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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Serbie
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Voyageurs à cet endroit
    • Jour 7

      Ab durch die Büsche

      24 juin 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Eine abenteuerliche Fahrt durch die Büsche brachte uns ans Flussufer des Uvac. Dieser lud zum Baden ein. Doch du meine Güte!! Der Fluss war arschkalt, also mit Sicherheit weniger als 10 Grad. Werner konnte es nicht lassen und legte seine Uhr hinein. Sie zeigte 7 Grad an. Aber die Erfrischung nach dem schweisstreibenden Tag tat höllisch gut.

      Zum Nachtessen bereiteten wir uns auf dem Feuer ein traditionelles Gericht mit Cevapcici, Ajvar und Lepinja zu.
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    • Jour 8


      25 juin 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Übrigens das Velo, das Werner fährt, hat noch einen langen Weg vor sich. Es gehört Andri und wir haben es bei ihm abgeholt.
      Werner fährt nun ca. eine Woche mit Remo mit. Dann deponieren wir es in Alexandropoulis in Griechenland in einem Hostel, wo es dann Ende Juli von Lara übernommen wird. Sie fährt mit Remo mit bis nach Istanbul und übergibt es dort an Andreina. Sie wiederum begleitet Remo ca. eine Woche. Anschliessend kommt Andri und fährt mit Remo durch die Türkei. So kann der Besitzer am Ende sein Velo wieder mit nach Hause nehmen.

      Confused? Dann einfach nochmals von Anfang an lesen…
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    • Jour 9

      Wildes Serbien

      26 juin 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Serbien hat uns mit seiner unberührten und wilden Natur fasziniert. Wir fuhren viel auf unbefestigten Strassen durch Wälder und über Hügellandschaften, was eine Herausforderung für Velo, Auto und Fahrer(in) war.
      Ein Highlight war der Aussichtspunkt zum Schlangenfluss Uvac, der sich für uns unerklärlich durch die Landschaft schlängelt.
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    • Jour 9

      Schutzhund Uva

      26 juin 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Wir fanden unser Nachtlager in der Nähe von Markovici.

      Zuerst Holz sammeln, sägen und sortieren. Feuerstelle mit Steinen errichten, feuern und kochen.

      Auf unserem Platz begrüsste uns eine junge Hündin. Sie war sehr sauber und anständig. Wir haben uns mit ihr angefreundet und tauften sie Uva. Sie bellte wenn sich jemand oder etwas nur in die Nähe unseres Bullis wagte. Wir werden eine sichere Nacht verbringen. Danke Uva.En savoir plus

    • Jour 8


      2 juillet 2022, Serbie ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Dieser Ort mit dem unaussprechlichen Namen ist schöner als gedacht. Hier steht die größte römisch katholische Kirche Serbiens - wer hätte das gewusst 😀
      Von hier geht wieder runter an die Donau. Heute Abend muss ich die Fähre bekommen.En savoir plus

    • Jour 9


      3 juillet 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute wieder ein langer Ritt - 125Km. Aber war vielleicht ganz gut die Srecke am Sonntag zu fahren. Nur wenig LKW. Bei den vielen Tunneln auf der Strecke war das so recht entspannt. Leider waren auch zwei derbe lange Steigungen dabei. Umso schöner die Abfahrten mit über 50 Sachen. Das eiserne Tor habe ich heute passiert. Tolle Ausblicke von oben. In Tekija gibt es entgegen der Aussage der polnischen Radler keinen Campingplatz. Die Leute vor'm Einkaufsladen meinen aber am Strand kann ich ohne Probleme Zelten.
      Und ne Dusche gibt's dort auch 😀
      Also noch mal Baden, Zelt aufbauen und den Abend direkt an der Donau genießen
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    • Jour 62

      Zlatibor, Serbia

      31 juillet 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      T E N countries and T W O months into this adventure!

      Driving down the mountain in Montenegro was even more interesting than going up. Seth tried to find a path through (remember we are off the map) instead of going back six kilometers away from the border. We ran out of pavement and continue on a gravel road of switchbacks. Once the gravel ran out, it was a narrower dirt road. We came to a muddy section from the previous night's storm and decided that was the end. Now to travel back the almost eight kilometers. First he had to back up about 500 meters to get to a switchback wide enough to turn around. While he backed down the hill on this narrow road lined with trees and ditches, Addy closed her eyes nervously. He eventually found a place to turn around and we made it down without incident.

