Temple Bar

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    • Day 39


      May 11 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nach dem Tollymore Forest und einem Erholungstag auf dem Camping Lynders vor Dublin besuchen wir heute Dublin. Auch hier gibt es viel zu bestaunen. Alle Busse sind Doppeldecker und kurven durch enge Gassen als wärs ein PW 🫣. Natürlich muss mann hier in die Tempelbar mit "Live Music". Diese Bar ist bereits am Nachmittag gerammelt voll! Krass aber wunder schön.Read more

    • Day 22

      Walking Tour of Dublin

      May 27, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nice tour round Dublin, wasn't the most interesting tour ever, but perhaps the most surprising fact...
      Before the potato famine, the population was 8 million, now today it's only 5 million, so the effects are still very noticeable due to so many deaths and migration, even after all these years of population increase.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 3 Summary... and... parenting fail

      June 29, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Day 3... wow.... time flies. Today is our last full day in Dublin... and we still had a list of things to do. So we started... nice and late. Everyone slept in till 10. We must still be jet lagging it a bit. So we decided to start off the day with a nice breakfast/lunch at Lemon Jelly, a fun little restaurant with amazing food. After that we were treking it on foot to the Guiness Storehouse for a tour through their museum. It was very well done.

      After that we walked briskly over to the Archeology Musem to search for an old chess queen that Evan saw a replica of and found out the queen was in Dublin while the other pieces are in Edinburgh and London. So... we thought it would be cool to find them all. But we couldn't find it and they eventually kicked us out. After that we went to the potatoe famine memorial which was super interseting, and then we made our way back to the hotel where we had supper and relaxed for a bit.

      And now... on to the parenting fail. I thought it would be fun and interesting to take the kids out a bit later and see the lights and the energy of the city. Jen warned me that may not be a good idea. I thought she was worrying over nothing and we would be fine... thinking her concerns were with safety. They were not. We headed down to the Temple Bar area because I wanted a picture of the historic bar all light up. And... I was looking forward to hearing some live Celtic bands as we merrily stroll through the streets. As it turns out, not only is there a very large amount of drunk people walking around at 10pm, but this is also the time companies start to put out their advertising for lap dances and steak dinners. So, after getting some Gelato at Cloud Nine, we walked around a little bit until we saw a couple of girls doing something inappropriate and then one drunk girl stole Liam's nose. Liam was traumatized and ran off and Caden had to run up and steal the imaginary nose back. What a hero. So, it was at that time I figured it was time to go.

      So... lessons learned. Put the kids to bed at 8 don't let them out at night. And always listen to your wife when she tells you something is a bad idea. Liam keeps reaching up to check if his nose is really back. Poor kid. Tomorrow it is on to Killarney. Should be fun.

      p.s. We also set a new personal best of 26,522 steps. Woo Hoo.

      p.s.s On top of all that, I still didn't get to hear any celtic music. All the bands we could hear were all playing modern music. Stupid modern society.
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    • Day 3

      Dublin Day 2

      July 11, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

      We probably should have ended our day much earlier tonight, but our evening dinner and drinks at Baraza and nightcap drinks in our hotel lobby were SO good…so it’s late and we have to get up early for breakfast and meeting our Inroads Ireland guide, Hugh.

      There was some discussion before ordering breakfast today about the meaning of black and white pudding, and once it was confirmed that black pudding has blood in it, it was out of the running as a breakfast choice. 😂 😂 We stuck to what was most familiar today. Maybe one of us will get braver as the trip continues. 🤷‍♀️

      The highlight of today was Trinity College. It was founded in 1592, and our guide, Jerry, shared how the college came into possession of The Book of Kells (800 A.D.) - perhaps the most representative piece of Celtic and Irish art, an ornately decorated, very unique copy of the New Testament of the Bible. Its pages, or as they are called, folios are made from vellum. Vellum is made from the skin of calves, sheep or less frequently, goat kids, but in the case of the Book of Kells, calfskin was predominantly used. Completing all the folios of the Book of Kells required the skins of more than 185 calves. 😮

      We were able to see one out of the four parts of the book and then we spent time in the amazing Long Room library. 📚 200,000 books!!

      Our guide was a wealth of information and did a great job, but the heat and humidity got the better of us by time we ended the tour at the castle.

