.

      We took a ride to neighboring County Offaly, and we traveled over the Slieve Bloom mountain range to get there. The view of the lower valley was spectacular. We made time for an ice cream break, and then we returned to the village of Ballinakill armed with more information about ancestors. As we revisited a cemetery, an older gentleman offered assistance, and he told us that there was an older abandoned church cemetery nearby. He led us over to the area and he guided us through the very overgrown and uneven terrain.

      On one level, it was disappointing not to find visual confirmation of the actual gravesites, but it was powerful to know that we were in the land where my maternal grandmother's ancestors lived- some for their whole lives, and others before they emigrated to the States.

      I was touched by Jim C's observation: "When your great-grandmother (Molly Keenan) dreamed of Ireland, he dreamed of right here."

      Today was a "kindness of strangers" day. Every experience we have had to date has been met with hospitality and selfless kindness.

      May we always remember to pay it forward.
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    • Dzień 13

      Tag 12 > Brownstown - Dublin (83km)

      23 czerwca 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C


      nach klatsch und tratsch mit fiona gings heute los richtung dublin.
      zuerst aber noch ein paar worte zu fiona und ihrer unterkunft.
      wir werden bei unserem nächsten irland besuch, wenn möglich bestimmt wieder hier hausen! tolle unterkunft und sehr sympathische gastgeberin. fiona ist um das wohl ihrer gäste sehr besorgt und gibt sich grosse mühe.😊
      artists annex, the lotts cottage, brownstown.

      es ging jedoch nicht auf direktem weg nach dublin, der howth schlänker wurde noch gemacht. es hat sich gelohnt! echt schöne gegend hier, jedoch ziemlich viel verkehr. soviele ampeln wie hier hatten wir die ganze reise über nicht🤣
      mittaghalt gabs bei einem lighthouse, schönes plätzchen. uuund heute haben wir auch wieder einen coffeetruck gefunden. super abschluss des roadtripps.

      schweren herzens gings zurück zum dublin airport um tiffany abzugeben.
      danke an unsere weisse perle für die unfallfreien 3000km die du uns begleitet hast! in einem top zustand, ohne sandkasten (haben zum glück noch ein staubsauger gefunden🤣) haben wir sie dann wieder zurückgegeben.

      mit dem bus gings in richtung unterkunft, wo wir nach ca 40minuten schweissgebadet ankamen🥵
      zum glück hatten wir wieder ein gutes händchen, gross & sauber, hier lässts sich für die nächsten 2 nächte leben.😁

      frisch machen und dann loos - wuhuu dublin we are coming🥳😁🍻

      abendessen gabs im one society, leecker pizzza🍕🍕
      weiter in die templebar street, wenn dann richtig touristisch😁 fiona hat uns zwar noch pubs aufgeschrieben wo die einheimischen hingehen, sind aber noch weiter weg als die templebar🤷‍♀️
      dublin hat sich meiner meinung nach schon etwas verändert..sehr viele obdachlose, sehr dreckig usw.. wäre ich das erste mal in dublin, naja, der 1.eindruck würde keineswegs für eine weitere reise hierhin überzeugen😳 bin gespannt wie wir es morgen empfinden wenn wir durch die stadt laufen.
      guinness und musik in den pubs war jedoch suuuper😁🍻🥳 was uns erstaunt hat, um 19.00uhr waren die pubs bereits schon voll🙈🤣
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    • Dzień 4

      Ok.... Day 1 Summay Wrap Up

      27 czerwca 2022, Irlandia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So... I don't think anyone wants me to post after every little thing we do... so I think I will try and post just a daily summary and hit "my" highlights.... which I am sure is different from Jen's highlights that she posts on Facebook.

      So... Day 1. After Trinity College and The Book of Kells, we got on our walking horse and headed south. We tried to go to a museum but it was closed. So we went to a park... then left that park. Then we went on a wild emotional journey to find a bathroom which we eventually found but had to pay $0.25 i dried my hands for an extra 10 seconds to get my monies worth.

      Then it was off to find lunch. The place we wanted to go opens at 11 but they didn't open their doors until 12 so we went to another place where my kids could eat chicken wings. Then it was off to a church we didn't go in and Dublinia... the Viking museum, where we took a video of a viking pooping. Then it was off to another church that we did go to but got kicked out of because they were "closing" for a service. Then it was a mad run to a store my kids wanted to go to because they had magic cards there but we didn't make it in time so now my kids were "disappointed". REALLY!!!! And then it was time to tackle the near impossible question... "where do we eat supper " which ended up getting answered with "a grocery store". Then it was back to the room where Liam fell right to sleep and our watches that record our steps were smoking and almost dead after recording over 23,000 steps.


      Tomorrow will be much more laid back.
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    • Dzień 10

      Cruise Day 4 - Dun Laoghaire, Ireland

      6 maja, Irlandia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today we started Brian's birthday off with cappuccinos delivered to our stateroom to be consumed in bed, then another lovely breakfast (where Brian found European Marmite does not taste the same as NZ's marmite) then we had a wee ride in the life boats to the port of Dun Laoghaire, Dublin (ship to big to dock at port). Spot of shopping and walk around, where Brian visited the national maritime museum of Ireland. We ended our day with a 5-course Italian meal at one of the specialty restaurants on board and a play in the casino. Czytaj więcej

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