      As we left Montenegro and entered Serbia, we saw many stray dogs roaming around. I believe at the border alone, we saw eight. Most homes we passed in smaller towns or in the country looked seemingly unfit to live in and potentially dangerous, but they seemed to get by. We saw people toting empty jugs and buckets to fill at water spickets everywhere we went. I am not sure if the source is a lovely, magical spring or if possibly their homes are not fully plumbed. We have read the tap water is drinkable, but who knows. Maybe we will test this information.

      We drove passed a few large fallen rocks and many more small ones that would really have been a bummer if they hit us. We managed to brave the mountainous highways of Serbia unscathed. Due to the mountains, we trekked through lots and lots of tunnels. I mean a lot! No matter what was happening in the car at the moment we met a tunnel, everyone would take a deep breath and hold it until the end or as far as we could. These tunnels were quite possibly the only time we heard silence the entire trip, so far. Funny, but true! Mabel often somehow "held her breath" through every tunnel beating us all. She would declare she made it with great pride. She was keeping her cheeks puffed up and completely silent, pretty stinkin' cute!

      We entered into Zlatibor Hills area, which is a ski town. Wow! This town was a stark difference from the communities we just drove through.

      This place was very nice, clean and surrounded by fields, forests, hiking paths and a few cows. The weather was drastically cooler and all our ladies needed their sweaters. We meandered around town, ate some treats, rode some random fair rides, and hiked through the woods.

      We let the girls each choose a treat as we walked through the city. Demi was considering something called a Bubble Waffle. This was a waffle that looked as if it was baked in one of those kid's Pop It toys rolled up with ice cream and cookies inside. It looked delicious, but she still wanted to look around before ordering. After looking at all the options, we returned to get this unique tasy treat, but they were closed!!! We waited and waited just in case they were just on a break. Seth told her jokingly that often the trick is: go buy another treat from a different place, once you can no longer have the thing you really want, then it will magically be open again and you can't get it. We finally gave up after about 20 minutes. They walked to get another treat at the opposite end. They had us wait and watch Bubble Waffle, just in case it opened. It DID! Addy ran to tell them and caught them just before ordering from the other place! Demi got her special treat after all and Seth was right! Ha ha!

      The fields and woods were just so peaceful and offered options for hiking just steps away from our apartment. The girls had so much fun exploring. Mabel road a "horse" named Appoloosa, as shown in the pictures. She has said on several occasions, when pretending to be a horse, that she wished that Appoloosa was her real name. Then she changed her horse into a fighting stick to face the wolves. She said, "Mom, if a wolf comes, I am gonna fight them, but only the means ones."
      She is hilarious.

      Addy knew I wanted to capture some photos near the woods and was adorable taking initiative to help me by posing readily for me.

      Demi and Seth raced ahead of us deeper into the woods. "Appoloosa" did not want to run and had to drink some water, so we moved slothfully. Demi gathered pine cones. Demi decided to spell out DeMille and Dad on the forest floor. She adores her Daddy.

      I think we all could have stayed a little longer in Zlatibor Hills with the lovely location, great apartment, perfect weather and gorgeous woods around us, BUT we were off to see more of Serbia!

      Oh ya, I forgot... This is the first country where someone got the Princess Bride movie reference on Seth's shirt. "My name is Inigi Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" Several people have commented on it, but not gotten it. This girl must be cool too, because she feels that all people should watch that movie and we agree.

      P.S. - I keep having to correct myself, because my brain wants to say Siberia.
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    • Jour 46

      Serbische Gastfreundschaft

      2 août 2022, Serbie ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Früh am Morgen war eine mystische Stimmung mit Nebel auf dem See. Aber schon bald kam die Sonne und verwandelte den See in einen Spiegel.

      Auch heute führte uns unsere Route über Hügel und durch kleine rumänische Dörfer. In dieser Gegend hatten viele Häuser reich verzierte Mosaikfassaden. Viele Einwohner boten ihre Ernten aus dem Garten direkt an der Strasse vor ihren Häusern an improvisierten Ständen an.

      Wir haben einen Abstecher nach Serbien gemacht zu einem Arbeitskollegen von Werner. Marjan ist zurzeit mit seiner Familie in seinem Heimatdorf in den Ferien und wir durften bei ihnen übernachten. Wir genossen die Dusche, die Gastfreundschaft und den wunderschönen Abend. Danke Marjan und Vedrana!
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    • Jour 63

      Belgrade, Serbia

      1 août 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      We made it to the capital of Serbia (not Siberia - I have to keep reminding myself that). The kids had a rough car ride this go around, which means our grown up energy was lower than usual. The normal kid things, "she looked at me" or " she's touching me" kind of things. Everyone was ready to get out of the car. We decided to take them to a park, feed them and the venture to the zoo before checking into our hotel.

