Al Wādī al Abyaḑ

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    • Päivä 21


      27. toukokuuta 2022, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Der Raudi aus dem Stall der Karawanserei musste heute neu beschlagen werden, und nicht nur einmal.

      Ringsum dieselben Felgen sind spießig. Also haben wir uns entschlossen, an den Vorderhufen die filigranen Großstadtreter durch üppige Wandersohlen zu ersetzen.

      Zugegeben: Nicht ganz freiwillig, sondern plattfußbedingt. Da das Wechselset ein paar Nummern größer ausfällt als die Standardschlappen (ist ein TÜV-Prüfer anwesend? 225/75-16 auf einem A6, und Du kannst nix dagegen machen, ätsch!), mussten wir achsweise tauschen. Optik und Fahrkomfort sind nun überragend!

      Reifenpanne II dann in Sichtweite des Ziels: Kurz vorm Klo in die Hose gemacht...

      Die weitere Bilanz des Tages, abgesehen von kiloweise Staub in jeder Ritze und Pore und einer unbeschreiblichen Portion Spaß: Chryssie hat ein gutes Stück Auspuff, den von Kapper selbst gebastelten Ölwannen-Unterfahrschutz sowie einen Seitenschweller eingebüßt, dafür Kamelknochen als Trophäen dazugewonnen.
      Am einzigen Baum weit und breit wurden wir bei einer Pause (samt Drohnenbespaßung mit den Vitotreibern) Zeuge eines Mini-Sandsturms plus Mikro-Regenschauers (5 bis 8 Tropfen). Wir haben Beduinen und ihre Kamele zum Staunen gebracht und Freiheit pur genossen: Nur der Kompass als höhere Instanz, ansonsten keine Regeln, keine Vorgaben, keine Ver- und Gebote. Und bisweilen noch nicht einmal ein Weg als Ziel.

      Unser Nachtlager haben wir an einem kleinen See in einer Schlucht aufgeschlagen, nachdem der von der Orga vorgeschlagene Platz neben einem Phosporwerk auf wenig Gegenliebe stieß. Mögen uns Fressfeinde (Mücken) erspart bleiben.
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    • Päivä 22

      Besuch am Morgen

      28. toukokuuta 2022, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Glockengeläut hat uns heute geweckt: Ein übellauniger, zeternder Schäfer lenkte seine Herde quer durch unser Camp. Besuch von der Polizei hatten wir auch schon, aber sie kamen in friedlicher Absicht.

      Auf ein erquickendes Bad im (trüben) See verzichten wir lieber angesichts einer großen Phosphatfabrik in der Nähe.

      Jetzt aber erstmal Kaffee. Und Fladenbrot mit Nutella. Weil Dosenwurst ist aus.
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    • Päivä 6

      Back to Cario

      10. tammikuuta 2020, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Our last day in Egypt started off with a 2.45am wake up call! We all gathered in a daze to grab our breakfast packs (bread roll with cheese, bread roll with fake devon and bread roll with no filings) and get on a plane back to Cairo.

      Pyramids! It was the coldest we'd experienced so far in the trip. It was still early by the time we arrived at the Pyramids so the sun hadn't warmed anything up yet.

      There are moments in life when you realise that you really did have the wrong idea about a thing...and I had one at the Pyramids of Giza. Matt went inside the big pyramid - I decided that a claustrophobic induced panic attack wasn't on my to do list for the day and stayed outside - and as I was thinking about the inside of the 'mids. That's when I realised. The pyramids aren't a pyramid shaped shell that is totally empty inside. They are solid pyramids with a pathway cut into them. So yep. I learnt something that day.

      The day kept rolling along, even if we were too tired to notice the time ticking. We stopped at the Sphinx; cue many references to Asterix and Obelix. I felt a little underwhelmed here, but it may have more to do with my early morning than the monument itself.

      Often I'm surprised that life is happening around the big things we've visited. There isn't a huge radius around the sphinx or the pyramids that is just emptiness, instead there are buildings and shops and fences - not just the postcard image.

      On we trotted to one of the most amazing museums in the world - The Egyptian Museum. We'd heard a lot about this over the last few days as all the valuable items from the temples and tombs we'd seen were actually housed here in the Egyptian Museum. It is huge so I'll give you just three highlights:

      1. Tutankhaum's stuff: all of it was pretty incredible! But the best (in my opinion) was the cascading boxes that his sarcophagus was in. These are huge, gold, boxes that get smaller and smaller and we actually could see into them as the back was open.

      2. Akenaten's hall: I studied this Pharaoh in school and was a bit obsessed with him. Such a crazy guy. There is so much I could say about him, but one weird thing he did was change the way Pharaoh's were depicted. Until him, all the pharaohs had a similar look (even if they didn't in real life). I saw one of the statues he built of himself. It is almost unrecognisably Egyptian. Check out the photo.

      3. Merenptah’s tablet: mentions defeating Israel in a battle! It’s pretty amazing to see things that mention Israel as we get closer to going there! This basically confirm that Ramasess II was not Moses’ Pharaoh.

      The museum was also a bit strange in that it wasn't very well curated. Hardly any items had labels, the lighting was dim and it didn't seem to have a very logical flow to it. I've been cringing every time Medhat says "...but that is in the British Museum" - but now, I think I'm grateful that someone is looking after it properly!

      Later that night we strolled through the streets with Jamin and Janett & family. Saw how papyrus was made and bought a vial of jasmine perfume.

      Tomorrow morning we fly out to Jordan!
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    • Päivä 39

      Flights to Jordan

      8. marraskuuta 2019, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Up at 4:30am, a flight to Cairo and then Amman, we said goodbye to Michelle and “Em”. I will include the photos from yesterday’s visits to the Temple and Palace.

      Jordan is amazing! Our guide, Khared, is excellent....more about Jordan tomorrow!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 22

      Aufbruch zum Wüstenrennen

      28. toukokuuta 2022, Jordan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Am zweiten Tag brechen wie gemeinsam zum Startpunkt für das Wüstenrennen auf.
      Es sind zwei Etapoen geplant.

    • Päivä 19

      Jordan - Petra

      23. huhtikuuta 2019, Jordan ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Petra is one of the 7 Wonders of the World. It is a unique city of dwellings carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans and was an important junction for the silk and spice trade routes linking Asia, Arabia and Rome.
      The ancient hidden part of Petra was rediscovered in 1812. It is a burial site and Hidden beyond a small crevice in the rocky mountain range is a spectacular series of tombs carved out of the rocks. There is also temples and churches of different eras. In more modern times people began living in these cave homes, but since the site became a World Heritage Site they have been relocated to the township outside the syc.
      The site is a major tourist attraction and was full of hustle and bustle and shonky traders but it is all great fun.
      We took a camel for part of the way back out . Some of the group took a donkey ride.
      The Jordanians are really nice people!
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    Al Wādī al Abyaḑ, Al Wadi al Abyad, الوادي الأبيض


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