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    • Giorno 4

      Day 5 - Matana to Rutana

      6 giugno, Burundi ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      An easier cycling day than yesterday . We left at 8am through Matana on beautiful undulating roads. The first stop was the source of the Nile! - you may have heard that the the source is in Uganda or Rwanda but apparently it is actually in Burundi and to prove it a pyramid is build the that emulates the ones in Egypt! Next stop was some hot springs nearby - great for sore legs! Then we got back to riding - the highlight being a 10km downhill section through the the valley really stunning!

      After a bumpy van drive down a long dirt track to our hotel we are greeted to a beautiful hotel with hot showers and WiFi! A very needed snack of chips with chorizo was made and then we hopped back in the pickup and made our way to the waterfalls!

      We were shown to each one by a guide, each unbelievably beautiful! When we saw the biggest one Simon turns to me and says “do we get in? It’s the most powerful water we’d feel” to which I reply “yes!”. So in we got and the feeling under the waterfall was incredible, we were screaming and shouting out of pure excitement but could barely hear each other!

      Back for dinner, a campfire and now to bed!

      “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.”
      ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭42‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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    • Giorno 5

      Day 6 - Rutana to Ruyigi

      7 giugno, Burundi ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Day 3 of cycling started with breakfast and then driving down the lane from our hotel back to the main road. We were in the pick-up so left slightly later than the others. When we got to the main road, we set off trying to catch the others up!

      We met them at Kibiye hospital, which was 20k up the road. There we met some American families that had come to Burundi to work as doctors and train new ones as in 2013 when they came there was only 300 doctors in the country. The hospital was amazing, the facilities they had and the service they provide is incredible, especially in such a rural hospital.

      We then carried on, a further 50k on an undulating that is only 5 years old so was very smooth! The scenery as always was amazing, cycling through the hills and trees, seeing rice, coffee and bananas being grown all around.

      We arrived to the hotel, had a shower (this time cold), had the usual incredible chips as a snack and headed out for a walk around the town! We went to this amazing project with a library, playground and teaching rooms for the children. We then carried on walking around the town, always accompanied by at least 20 children!

      Back for dinner and now bed before a much bigger day of cycling tomorrow!

      “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
      ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭12‬

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    • Giorno 181


      11 giugno 2023, Burundi ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      After leaving Malawi myself and another traveller Jonathan spent a few long days on busses crossing western Tanzania to get to Burundi. With only a 3 day visa in hand we only had limited time to cross Burundi to get to Rwanda. Luckily we had Jerome, a fantastic Burundian guy that helped us to navigate the country quickly. On day one we hired a car to take us to the source of the river Nile. There seem to be several sources of the Nile depending on what country you're in, but Burundi seem convinced that theirs is the right one as it is the furthest from the source! While we were there we bumped into a load of teenagers on a school trip, and we ended up in the same place as them for the other Burundian sights that we went to see too! We bumped into them later that afternoon at Karere Waterfalls , a series of beautiful waterfalls in southern Burundi.
      After a night in a very local hotel and some good local food, we set off to see the Royal Drummers of Burundi. The drummers are apparently world renowned and have travelled all over the world to perform. They energetically played for 40 min in the burning heat, and the large group of students really added to the atmosphere as they cheered along and ended up dancing with them at the end. They were well worth the effort of coming to Burundi to see them!
      We then headed to Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi and wandered around the city a bit. Finally we had a driving tour around Bujumbura to get more of an idea of it before saying goodbye to Jerome and heading for the Rwanda border.
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