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    • Day 102

      Nord-West-Süd Tour

      February 14 in Samoa ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Heute haben wir uns dann endlich ein Auto gemietet, um die Insel besser zu Erkunden. Wir waren in einem Resort frühstücken und sind in einem Marine Reserve schnorcheln gegangen, die riesigen Muscheln, Giant Clams, dort sind etwa so groß wie Puja und leuchten in allen Farben und Mustern. Und sie schließen sich wenn man sie berührt. Dass sollte man besser nicht tun, denn die kleinen können dir mühelos einen Finger abtrennen und die großen machen nicht mehr auf sodass man einfach ertrinken würde.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 3

      March 13 in Samoa ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Low key annoyed. Was ready to go by 8 in the reception but got told we were leaving at 9 because of the tide. Completely valid reason but I’m sad cause I’m so tired 😫🤣 An Extra hour of sleep would have been marvelous lol
      Arrived back at 9 and and waited around a bit. Went to get on the bus an noticed a lady holding goggles and snorkel and I asked if we needed to go from reception and she said yes 🙃 we have been sitting here 15 minutes as if no one told us this. Would have been so mad if I sat on a bus for an hour for us to not be able to participate. Reception didn’t have anymore so we drove to the boat shed and Will came back with flippers which prompted the other lady to ask if she needed them too which she was told yes 🙃 so she had to get out too.
      Communication not ideal but got there in the end.
      I read on the bus my hard copy book which I think is my first book since before our big Europe trip. At least 7 years. So weird holding it.
      Again, it’s Africa.
      I’m confused how it operates. Each house is so far from the others and there is a school every village but I don’t understand where everyone comes from??? You’re have to walk 50km or are you living in the trees?
      how do you get here and then home? You could leave now and wouldn’t be home before school was starting again tomorrow?
      It’s the amount of kids that’s throwing me.

      Got there, stripped and got in the water.
      Now, a lot of complaining is about to happen (even for me) but I did actually have a good time.
      BUT got in the water and my snorkel had a hole in it which the guide fixed but still gahhh after I swallowed sea water.
      it was also wicked frustrating that one of flippers straps didn’t work. Will fixed it once then I gave up and just used one and had to hold it.
      My snorkel also didn’t clip onto my goggles which was annoying when trying to clean my goggles (which were too small.. 🤣) because I didn’t have enough hands to hold my flipper, snorkel and not get water in my eyes…
      Saw some beautiful blue starfish and big sea slugs.
      I also saw a big turtle which was great. I doubt all tours are successful.
      I LOVED the clam section. Hundreds and hundreds of baby ones then they got biggger and bigger and bigger until the BIG ones.
      I liked watching them flinch when a fish swam by. Just highlighted they are alive.
      There was just the shell of one who must have died which I also though was awesome.
      In a fool hearty attempt to clean my goggles while holding all my shit I cut my toes on some coral so I called it a day and swam back to shore.
      Ate our free sandwich and muffin while waiting for the others to swim back then got back on the bus.
      Great idea bringing a book.
      Our driver makes me uncomfortable. He is a nice my but I don’t know what he is sayingggggggg.

      Will went down for a sleep. I read for about an hour he before going in the in the ocean.
      I examined some different coral and then I found a little yabby looking thing making a hole. It has made a barrier out of shells and went down and got out scoops of sand on repeat. It had a black fish in the entrance too. I watched them for agessss. I’m sure people though I was weird just staring directly at the water lol

      Had a quick 30 min power nap then got ready for Fia Fia night.
      Was a buffet dinner which we arrived early for so entertained myself on the Wi-Fi in reception. It’s so dodgy.
      Got sat at our table and ended up being seated with the Germans which I was so awkward about. Their English is more than acceptable but not strong enough for constant small talk.
      They are quite lovely. Just very German 🤣
      The husband had to translate for his wife a a lot of it which I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt - might be why he kept talking during the tour yesterday - he was translating. If yes, then significantly let rude.
      1.5 hours of small talk 😬😬😬
      Food was good. Especially for the price of buffet and show. The poleneysian peoples plates were commented on my all non poleneysisn descended kiwis and aussies.
      They were all literally 6 layers high. I have never seen such full plates in all my life.
      German lady even commented how fat they all were 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      The show eventually started and they did a karva welcome ceremony which I had such anxiety over i left and went to the toilet. We got taught words and then had to say them if given the Karba but legit everyone also gave a speech so I jumped ship.
      Will got picked while I was hiding hahahaha

      He show began and I enjoyed the dancing.
      He woman were obviously very skilled and the men, especially the one always in the middle went HARD.
      They then had 2 volunteers.
      The man danced with the man and the woman with the woman - they copied.
      Then they swapped and freestyled and it turned into this weird orgy hands on grinding dance.
      I beg pardon what is happening.

      Then was the fire dance which was the clear highlight of the whole evening and excellent.
      I crept up front to film. First 2 blokes were amazing but did drop it a few times and I just had this imagine of him losing control and it flinging at me so I moved back to the back to watch.
      A duo act and then they finished.
      Then we sat down for final dance with a lady in I presume traditional dress and head set
      One of our drunk neighbours got up and started dancing with them completely interrupting the performance AND THEN USED HIS MOUTH TO PUT A MONEY NOTE BETWEEN HER BREASTS LIKE A STRIPPER

      I cannot.

      I felt everyone around us was uncomfortable too and grimacing at each other. 😬
      Did some awkward birthday singing then called it a night.
      Read more

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