      Awesome parts to our day:

      1. Relaxing morning over breakfast
      2. Adrianne and Haley finding the road with all the umbrellas overhead
      3. The Long Room library
      4. Finding a lunch place where it was cool (Porterhouse Temple Bar)
      5. Haley finding a spot for dinner across the river at a place called Baraza
      6. Temple Bar streets in the evening

      Tough Part:

      1. Humidity and warm temperatures - Adrianne said it looked like someone had doused my face with water I was sweating so bad. We all made makeshift paper fans to cool off.

      Tomorrow we start our tour around the southern part of Ireland.
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    • Day 1


      March 28, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nachdem wir mit zwei Stunden Verspätung gestartet sind, ging der Flug dann doch leicht von der Hand. 😁🛫

      Nach der Landung ging es auf die Suche nach einem Taxi, wobei die offizielle Taxischlange sehr sehr lang war. Haben wir uns für einen privaten Anbieter entschieden und hier ging es dann doch schneller.
      Das Hotel war dann auch schnell erreicht, bisschen außerhalb aber wirklich schön und nah zu unserem Ziel für morgen. Haben uns aber nicht lange hier aufgehalten und es ging auch schon wieder mit dem nächsten Taxi ins Zentrum.
      Unser irischer Taxifahrer hatte uns dann direkt ein paar Tips gegeben und uns das O'Neills Pub empfohlen, also hat es uns nach einem kurzen Walk durch die Tempel Bar Straße da hin getrieben.
      Witzigerweise war hier zufällig auch ein Treffen von Leuten die eine App benutzen, die MeetUp heißt, und schwups waren wir mittendrin im reden mit Leuten von überall her
      Lustiger Zufall und wirklich gut. 😎

      Natürlich gab es auch typisches irisches Bier und ich habe mir direkt ein Irish Stew gegönnt, was einfach sehr schmackhaft war. 🤤
      Danach ging es dann wieder mit dem Taxi Richtung Hotel und nach einem Absacker an der Bar 🍸 ging es dann auch weiter in die Zimmer.

      Morgen tagsüber geht es erstmal ein bisschen arbeiten und Nachmittags/Abends werden wir mit unseren Kollegen eine Stadtrunde machen. 🇮🇪

      Wir sind schon auf alles sehr gespannt.
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    • Day 30


      June 1, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Dublin was our next stop after Kilkenny. It is Irelands capital and 25% of the population live there.

      The River Liffey divides the city into two, with Halfpenny Bridge the most famous walking bridge that crosses it.

      Dublin is also home to the famous Trinity College and also "sweet Molly Malone" who sold cockles and mussels here, although there is a controversial statue of her in the city that portrays her as not so sweet, which was apparently the case.

      The city's Temple Bar area is famous for Irish pubs and music and it was certainly pumping when we were there. We found a great old pub, the Oliver St. John Gogarty, which had great food, beer and live music.
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    • Day 122

      Molly Malone

      August 31, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Molly Malone ist eine tragische Figur aus der irischen Geschichte und Folklore. Sie soll im 17. Jahrhundert in Dublin gelebt haben und war eine schöne Fischhändlerin. Sie wurde auf der Straße geboren und wuchs in Armut auf. Um zu überleben, musste sie als Fischhändlerin arbeiten, aber auch ihren Körper verkaufen.

      Molly Malone war eine beliebte Figur in Dublin. Sie war immer freundlich und fröhlich und hatte ein großes Herz. Sie liebte es, durch die Straßen der Stadt zu gehen und ihre Waren zu verkaufen.

      Eines Tages wurde Molly Malone krank. Sie litt an einem Fieber, das sie nicht besiegen konnte. Sie starb im Alter von nur 25 Jahren.

      Molly Malones Tod war ein großer Verlust für Dublin. Sie wurde als Symbol für Schönheit, Lebensfreude und Hoffnung angesehen.

      Ihr Tod wurde in einem Volkslied besungen, das heute noch in Irland sehr beliebt ist. Das Lied heißt "Cockles and Mussels" und erzählt die Geschichte von Molly Malones Leben und Tod.

      m Jahr 1988 wurde eine Statue von Molly Malone in Dublin errichtet. Sie steht an der Ecke Grafton Street und Suffolk Street, an der Stelle, an der Molly Malone angeblich ihre Waren verkauft hat.
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    • Day 6

      National Gallery und Dun Laoghaire

      May 22 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Heute, an Lindas 30. Geburtstag, geht es um Games im Unterricht (wir machen tatsächlich ein escape room game) und wir besuchen am Nachmittag die Nationalgalerie. Leider soll es auch in den nächsten Tagen bewölkt bleiben, daher fahren wir trotzdem in den Süden zum kleinen Örtchen Dun Laoghaire (gesprochen Dan Liery)...:) Es liegt direkt am Meer und hat einen wunderschönen Pier.Read more

    • Day 347

      Bummel durch Dublin

      May 30 in Ireland ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Die Fahrt nach Dublin war unspektakulär, diesmal konnten wir die Grenze zurück in die Republik Irland (und wieder in die EU) noch nicht mal sehen.

