Turks- und Caicosinseln
Bermudian Harbour

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      In to the Blue

      13. Februar in Turks- und Caicosinseln ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Today's tale takes us from the mesmerizing blues and crystal-clear waters of Turks and Caicos to the quaint harbor of Cockburn in South Caicos. Picture this: we approached Cockburn Harbor, nestled among the islands, with its vast plateau where the water depth ranges from a mere 0 to 2 meters. It's like cruising on a giant lake smack dab in the middle of the North Atlantic!

      Now, here's where the fun begins. Our trusty sailboat, bless its heart, had a tad too much draft for these shallow waters. So, faced with the prospect of a 17-hour detour to Provo, the largest island in the chain, we opted for the ferry ride instead. And let me tell you, folks, that ferry was no leisurely cruise—it was a thrill ride at 30 knots through a sea of unreal turquoise hues.

      As we zipped along, we couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of locals loading up the ferry with everything from paint buckets to boxes of toast bread and children's toys. Ah, the everyday hustle and bustle of island life!

      Now, Provo might've been a bit too 'Americanized' for our taste, but Cockburn Harbor? That's where the real charm lies. I could've happily lingered there a while longer, soaking in the laid-back vibe and friendly faces. Alas, the winds of adventure beckon, and tomorrow promises a sweet window for sailing.

      So, onwards we go, with Jamaica as our next port of call! Stay tuned for more tales from the high seas as we chase the horizon and embrace the unknown. Until next time, fair winds and following seas, my friends! 🌊⛵️

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