Caribbean is Calling (2024)

January - June 2024
A journey from January to June Read more
Currently traveling
  • 77footprints
  • 12countries
  • 141days
  • 557photos
  • 46videos
  • 10.4kkilometers
  • 5.2kkilometers
  • Day 2

    Up up and away

    January 15 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    Packing is always a last minute challenge and Ive never done it for 5 months+ but managed to fit everything into a big 48.7lb backpack that I dropped to the airport early, and another bag for personal stuff.
    Parnavi and Shray moved there stuff into the house the day before as they work through the week. I got a couple delay notices and wasn’t sure that I would get away.
    When I checked in I decided to upgrade to first class so I’d have access to the lounge and comfy seats on the plane.
    Evie was supposed to drive me, but since I was delayed I went to see Dad, came back home to drop the car, and had Chandana and Menuka drive me to friend David’s place in Dieppe. We hung out, did a swing to the airport to check my flight as I didn’t have data any longer (left my SIM with the Silva’s) and then to Second Cup for a smoothie.
    Flight was good and on walk to international part of the airport, a lady travelling from Moncton to Bahamas was struggling with luggage, so I carried it for her as it was a long walk. Once we got to her gate, I spotted a place to sleep and got a couple hours of shut eye untill my hips started to hurt. I woke around 2:30am and wondered the aisles and found a chair to nap in untill the lounge opened. I went to the lounge and got another hour of sleep, then took a long hot shower, got some breakfast and headed for my gate.
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  • Day 3

    Antigua bound

    January 16 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    Flight boarded on time but we waited on the tarmac for over two hours… to get engine to work, to get luggage loaded and drive the plane. In business class the seats were nice and big, although no TV’s on the plane. I got another hour or two of sleep and landed in the evening. Immigration went smooth although I was worried my bag wouldn’t arrive as it was checked all the way through. It was last on the trolly but luckily it arrived.
    Brian was waiting with pineapple in hand 🍍.
    He had a rental car and is not used to driving (due to living in NYC) so it was a tense drive back.
    We parked in the rental car lot and got the bags to the dingy. I wore the 48lb one as I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get it from the dingy to the Lorena (sailboat).
    Once on board I started to nest and get things put away while Brian cooked up a steak. We ate and went to bed as I was exhausted.
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  • Day 4


    January 17 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    We had the car until 3pm today. This morning we woke up, had our coffee and breakfast, and I put more things away as Brian wrote. We then headed for the car around 10am. Driving during the daylight was much better!
    We went to Woods Radiology to get a mammogram (cost $180 Canadian) as mine was scheduled for March in Moncton but I wouldn’t be there and although I could reschedule…. I wasn’t sure what times I would be in Moncton. You walk in, show past reports, pay and have it done all under we 45 minutes. Results arrive the same day and all is clear!
    Next was Harper’s to exchange the mouse Brian bought so it will work with both Mac and Surface Pro…. As I forgot mine at home.
    Then to food stalls along the road for fruit and Epicurean for groceries. We bought 3 big bags and headed back to Falmouth, gassed up and dropped off the car. Then took groceries to the dingy and back to the boat.
    We were invited out to dinner by Brian’s friends Babs and Tim. There were two other couples (Diane and Jeremy on Lema and Susan and Steve on Thursdays Child). We went to a pizza place and had a lamb pizza.
    Back to the boat and off to bed.
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  • Day 5

    Ready for Work

    January 18 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    As I was making breakfast a rainbow greeted my view…. One of the many joys of being on the boat.
    I had a conference call in the morning and Brian did a pastel. I continued working, but was feeling really sluggish and exhausted still. There is no time difference, so no jet leg, but I couldn’t look at the computer screen any longer.
    Brian was working on the forward leak so I took the opportunity to catch up and do two Yoga with Adrienne videos. We then went for a swim around the boat and scrub the dingy bottom. Brian does 7 laps, so I am going to try and match it daily, even though the current and waves are sometimes fierce.
    We had a nice salad and grilled pork chop meal, and then danced to some fun tunes, Brian played the guitar and off to bed.
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  • Day 6

    Mid Summer Nights Dream

    January 19 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    We took a look at the weather forecast and spoke with some friends, and have decided that we will likely stay in Antigua another week instead of heading to Dominica.
    Ashlynn called and I got to chat with her during a downpour as she was skiing at Mount Royal.
    I worked for most of the day and went swimming late in the day.
    Brian worked on his pastel. I love to watch how the first version transforms into something even better over the following day.
    We have been reading Mid Summer Nights Dream but I keep falling asleep while he is reading 💤 “awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth.”
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  • Day 7