      Nach Zeltaufbau und ein wenig Relaxing sind wir mit dem Bus in die Stadt gefahren. Praktischerweise fährt fast vor der Tür ab, braucht allerdings mindestens 50 Minuten bis in die City (im Feierabendverkehr auch länger). Da der Bus in der Stadt wirklich nur noch sehr langsam voran kam, sind wir ein paar Stationen früher ausgestiegen und konnten so direkt die erste Sehenswürdigkeit abhaken, die "Ha′penny (Half Penny) Bridge" über den Liffey. Eine 43m lange Gusseiserne Fußgängerbrücke, die als Wahrzeichen der Stadt gilt. Den offiziellen Namen "Liffey Bridge" nutzt niemand, obwohl die Zeit der Fußgängermaut (daher der Name) schon lange vorbei ist.
      So sind wir direkt im Stadteil Temple Bar gelandet, das Kulturviertel Dublins mit einigen engen Kopfsteinpflaster Gassen, vielen Pubs, Bars und Restaurants und noch mehr Touristen. Im Pub Temple Bar war es uns zu voll (ähnlich wie in Kölner Kneipen an Karneval), wir sind stattdessen in einer amerikanischen Bar eingekehrt und konnten bei leckerem Essen die Leute draußen beobachten.
      Danach sind wir am Trinity College vorbei und durch die Grafton Street gebummelt. Die Geschäfte hatten zwar überwiegend schon zu, aber die Straßenmusiker waren noch da.
      Bevor wir wieder zum Bus gelaufen sind, haben wir noch die Statuen von Luke Kelly (Gründungsmitglied der Dubliners) und Molly Malone (bekanntes irisches Volkslied und inoffizielle Hymne von Dublin) besucht.
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    • Day 93

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 28

      July 15, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a bit of a rocky start today. When we woke up, I noticed a reference to an Alaska Airlines alert to a schedule change. Most of these changes have been trivial, but we learned from the agent that British Airways had canceled the Dublin to London flight, our first leg of our trip home tomorrow.

      We tried calling British Airways to explore other back-up options, and we heard recorded announcements to call back later. We decided to take an Uber to the airport to see if we could talk to a live person. 30€ later, we discovered that no one was at the BA ticket counter upon our arrival at the terminal. At this point, I kept trying to call Alaska Airlines back and the call dropped several times until we discovered that British Airways had rebooked flights from Saturday to Tuesday.

      I should note that we know that air travel this summer in Europe and some cities in the U.S. have been quite a trial for many travelers. We don't expect to have some magical exemption to protect a cancellation from happening to us. But I did have a bit of a meltdown when there was just no one to talk with about a remedy. British Airways is complete "shite" 💩 as they say over here.

      In the scheme of things, we're fine. We've booked a hotel for three more nights at a reasonable price in the heart of a really great city. The weather is expected be sunny and warm. We're not missing an important family event or an important work meeting. We will likely be reimbursed for most or all of our expenses caused by the delay.

      My childish side still claims the right to some sulking and fuming time. I was happy to embrace my inner twelve-year-old. And admittedly I did revert to a few hours of life not being fair.

      Jim C chose a walk in a park and reading a new book as a coping strategy. I chose being holed up in our bedroom and an eventual walk around the city with a quick culinary diversion of Dutch Apple pie.

      Jim snd and I had a rendezvous at The George, and we has a great Asian meal of stuffed dumplings and noodles. We met up with an online acquaintance, and we had a great conversation with him. It was fun hearing about his hiking travels in Wyoming and Montana

      When we returned to the flat, we had a great conversation with our gracious hosts.

      In reflection, when I'm in a deficit mind frame, I have learned that a good cure is to make gratitude lists. That shift was catalyzed by a walk through Love Alley, a space where the walls were decorated with hearts and various affirmations and excerpt from song lyrics. One in particular caught my eye:

      "We have enough.
      We have each other.
      We have everything."

      Indeed we do.
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