      The girls decided they would nickname this zoo either "The Zoo of White Animals" or "The Wolf Zoo." This zoo had white lions, white tigers, white wolves, fancy white birds and white swans. Dozens of large artic wolves were spread throughout the zoo. One of them even had a baby and it was so cute! The girls were surprised to find a momma kangaroo with a little baby joey just chilling in her pouch. It was so adorable. Something a bit less cute, but still memorable was watching a hippo splatter poop all over the wall. My favorite animal, the peacock, just roamed as they pleased throughout the zoo grounds. And once we were caught off guard by a beautiful rooster hanging out behind a bush. We also saw a full grown bermise python, which reminded me how glad I am that Seth did not keep his snakes I bought him years ago. Too big for me!

      The zoo was built within old fortress walls, so you could see this cool fortress while touring the zoo. Along one of the fortress walls there was a stone ramp with ponies. One of the ponies just trotted right up to the girls and nuzzled Addy through the cage. Pretty fun! It made for a unique layout for sure. It also offered a cafe (with actual good coffee) and ice cream around every turn. They were strategic about some of these and placed one near the petting zoo and playground, so parents could relax. We definitely took advantage of this. Lastly, we hit the park. We had to pull them away for check-in, but it was fun while it lasted.

      This zoo made them miss their NC cousins, because it had some of Ada and Mae's favorite animals! We love and miss those girls!

      We ended our day with a second ice cream (made from unicorn rainbow milk) and a real burger with a bun! We have not seen a burger with a bun in quite sometime, because here a burger is just the meat usually.

      Everyone went to bed surprisingly early, despite their second ice cream. Tomorrow we are off yet again to see another piece of Serbia.
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    • Jour 47

      Agrarland Serbien

      3 août 2022, Serbie ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wir fuhren heute vorwiegend durch Agrarland. Die Felder mit Sonnenblumen, Mais, Weizen und Soja waren gigantisch und reichten bis zum Horizont. Dementsprechend gross waren auch die Lagersilos und die Sonnenblumenölfabriken.

      Da wir gerne am Wasser übernachten, nahmen wir die Schotterstrasse zum Zobnatica-See und haben es uns dort gemütlich gemacht. Rund um den See gab es etwa alle 50 m einen Steg, meistens mit einem Häuschen, für die Fischer.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Serbia, Serbien, Sèrbia, Serwië, ሰርብያ, صربيا, ܣܪܒܝܐ, صيربيا, Sirwiya, Serbiya, صربیستان, Сербия, Serbya, Сербія, Сърбия, সারবিয়া, སེར་བི་ཡ།, সার্বিয়া, Srbija, Серби, ᏒᏈᏯ, سربیا, Sırbistan, Srbsko, Serbskô, Срьбїꙗ, Sırbıstan, Serbiska, ސާބިއާ, Σερβία, Serbio, Sérbia, صربستان, Serbie, Sèrbie, Servje, An tSeirbia, An t-Sèirb, Sevia, सर्बिया, સર્બિયા, Yn Serb, Seripia, סרביה, Sèbi, Szerbia, Սերբիա, セルビア, serbias, სერბია, Сербиэ, ಸೆರ್ಬಿಯಾ, 세르비아, Сӧрбия, Serbi, Servië, ປະເທດແຊກບີ, Serbija, Serbeja, 塞爾維亞, Сербие, Сербий, Србија, സെര്‍ബിയ, Serbja, ဆားဘီးယား, Сербия Мастор, صربستون, Terbiya, Serbii, Sarbiyaa, ସର୍ବିଆ, ਸਰਬੀਆ, سربيا, Sérvia, Sirbya, Seribiya, Serbėjė, සර්බියාව, Seerbiya, Srbiyakondre, ISebhiya, Syrbijo, செர்பியா, సెర్బియా, เซอร์เบีย, Serbiýa, Sēpia, Sebia, Terepia, سېربىيە, Servia, Xéc-bi, Särbän, Seerbi, 塞尔维亚, Серпудин Орн, სერბეთი, סערביע, Sérbíà, i-Serbia


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