    Chain Hair

    January 20 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We are still trying to decide if we leave or stay. The last few nights have been really difficult to sleep as the boat was rolling so much. One of the concerns is all the growth on the chain and not being able to get it off, while lifting the anchor (and allowing the chain down the hospipe).
    I wish I had taken a before and after picture. It was dirty and difficult to remove, but after lots of scrubbing it came off. The growth was only on the first 30-40 feet of chain. We used the wash down pump to rinse and clean the chain, but later realized it was not connected properly and had flooded the V-berth. We also has a problem with the bilge pump coming on but not pumping water. Both were fixable.
    After washing the chain and moving the boat about 500ft closer to the channel, I had stuff all over me and biting, so I jumped into the water and Brian followed. We had a good swim and did our 7 laps.
    Then we lounged on the boat and decided that to head to shore. Brian was going to do a pastel and then we were heading to Sushi at AYC.
    Maria met us at AYC and we had some G&T and chatted for quite awhile while Nicolas was at TOT.
    We made plans to connect again for yoga in the morning.
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  • Day 8

    Moving Lorena

    January 21 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Yoga class was a hit! I just taught to Maria (a fellow yoga teacher from Sweden who sails on a Swan 65) and we did a one hour class at AYC. Then we had coffee and chatted for another 1.5hrs.
    She was returning to the boat and I went to see if our tender/ dingy was still at the dock. It was and I was going to head to Nelson’s to look for Brian when he appeared. He had gotten into a conversation while redoing another version of the pillars (part of the Boom restaurant at Admirals Inn) with a professional artist, Philip Gray.
    We headed back to the boat and decided to move it again, in further toward Nicolas and Maria to get out of the swells. Anchoring doesn’t always work in the first, second or third try so it is stressful for Brian. However, we squeezed into a space. Later we went for a swim to Blue Magic but they were not at the boat. Maria came by shortly after and needed to borrow Starlink. We invited her for super (salad and turkey sausages) and then to visit friends at Nelsons Dockyard.
    She agreed…. After super we headed to Lena (Jeremy and Diane’s Amel) and stopped to see Nicolas along the way and he decided to leave TOT’s (a scotch club) and join us.
    We had a nice evening chatting with other sailors. Babs and Tim were heading to Guadeloupe in the morning.
    Back to the boat and bed… Mondays a work day!
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  • Day 9

    Nautical Namaste

    January 22 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    Had some work calls in the morning and Brian went off to do a pastel. One of my calls was delayed by an hour so I ended up filming my first little yoga video and put it on Instagram.
    Even though I am usually up by 6:30am, the days seem to fly by and I do not get all the things done that I need too. However, I am still on pace with doing Yoga with Adrienne every day…. Just not with producing my own classes or videos.
    We went for a swim in the late afternoon and met the boat beside us (Mermaid). Mike and Robin are the owners and it is the same boat designer as Lorena. They are the organizers of the Antigua Classic (a regatta I dreamed about racing in, in my 30’s). They recommended a person in Jolly Harbour who could potentially help with the boat leaks.
    **Also made muffins… an epic failure! Half burnt. I didn’t keep them in as long and only dialed to 350, but there is no thermometer in the gas oven. I’ll try again.
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  • Day 10

    Middle Ground

    January 23 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Work in the morning and move in the afternoon! At 3pm we went to Blue Magic to fetch Maria (Rolander) and go for a hike to Middle ground (great views and lots of small goats). It has been awhile since I moved my legs…. It’s felt good!
    We went to Coventry Gardens and go three bags of groceries, it cost $350 CND, which is what I paid back in December at home.
    Later in the evening we went over to Blue Magic and had super - brought some turkey sausages and okra for everyone, Nicholas and Maria added chicken, salad and a veggie dish. After the meal we learned how to play Mahjong. It was lots of fun, I actually won the first round (East Wind) of four.
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  • Day 11

    We Sail

    January 24 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    The plan was to wait for a weather window, Sunday or Monday, and sail to either Guadeloupe or directly to Dominica. However that changed after Chris Whalen visited the boat. He was the carpenter who worked on the boat beside us. He explained that the teak on the deck would need to be redone and the windows as well. Brian wants to get the windows done and Chris had an opening next week. I pushed him a bit on timing and he said he could start this week, so we left Falmouth for Jolly…. But not without incident.
    We went to lower the davit to hoist the dingy but forgot to unpin the wind turbine, so we bent metal and pipes the support brace. We were able to grab it during a lull and tie it off to fix everything without the concern of being whacked by a blade. Finally we were ready to leave, but the anchor was resistant (enjoying its spot snug in the sand)…. But eventually it released.
    It was a quick sail with wind gust up to 35knots and mainly following seas.
    Chris and Arthur met us at the work dock to grab our lines and it was a bit tricky as it was blowing hard.
    Once settled we went the Marina office to check in and had a bite to eat at the Mexican restaurant. We later returned to the area in search of a shower.
    It was yoga and bed for me, but unfortunately the bugs here are really bad and my body was covered in bites in the morning!!
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